Pregnancy Help Network - South Africa

Since 2000 Pregnancy Help Network has been affirming life through developing and equipping an effective network of 70 pregnancy help centers in South Africa to reach women and families facing an unexpected or crisis pregnancy.
We provide assessments and guidance to emerging pregnancy help NPO’s and mentor existing organizations through networking and workshops that teach train and develop South Africans to be a nation that affirms and values life.
We source, develop, and provide a wide range of training material, brochures, booklets, books, and equipment to enhance our service delivery.
An annual conference introduces pregnancy centers to the latest trends and developments in the field of women, children, and family care.
Our range of training includes personal and leadership development and various counseling skills to equip and empower pregnancy care centers to assist families affected by a crisis pregnancy.
Client Testimony:
I had three clients who changed their minds about abortion after counseling. Once was a student who was convinced that she cannot keep her baby and that her parents would not accept her pregnancy. After our counseling, she talked with her mother and both parents responded differently than she had expected. (Counsellor from Options Care Centre...George...South Africa)
Pregnancy Help Network convenes an annual conference that facilitates networking opportunities with centers in SA which help each center to learn what has been tried and is working and where we can make improvements in our own centers. Through Pregnancy Help Network we also have access to resources and training from other organizations and countries that they partner with. These ‘’tools of our trade’’ are a huge benefit for our centers in terms of helping a client to consider a life-affirming solution to her crisis pregnancy. (Pregnancy Resource Centre...Amanzimtoti...South Africa)
All financial gifts received designated for our approved “alliance” affiliates will be forwarded to them in a reasonable timeframe (usually upon exceeding $250US). Heartbeat International deducts $30 plus 3% from the transfer, to help defray internal cost for money transfers, currency conversion, clerical costs, bank fees and any processing fees that might be charged. Should any funds be unable to be forwarded – primarily related to the recipient - they may be re-allocated for similar international work.