Our Vision: A world in which every child will be welcome.
Our Goal: To protect the person inside the mother's womb, to turn the hearts of parents to children, to reduce the demand for abortion in our society, relying on the Word of God and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to practice mercy, to convey truth, turning fears into confidence and confusion into the hope for the future.
Client Testimony: Baby Eva says:
“When I saw the light, it was hard for me to breathe. Something squeezed my chest, my lungs did not fully open. They put me under an oxygen pillow. Sometimes I heard my mother's voice, but more often strangers in white coats and masks. But soon everything changed, and I ended up only with my mother. It was very hot, stuffy, but my mother was there, and I felt more cheerful. I am very glad that new people are chirping around me, it's funny to watch and sniff them. I do not like clothes at all and am suspicious of water. Some familiar woman appeared, who consoles my mother all the time, sometimes they pray together, they envelops me in a kind of cloud. We also drove far away together, it was a pleasure. It's still interesting to live, although a little scary. Mom notices that I always want to see where, who is doing what, and does not allow me to be ignored. Mom thinks that I am afraid that I will not be forgotten. And it is true. The feeling that I might be unnecessary to anyone and the fear that they want to get rid of me. I am Eva and I am already 2.5 months old"
No one has ever heard the voice of a baby inside the womb, we do not know for sure what he feels and what he understands. His feelings, knowledge and voice in his heartbeat. The maternity center is determined to listen to this signal of life and pave the way for it.

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