June 27, 2024
Heartbeat International
Heartbeat inquiries: press@jdaworldwide.com
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Republican Party’s 2024 draft platform represents a troubling departure from its longstanding tradition of affirming the inherent dignity of every human being, including the unborn child. This shift has caused deep concern among pregnancy help organizations across the nation.
Since the 1980s—almost as long as the pregnancy help movement in the United States has existed—the Republican Party platform has proclaimed the timeless moral principle that all human lives, from the moment of conception, have irreplaceable value. Importantly, this call to protect innocent life under both state and federal law has ensured that any public policy discussion of abortion fully recognizes abortion’s harm to mom, dad, AND child.
For over 50 years, pregnancy help organizations—now numbering 3,000 medical clinics, resource centers, and maternity homes nationwide—have offered compassionate care to women navigating an unexpected pregnancy so they can be empowered to embrace a healthier choice than abortion. Our mission is based upon recognition of the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception. Serving nearly 1 million families annually, our network of pregnancy help offers free services and long-term relational support that gives parents hope-filled futures with their children.
Today, 2 out of 3 abortions are administered through abortion pills. With unregulated chemical abortion expanding exponentially and ravaging our communities, now is the time to affirm and redouble our commitment to life. We call on Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley and the GOP Platform Committee to hold fast to the Republican Party’s legacy of cherishing human dignity.
We stand in agreement with the Minority Report submitted to the GOP Platform Committee by platform delegates, which calls for amendments to the current draft platform to include protections for the unborn and encourages life-affirming alternatives to abortion. It is imperative that the Republican Party uphold its historical commitment to the dignity of all human life by ensuring that these essential protections are maintained in the 2024 platform. Only by embracing this legacy can we truly foster a nation that values every individual, born and unborn, and provides a hopeful future for all.
While we will always remain committed to supporting every woman with practical care and alternatives to abortion, we call now on the party of Lincoln to declare boldly what is self-evident: that every person from the moment of conception is exceptional, valuable, and worth protecting. Only when we have American leadership determined to count all people—including the most vulnerable amongst us—as part of the American family can our nation truly thrive.
To add your name to a petition calling on the Republican Platform to retain its longstanding positions protecting life, click here.