Susan Thibault

I was adamantly against abortion until I found myself pregnant.  The miracle of life had always intrigued me, but my amazement turned to panic when I became pregnant with my first child at the age of 24.  From the moment of conception I was sick physically and emotionally. My relentless fears of failure eventually lead me to an abortion clinic. I had convinced myself that, despite my desire to be a mother, I wouldn't be a very good one and that any child would be doomed in my hands.  I never thought I would be inside an abortion clinic.  When I spoke with a counselor, I hoped she would see me for the broken girl that I was, but she didn't. I decided to go ahead with the abortion. It felt as though everyone in the procedure room was numb.  I left the abortion clinic carrying a heavier burden than I walked in with. I immediately regretted my decision to abort my baby.

Eighteen months later I became pregnant again, thinking that I was ready for motherhood.  To my horror, the same fears consumed me, only this time they were worsened by the fresh scars of abortion.  I wanted to make another appointment with the abortion clinic. By the grace of God, my husband of one year stepped in. He was ready to father a child.  With no insurance, but with him by my side, I made an appointment at Tender Care. God knew my heart's cry and provided the answer.

At Tender Care, my pregnancy was confirmed and I made an appointment to come back for an ultrasound.  I was amazed to see my baby's heart beating steadily at almost 7 weeks. I then realized that my previous abortion had really taken a little life. I needed emotional support to choose life for this baby and I found that in the compassion, encouragement, and unconditional love at Tender Care.  I found women who knew Jesus and saw me through His eyes.  They knew this baby was a gift and they gave me hope and confidence.  Their love helped me choose to parent my baby. They prayerfully placed me into the hands of the only One who could teach me to love my baby.  I am eternally grateful for redemption and for the miracle of my baby boy, Mason.