Displaying items by tag: Life Trends 2023

Life Trends Report

Life Trends2024Heartbeat International and its network of more than 3,500 pregnancy help service providers worldwide work tirelessly to offer hope and help to women and families experiencing unexpected pregnancies. From this network of care, we can discover and evaluate trends within the movement as a whole and use them to inform and encourage others on the work accomplished.

The Life Trends Report exists to provide a snapshot of life-affirming pregnancy help. Having an awareness of the trends within the pregnancy help movement creates a better understanding as the culture changes and shifts over time.

The information within the 2024 Life Trends Report pulls in 2023 data and should be used to better understand the services our clients seek, while providing key information to share publicly about the good work and positive impact of pregnancy help.

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Findings from the Report:
  • 1,949,457 total client visits to affiliated pregnancy help organizations in 2023
  • 93% of Option Line contacts are mission-critical
  • 22% of women report receiving the abortion pill from the internet or friends rather than a healthcare professional, an increase of 18% since 2021

Our affiliate pregnancy help centers (PHCs) offer a broad range of services from abstinence education and STD testing/treatment, to Abortion Pill Rescue and parenting classes.

  • 73% provide Abortion Recovery services.
  • 31% are part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.
  • 76% provide ultrasound.
  • 56% provide incentive programs for clients.
  • 34% provide STD Testing.
  • 80% of women considering an abortion choose life when they see an ultrasound.

Abortion Trend: Increased Access with Little Oversight

In the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the landscape of abortion has undergone a profound transformation. The shifting landscape of abortion, characterized by increased accessibility, reduced medical oversight, and alarming risks to women’s health, underscores the urgent need for compassionate care and practical support for women facing unplanned pregnancies as provided by the pregnancy help movement. 

  • Chemical abortion accounts for over 80% of all abortions in the U.S.
  • Data shows a 38% drop since 2017 of women receiving ultrasound screenings before abortion initiation has been observed, depriving women of vital information about their pregnancies
  • 22% of women report obtaining abortion pills online or from acquaintances in the last three years

Life Trend: Expanded Services

Expanded Services: Pregnancy help organizations often expand their reach by providing additional outreach to women in need, with little to no federal taxpayer dollars.

  • 256 have Mobile Units
  • 100 have on-site Doctors
  • 46 have Telehealth

Life Trend: Abortion Pill Reversal

Heartbeat's Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) connects women who regret taking the first dose of the abortion pill regimen to a network of medical professionals trained to administer the reversal protocol.

  • 5,000+ lives have been saved since 2012, according to statistics
  • 1,200 lives were saved in 2023 through APR
  • 150 women on average start the abortion pill reversal process each month
  • Women in all 50 states and 93 countries contacted APRN in 2023
  • 77% of women who seek reversal do so within 24 hours of taking the abortion pill
  • 43% increase in reversal starts since 2020

Life Trend: Option Line

Option Line's 24/7 pregnancy helpline serves as a vital resource, especially when pregnancy centers are closed. It ensures that assistance is available round the clock, offering support to women in need, particularly in times when alternative options like abortion pills by mail are being considered.

  • 58% of contact via phone
  • 9% of contact via chat
  • 23% use a self-service locator
  • Option Line connects someone to life-saving help every 76 seconds
  • More than 7 million women and men have contacted Option Line since 2003 


• • • Download the Life Trends 2024 Report • • • 

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The more who know about the many ways the pregnancy help movement serves women and communities, the better. 

HBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat AffiliatesHBI Life Trends Graphics Heartbeat Affiliates