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Heartbeat International Affiliation Form - International

International Affiliates (outside U.S.): $70.00 USD

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To initiate/renew your Heartbeat affiliation online, please click here:

button begin or renew my affiliation

If you are in a developing country and would like to request a scholarship to cover your affiliation fee, please contact Ellen Foell at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


 Advancing Life-Affirming Pregnancy Help Worldwide

To become an affiliate of Heartbeat International, you must review and agree to abide by the Heartbeat Principles and the Commitment of Care and Competence:

Heartbeat Principles Our Commitment to Care Compentence 2024
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As an affiliate of Heartbeat, our agency or organization subscribes to the principles of Heartbeat and “Our Commitment of Care and Competence.” We recognize that we are autonomous in all other matters of policy and management. This includes choice of name, method of operation, and all other matters which do not violate the principles of Heartbeat International. We expressly agree that General Counsel for Heartbeat International does not act as our legal counsel, and cannot represent us in legal proceedings or give us legal advice. We understand that Heartbeat’s General Counsel is available for consultation to our agency or organization’s legal counsel. Any general legal education provided by Heartbeat’s General Counsel does not constitute the practice of law.