Cassidy's Story


Cassidy & Dexter's Story

“I’ll never forget how I felt when I saw that positive test. Ashamed and broken is how I would describe it. I was about 7 weeks and I decided to have an abortion.” 

We hear from women like Cassidy every day as they share remorse over decisions made in haste and loneliness. “I felt as if I was destroying a piece of myself and had instant feelings of regret.”

Cassidy searched online and found the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN). She was connected to an APRN nurse who walked her through her next steps and was referred to Heartbeat affiliate Coastline Women’s Center. That referral saved the life of her child and ultimately her own life.

“I remember walking into that ultrasound room with no hope and thinking [the baby] was already gone. I heard the nurse say, ‘There it is.’ I said, ‘It’s alive!!!’ The entire room filled with joy, and it was such a magical moment that changed everything for me. The Abortion Pill Reversal not only saved my child’s life but saved [my life] as well.” Sharing truth with love opened the door for Jesus to step through, and step through He did!

From the team at APRN and Coastline to the pharmacist that filled her progesterone prescription, the community rallied around her.  “[The pharmacist] went out of his way to pay for [the prescription] and tell me God bless. I was overwhelmed by the compassion and care people were giving me that didn’t even know me.”

“I feel incredibly honored and so grateful to Heartbeat International for placing Coastline in my journey and giving my boy a second chance at life. I never have to look back and think about what Dexter would have been, but I get to watch his beautiful life grow inside me.”

Dexter was born in May 2023.