Displaying items by tag: institute

Strengthening the Core at Institute

by Jay Hobbs, Communications and Marketing Director

When leadership is discussed as a topic unto itself, most experts tend to zero in on models, theories, and examples.

How frequently should my team meet? How strictly should the Board abide by Robert's Rules of Order?

Should my title be Director? Executive Director? Grand Pooba?

As you may have guessed, the idea of sitting through an extended meeting to focus on these burning topics wasn't exactly on my Can't-Wait-To-Do List.

My fears were dispelled about 30 seconds into the Leadership track of this year's Heartbeat's Institute for Center Effectiveness.

Instead of wrangling about which leadership strategy has which benefits or holes in it, our facilitator, John Rue of Built to Lead, went straight to the heart when the starting gun fired.

John's point, from start to finish, was that, if we are ever going to lead—or even live—with freedom and conviction, the question of "Who" we are needs to be settled and fanned into flame.

Am I primarily a director? A leader? A pastor? A husband? A dad?

If so, I'm going to face an uphill climb any time any of those identities are threatened. Bad day at work? That's an assault on my primary identity as a director. Bad day at home? That's an assault on my primary identity as a husband and dad.

The biblical shorthand for all of this is idolatry. It's dethroning God and setting up something in His place. When we do that with our work, family, friends, or anything else, we're cutting ourselves off from our true identity: Believer, Son, Friend of God, Sheep. Not only that, but we're putting an astronomical burden on something (or someone) who was never intended to bear the weight of the universe.

That was the starting point for the week, where we focused on finding not "balance," but alignment between who we are and what we do. This is where our core identity aligns with our passion, and where work becomes a joyful outflow.

What's your primary identity? What are you passionate about? Do they line up? Maybe next year's Heartbeat's Institute for Center Effectiveness is a great place to find out.


Air Force Three...

by Chet Scott, Built To Lead

The US Air Force trains it team to memorize two numbers, for the sole purpose of their survival during a time of trauma. We don't recall so well when we're overwhelmed, so our military leaders want these numbers embedded in their soldiers brains.

Our tendency, remember, is to do nothing, to turn into statues when we become hyper-stressed. This is rarely the right call. If the building is on fire, run. If the plane has crashed and you are still alive – move. If the boat is capsizing in the open seas, get going. Head for the upper deck and plan your escape. Don't sit still. However, if you're lost deep in the woods, according to Ken Hill a renowned expert in this field, don't get busy moving. Don't run. Don't move. This is where being a statue actually pays off. STOP. You are most likely to be found, in this case, if you stay where you are. Moving on...

Our fear tendency takes a similar look and feel every day around the hallways of corporate America. The moment things get a little hazy, crazy, and out of control we start to freak. When we can't see where we're going the freak can reach a dizzying peak. Our brain gets overwhelmed and without a sense of direction, we go statue again. We ruminate, and we tend toward sitting in our "cubes" and either doing nothing, or doing nothing new.

We STOP. We wait for the leader to tell us the way forward. They rarely do. So, mindlessly we continue to do what we've always done even when deep inside we know it's not working. And, oftentimes we go further. We allow our brain to forecast the future and it tends to catastrophize when given an overwhelming problem and little to no direction home. Yikes. Back to our Air Force pair of num's to recall.

Here are the numbers.



The USAF reminds it's workers of these two numbers over and over again. Here's what they mean.

98.6, as you already know, is our optimum core body temperature. When it gets below 88 you can't think clearly and when it drops below 82, you're toast. They teach their team to do what's necessary to remember techniques to keep warm. Here's one. Consume sugar even if it's cold. Sugar is the best ignitor of heat. Choose sugar over coffee, tea, or alcohol. Is that sweet or what?

3 is a little more complicated. They refer to this as the Rule of 3.

You cannot survive:

  • 3 seconds without spirit and hope.
  • 3 minutes without air.
  • 3 hours without shelter in extreme conditions.
  • 3 days without water.
  • 3 weeks without food.
  • 3 months without companionship or LOVE.

Here's the BTL AND...

To live out your OPUS while traveling your builder's journey, please remember this:

Your CORE temperature needs to feel like fire. As you pay attention to what gives you energy along this journey we call life, you can significantly improve your chances of writing your masterpiece. Step one is realizing what gives you energy the moment you are doing it. We refer to these as discovering your LOVE's. We ask our clients to write this in the form of their love to's. Very cool. Great lives are always lived by someone that discovers their passions and falls in LOVE in work and life. This is step one...

3 numbers we remind our family, friends, and clients are as follows:

  • 12 Essentials of Personal Excellence
  • 8 Essentials of Leading Teams
  • 4 Essentials of Leading Leaders

12 8 4 powered by 2 is our framework for building CORE centered confidence, Communities with chemistry, and Continuity with contentment. These fortunate few live lives that represent their masterpiece. Their teams are inspired communities of people that are building deep trust and tasting what it's like to be in flow. They build the next generation of leaders before they need them and understand why this is best. These, home grown leaders, carry the vision forward and make it clearer during their time. The team outlasts it's founder and continues on with uncommon alignment, engagement, and energy. The Leader looks back at this legacy with contentment. Very cool.



And, you're BTL CORE on fire. We'll call this you're Air Force three. Remember these and you'll be flying.


Like this article? You'll love Heartbeat International's Insitutes for Center Effectiveness, which features on-site training from the Built To Lead team in the Leadership Track. Registration is open today for Insitutes, which takes place Sept. 29-Oct. 3 in Columbus, Ohio. Click here to learn more.

Heartbeat Welcomes Leaders to Institute


Though the weather has been anything but welcoming, the 17 attendees to Heartbeat's Institute for Center Effectiveness are gaining invaluable insight from the shelter of the great indoors this week in Columbus, Ohio.

Top-notch training from long-time pregnancy help leader Kirk Walden and leadership expert/executive coach Kitty Allen have comprised the week-long event, which has drawn participants from as far away as Southern California and South Carolina--home of Heartbeat's 2014 Annual Conference March 24-27.

The week-long training event includes a tour of Heartbeat International's central operating facilities, including the headquarters for Option Line, Heartbeat's 24/7 pregnancy helpline.

Pregnancy Help Institute

Not your Typical Ministry. Not your Typical Training.

The Pregnancy Help Institute has provided thousands of pregnancy help leaders with professional training. Over time, this training has added key elements vital to the pregnancy help movement as services expand. 

This year is no different. Our 2025 Pregnancy Help Institute will be July 21-25 in Columbus, OH. Start planning now!

The Pregnancy Help Institute dives deep into core topics useful both in the pregnancy help movement and in life. Organized under three intensive tracks (New Director, Development, and Leadership), the Pregnancy Help Institute integrates executive-level instruction in a small-group environment, where you'll have the unparalleled opportunity to process information and strategies with experts and fellow front-line pregnancy help leaders. (Looking for ultrasound training? Click here!)

The New Director Track - for Directors with less than 3 years of experience

"I cannot imagine a more fitting training to kick off this new position. I left challenged, inspired, feeling connected to others in the movement. I am humbled and blessed."

NewDirectorIf you have less than three years of experience in directing a life-affirming pregnancy center, medical clinic, maternity home, or nonprofit adoption agency, the New Director training is perfect for you. When you combine the wisdom gained from this training with your calling from the Lord, you are truly prepared to navigate effectively, avoid pitfalls, and increase your effectiveness as a leader. Facilitated by Heartbeat International staff with years of experience in pregnancy help leadership, you'll be in good hands.

Designed for Directors with less than 3 years of experience leading a pregnancy help organization.

This includes:

  • Keys to a Healthy Organization
  • Strategic Planning
  • Board Governance
  • Volunteer Recruitment, Retention, & Training
  • Core Client Programs
  • Development — Raising Friends and Funds
  • Staff Growth & Development
  • Energizing Tips to Maintain Focus

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The Development Track - for Fundraisers

"I am new to this field and have come away feeling equipped to make suggestions and push back on old systems and events that are less effective. I am excited to foster relationships with our supporters and to see where these relationships take us."


Advancing development through a more robust understanding of the nature and ministry of development is at the heart of this track. Anyone with responsibility for donor development or a part of the development plan will benefit from this advanced training. Seasoned pregnancy help leaders will join Cindi Boston-Bilotta, Leanna Baumer, Terri Barnhart, and Frances Lacson from Heartbeat's Mission Advancement team to provide a comprehensive view of a healthy development planning, follow-through, and steps for funding your mighty mission.

Designed for those whose role includes donor development within a pregnancy help organization.

This includes:

  • Biblical Foundations for Fundraising
  • Setting Goals and Targets
  • Funding Your Mission - Starting and Building
  • Creating & Maintaining Monthly Support
  • Developing Church Relationships
  • Building Major Gift Relationships
  • Writing Effective Grants
  • Communicating with Financial Partners
  • Creating Effective Direct Appeals

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The Leadership Track - for Seasoned Leaders

"The leadership track went beyond expectations. For the first time in a long time, I was challenged in the area of strategic thinking, and I learned a lot that I will carry with me through life as a ministry leader, mother, and wife."

LeadershipCreated for seasoned leaders, the Leadership track contains concepts developed by Built to Lead, an executive coaching program that has trained CEOs, presidents, and ministry leaders nationwide. Here, you will learn proven techniques on how to lead effectively both at work and in your personal life and practice those methods throughout the week. Alumni are welcome to return for this track at any point for more training and refreshment!

Designed for seasoned leaders who want to invest in their ministry through leadership development.

This includes:

  • Personal Leadership Development
  • Goal Setting
  • Team Building
  • Leadership Growth (Leading Leaders)

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All Training Tracks will have prerequisite work that must be completed before attending the Pregnancy Help Institute. The list of prerequisites will be included in your registration confirmation

Hotel Information

Instructions for booking your hotel room at a neighboring hotel for $109/night are provided during registration. When booking at Heartbeat's selected hotel, you'll be within walking distance from the hotel, have breakfast provided, and have access to a local shuttle service in the evenings.

5 reasons you need to come to Pregnancy Help Institute

  1. It’s corporate training at a non-profit cost.
    Businesses nationwide use Built to Lead to train CEOs, Presidents, and Boards in Leadership Training. We have partnered with these executive coaches to bring you business training at a price you can afford.
  2. It’s far more dynamic and personal than a conference.
    Conferences, specifically the big annual ones, are incredible. There are so many people to meet and so much to learn, but sometimes you need more personalized in-depth training. Pregnancy Help Institute is intentionally sized for an intimate learning environment. Pregnancy Help Institute provides individual interaction and personal feedback to help you grow in your role and increase your effectiveness.
  3. It’s vital to invest in yourself.
    "We must all learn to lead ourselves with excellence before we can lead a team towards excellence. In other words, we believe that excellence achieved individually will spread organizationally." - Built to Lead’s Belief
  4. A burst of training can take you a long way. 
    One week can literally revolutionize your personal leadership as well as grow your knowledge and understanding. Working with trainers and fellow participants over an extended time yields an exponential return on your investment of time.
  5. The relationships you build will be powerful.
    There's nothing more powerful than realizing you're not alone, and at Pregnancy Help Institute, you are surrounded by people not only who share your values, but also are close to you on the same journey.

Pregnancy Help Institute training qualifies for the Life Affirming Specialist (LAS) designation.

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