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April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

by Sara Dominguez, Heartbeat InternationalAbortionRecoveryApril

Did you know that April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month? In a culture where abortion is framed as a “quick and easy” solution to a “temporary problem”, we in the pregnancy help community know that regret is a common experience after an abortion. At times, the regret can be immediate leading women who have taken the first abortion pill to call the 24/7 Abortion Pill Rescue® Network to receive help and healing with the hope of continuing her pregnancy. For others, the experience of hurt and regret may emerge years after the abortion. Regardless of whether the regret after an abortion is immediate or appears later in life, we know that there is hope for healing and recovery after the loss of abortion.

Many organizations affiliated with Heartbeat International either provide abortion recovery programs or point to abortion recovery organizations offering a wide array of opportunities for healing ranging from support groups and retreats to bible studies and one-on-one counseling.

You can explore resources related to Abortion Recovery and the amazing organizations that provide them here.

Abortion recovery resources are not only available to women, but to men as well, and we know the need for abortion recovery healing for men is ever-growing. This month on the Pregnancy Help Podcast, we were blessed to be joined by Jeff Joaquin who shares his story of healing after abortion. The amazing theme that seemed to carry throughout our conversation was about God’s mercy. At times, it can be difficult for me to wrap my mind around the perfect love that we are offered by the One who created us – a love that far surpasses my own feeble attempts at loving. But what hope can be found when we let go of our preconceived notions about the sort of love we “deserve,” and allow ourselves to receive the healing love that our Father offers to us every single day!

You can listen to Jeff Joaquin’s story here.

And so, let’s spend the month of April sharing the wonderful news that there is hope and healing after an abortion. That the God who created us and who loves us perfectly is ready to meet us right where we are to heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds (Psalm 147: 3). We can take our time to tell our stories, whether on paper, in the confidence of a loved one, or confidentially in a small group or counseling room. There is powerful healing to be had when we step into the light of His mercy and allow Him to reveal to us how perfectly loved we are in His eyes.