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Your vote was critical this November 5th.

As we reflect on the recent election results, Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey shares an encouraging update on where we stand. Despite the mixed outcomes, there is both good news and opportunity ahead. Join us in this powerful message as Jor-El explains why life-affirming work remains essential—now more than ever—as we continue helping women across the nation embrace hope and confidently choose life. Watch to see how your support makes a difference every day.


It’s not just your vote that will save future generations. Every vote from the entire pro-life community is needed to expose and stop the greatest government expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.  Click here to learn more about abortion initiatives around the country, including the 10 states that have an abortion amendment on the ballot in 2024.

Watch this video to learn how voting for life impacts pregnancy help:

Here are three steps to GOTV today:

1. Remind other U.S. citizens about the sacred duty of voting as the first step to GOTV.  Future generations are counting on you to activate everyone you know. Encouraging each person in your circle of influence to become a registered voter is crucial.


2. Educating other voters is the second step to GOTV. We need elected officials who are willing to advance solutions instead of abortions. Voters need to understand where each candidate stands on life. It’s time to galvanize everyone in your community to ensure that pregnancy help organizations can continue providing life-honoring support without government overreach.


3. Pray. Forcing pro-life citizens to pay for abortions and to provide abortion-causing drugs goes against our American tradition of religious liberty and destroys our nation’s moral compass.
It was Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president, who said:
“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”
U.S. voters know that abortion is devastating to Americans. We all know that aborting a child is not healthcare. America needs elected officials willing to advance a culture of life. America needs people with a passion for life to inspire others to vote.
Your prayer is paramount to this mission.


You are a vital part of the pro-life mission. Please help voters realize that compassionate help and unconditional love empower mothers to welcome the next generation.
Voting your pro-life values and motivating others to do the same can make abortion unthinkable for future generations.

Votes save lives.

4 Myths About Voting This Election Season

We all know we should be voting, but is it really that important?

The United States has a surprisingly low turnout of voters, hovering between 55 and 60 percent in any given election. Why can’t we find it in ourselves to get out there and vote for our values? Could it be that we believe one or more of these myths?

Myth #1: My vote doesn't matter since the Electoral College selects the president anyway.

Voting determines the electors of the Electoral College. When the candidate who wins the popular vote has been determined for their state, the elector will cast their vote for President. This means that your vote is absolutely imperative in the election of our President.

Myth #2: Ballot Initiatives don't matter compared to the Presidential Election.

This year, 10 states have an abortion amendment on the ballot. Changes to your state's constitution hold a lot of power despite who is elected President. Voting your values, in any election season, gives a voice to those who have none.

Myth #3: My vote doesn’t make a difference.

We’ve heard this one before. Every vote matters. Every single vote matters. Every life changes the world in an unrepeatable and irreplaceable way. And so does every vote. If we stay home on Election Day, our pro-life candidates will have to stay home too! What we do and don’t do makes a difference, so let’s make it a positive one.

Myth #4: I can’t talk about political issues or encourage others to vote.

Untrue! While certain regulations may apply to certain organizations, you are well within your rights as an individual citizen to encourage those within your sphere of influence to head to the polls. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose when we encourage our community to vote for their values.

Don’t believe these myths this season—vote your values instead. Generations yet to be born are counting on us!


Discover the benefits of early voting: