Evalynn and Hezekiah


Hezekiah — Born October 2021

Born to a crack-addicted and alcoholic mother, Evalynn was removed from her mother’s custody at the age of only 10. She had her first abortion at 19 and at 24 she almost died from a second abortion that led to her having an emergency D&C three days later.

At the age of 30, she found herself pregnant out of wedlock again.

“I was already a single mother of a 3-year-old and I was attempting to finish my Bachelor’s degree. I had no idea how I was going to support myself, two children, and finish college.”

Evalynn felt alone as the father of her baby was encouraging her to have an abortion and she had no one else to support her. Not knowing if she was going to choose to have an abortion or keep the baby, she reached out to the Women's Center of Ohio for an ultrasound.

That ultrasound changed her entire life, as it made the pregnancy real to her and empowered her to choose life for her baby! That choice also led to choosing life for herself as two months after that she surrendered her life to Jesus Christ.

Today, baby Hezekiah is a year old. Evalynn earned her bachelor’s degree and then married shortly after!

“In this age, the world tells women that to be happy and to have a successful life we must abort our unborn babies. That is the furthest thing from the truth! I have never lived a life that is so fulfilled physically, mentally, and spiritually. God used this baby's life to save mine and I am forever grateful!”

Support the efforts of pregnancy help organizations today so that moms like Evalynn are encouraged and equipped to choose life for their little ones.

sq Hezekiah Hairston

Baby Hezekiah