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Heartbeat Announces Launch of


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Wednesday | February 4, 2015
Contact: Jay Hobbs, Director of Communications and Marketing
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COLUMBUS, OHIO – Seeking to unite a worldwide community made up of staff, leaders, volunteers, board members and community supporters in over 6,000 locations, Heartbeat International, the world's largest and most expansive network of life-affirming pregnancy help organizations has launched a new website,

The site, which went live Jan. 19, is updated each business day with news, commentary and features, all of which affect and surround the realm of pregnancy help centers, medical clinics (with ultrasound and STI testing), maternity homes and non-profit adoption agencies.

"In our Worldwide Directory of Pregnancy Help, we list over 6,000 pregnancy help organizations," Heartbeat International Vice President Jor-El Godsey said. "Our goal with is to create a specific source of information and sort of first-stop homepage to connect these life-affirming friends around the day's news that specifically impacts the courageous work in which they are involved every day."

While promotion of the site has been largely confined to the nearly 2,000 organizations affiliated with Heartbeat International, garnered over 1,000 unique page views Monday, Feb. 2.

The top-read news story on the site is of a mother whose baby was saved through the collaboration of Abortion Pill Reversal and a Southern California pregnancy center after the mother had taken the first round of the abortion pill, RU-486. Readers are also invited to register and interact on a free conversation forum.

"One element we are especially excited to bring to the table with this site is its focus on pregnancy centers and the work they do," said Editor-in-Chief Jay Hobbs, who is joined in leadership by Senior Writer Kirk Walden, long-time publisher of Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

"We see as an excellent bridge, where anyone involved in the pregnancy help community can point friends and potential supporters and say, 'This is what we do. This is our world.'"