Shelly Louis and Kiree

Shelly Louis

Unmarried, financially insecure, and 6 weeks pregnant with my third child...abortion was a very real option for me.  I was confused and distracted by life’s problems and needed to alleviate any stress that I could.  Since I was receiving no assistance from the baby’s father and he was encouraging me to terminate the pregnancy, I chose to seek out an abortion.

Two days before my planned visit to the abortion clinic, I had an emotional breakdown.  I reached out for help from one of my teachers who connected me with another campus instructor and Pregnancy Center Board Member, Penny Lovell.  Mrs. Lovell communicated some of the physical and emotional affects of abortion, then offered to give me a ride to the Pregnancy Center of Bryan County, where we could visit with a trained volunteer and find out more about my options.

At the Center, I was counseled by Bridget Youngblood.  She and Mrs. Lovell shared with me their love for children and reminded me about God’s love for both me and my unborn child.  Only because of their encouragement and compassion was I able to think clearly about my options and make the right choice to protect the life of my unborn child.  My arrangements to visit the abortion clinic were cancelled and Kiree’s life was saved.    

The support of the Pregnancy Center did not stop there.  During my entire pregnancy, I attended weekly lessons, which taught me numerous things about the prenatal process and how to care for Kiree after she was born.  By attending these lessons, I earned Mommy Money, which I used to “purchase” clothes, shoes, blankets, diapers, and wipes in the on-site Mommy Market.

Since Kiree’s birth, God has allowed me to share my story to influence two friends who were considering abortion.  Both of those girls also chose life for their babies.  I am thankful and blessed that God has used me to continue the work of the pregnancy center beyond its doors by being an “ambassador for life” myself, among my own circle of influence.

Now I know the value of an unborn life...all because the pregnancy center was there to teach me the truth and to encourage me to think clearly during a time of stress and fear.

Read more testimonies from Heartbeat's Babies Go to Congress.