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Annual Conference Workshop Presenter Guidelines

Heartbeat International Annual Conference 
Birmingham, AL  |  April 30 - May 2, 2025

(Pre-Conference Events will be held April 29, 2025)

Key Dates to Remember

  • August - Call for presenters
  • September 30- Deadline for submitting proposals
  • November 10- Proposal status updates (yes/no) emailed to submitters
  • November 30 - Confirmation/commitment from presenter received
  • January - March - Pre-recording of in-person and virtual workshops.
  • April 30- May 2, 2025 - Heartbeat International Annual Conference
All workshop confirmation emails will be sent to the email used to submit workshop submissions. If you are selected to be a Workshop Presenter for the In-Person or Virtual Conference, you will receive an email providing you information with your official workshop date/time. If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

General Submission Guidelines 

Submissions for The Annual Conference must be:

  • Practical
  • Relevant
  • Compelling
  • Non-commercial in content
  • Non-compete with a current Heartbeat program

Special Notes:

  1. Heartbeat Affiliates and Exhibitors may be prioritized. Heartbeat International affiliation and/or exhibiting is preferred, but not a requirement for submission. All are welcome to submit a workshop proposal.
  1. Submission does not guarantee selection. We are blessed each year with more submissions than workshop slots, so submission does not guarantee selection. Proposals will be evaluated in light of the course description, learning objectives, presenters’ credentials and expertise, past evaluations of presenters from previous Conference workshops, and the overall needs of the Conference program. Presenters selected for the Conference will be notified directly at the contact information provided. Only the person submitting the workshop information is being considered as the primary presenter, if approved. 
  1. Conference Focus. Required teaching content is 60 minutes (mandatory for CEUs). You agree not to promote or request support for your own organization or its services but to provide valuable teaching content and information on your area(s) of expertise, including practices and takeaways that meet Heartbeat’s submission guidelines.
  1. Please note the level of your workshop submission (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced). We will seek to offer a blend of all three levels in our training tracks.
  1. Connect to the Conference theme. Although not required, you are welcome to connect your title and content with the Conference theme, "Together Toward Tomorrow" with a focus on Proverbs 27:17. Heartbeat reserves the right to edit the workshop title for marketing purposes and modify the course description.
  1. Learn About Your Audience. Heartbeat International's Annual Conference is designed for ministry leaders, staff, board members, and volunteers of life-affirming pregnancy resource centers, medical clinics, maternity homes, and non-profit adoption agencies, as well as professionals in the areas of medicine, counseling, social work, and education.
  • Executive Directors - Leadership is best when equipped, encouraged, and engaged. This Conference includes tactical techniques, spiritual support, and everything in between.
  • Key Staff/Volunteers - Deepen your understanding by accessing the Track or Workshops of your area of ministry work - or broaden your information and inspiration by learning about related matters.
  • Medical Personnel - While our Medical Track features professionals who can speak the medical language and your passion for life, other topics may be of interest to enhance you and your ministry.
  • Board Members - Governance is a high calling and one that is informed by experience and understanding. Strategic Leadership topics will strengthen your knowledge and wisdom.
  • Housing Professionals - Housing ministries provide long-term, in-depth support for women during pregnancy and beyond. Join other housing ministry leaders in discussing the joys and challenges unique to residential programs.
  • Internationals - Pregnancy help ministries exist all over the world and they encounter the same concerns U.S. centers have every day. This Conference is proud to include international guests from six continents.

Content Guidelines

The majority of workshop submissions should be oriented toward the Pregnancy Help Community (pregnancy centers, medical clinics, maternity homes and adoption agencies). This year our workshop tracks will encompass similar topics as listed below:

  1. Leadership/Management
  2. Medical
  3. Fundraising/Development
  4. Prevention (Sexual Integrity, Sexual Health)
  5. Intervention (Client Culture, Client Programs)
  6. Board Business
  7. Marketing to Clients
  8. Staffing/Human Resources Considerations
  9. Extended Care (Housing, Adoption, etc.)
  10. Healing (Abortion Recovery, Spiritual Wholeness, Emotional Health, Addiction Recovery)

If your proposal is selected, you will receive additional information about recording and registration procedures. Workshop presenters generally cover their own Conference registration fees, travel and lodging expenses. As a thank you, Heartbeat will provide the primary presenter with a discounted rate for attending the Conference.

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