Displaying items by tag: international travel
Heartbeat Goes to Italy
by Andrea Trudden, Vice President of Communications & Marketing
1. Have you been to Italy before?
I had never been to Italy before this opportunity, but have had the pleasure of meeting our Italian friends here in the States several times at our training conferences. I also have had the privilege of participating in Movimento per la Vita's (MPV) training events virtually in the past.
2. How did this trip begin? 
It just so happened that the MPV Symposium occurred at the time of my anniversary, so my husband was able to join me and we got to familiarize ourselves with the beautiful countryside. Venice is everything you imagine it to be. There is beauty all around. From here, we joined new friends from other areas of the country to drive up into the mountains where the training would be held. Thankfully, one of our fellow travelers happened to be my translator for the week! Camilla was a God-send and has an incredible zest for pro-life work and reaching the youth with a message of hope and love.
3. How long were you in Italy?
With travel and training, we were in Italy for a week.
4. What PHOs did you visit during your time in Italy?
The MPV Symposium brought in pregnancy center leaders from all over the country, which is quite vast. Ultimately, there were about 65 people present, representing dozens of pregnancy centers and maternity homes.
5. What did your visit cover (curriculum, training, visits/meetings, etc.)?
The symposium was such a powerful event. Italians have a love for education, so this was a true example of that in-depth teaching. We covered three primary topics, with various subtopics within.
First, we discussed cultural changes in the world from both a physical standpoint as well as a psychological standpoint. The abortion pill use is expanding all over the world, and it is important to understand the impact it has on women, both physically and emotionally.
Second, there was a clear generational gap that needed to be addressed. Many at the training have worked in the field for decades and have an amazing heart for the work. On the first night, however, we were asked how many in the room were under the age of 35. Four hands raised. (Mine was NOT included.) To come back to a culture that embraces life, we must reach the youth with a positive message about family and hope. For effective succession planning and true impact, we must have more involvement from the youth. MPV has a good youth program that sadly lessened with COVID-19. They are rebuilding and have grand plans for future expansion.
Sticking to culture, we unpacked the role of media today and how we can use it to positively share stories from pregnancy help. We must recognize that journalism has shifted over the last decade and has activated an aggressive media attack on the abortion issue. I had the opportunity to provide media training there alongside two professional reporters. There are ways to counter the narrative, but we must be intentional about putting stories out into the world. There was a theme of becoming good storytellers throughout the Symposium.
Finally, I was able to provide an overview of the global landscape of pregnancy help. This brought us back to talking about the abortion pill and abortion pill reversal. We must be fully aware of the implications easy access to abortion has on society and adapt to this new landscape.
6. What was the biggest thing you learned from or about the organization(s) you visited?
I was very impressed with the depth of MPV's work. They encompass all life issues. In fact, while we were on-site, a couple of the presenters went down the road to present at another conference that had a focus on combatting euthanasia. MPV is working to mobilize the youth, serve through pregnancy help, encourage pro-life laws, and create a culture that embraces life from natural life to natural death.
7. What was the biggest takeaway from your visit to Italy?
Italy truly has the best pizza! Plus, there is a desperate desire to change the culture to embrace life before it is too late. MPV is watching the world and doing everything it can to protect the country from falling into cultural darkness.
8. Why is it important for us to connect internationally and between organizations?
This opportunity was a great example of how we are truly better together. MPV is doing amazing things in Italy! As one of our joint affiliate networks, they tap into Heartbeat trainings often and have great influence in their network. Staying connected and sharing the current challenges and triumphs helps us strategize for tomorrow while bringing key concepts to others around the globe. This is such a mighty mission that we are all working toward, so the more we can work together, the better.
9. Is there anything else that stood out to you or affected you during your time there?
Was there anything that surprised you?
My translator, Camilla, introduced me to a six-year-old girl who was saved at her pregnancy center outside of Rome. The girl's parents are still together and they are actively involved in the work of MPV. Her mother is studying to become a magistrate and her father is a lawyer. Seeing how engaged he was at the Symposium and how she was cared for by all around, as though she was a niece to each person, showed love in action. While a completely different language and nation, the work is exactly the same. We are each called into this movement to share our skills to work toward a common mission of life. It was a great affirmation.
Heartbeat Goes to Zambia
This Summer, of 2024, Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International, visited Zambia! Below are some questions Jor-El answered about his experience:
1. Have you been to Zambia before?
Yes! Parts of Zambia are in the world-renowned Copper Belt that holds an estimated 50% of the world’s concentration of copper. It’s been a few years since I’ve been so I was eager to go back to have the chance to be with our joint-affiliate network partners, AFLA (Association for Life of Africa).
2. Why did you go to Zambia and what impact did you and the conference hosts hope for?
Ndola, Zambia was the hosting site for AFLA’s National Directors Conference. Barbra Mwansa, our long-time friend (since 1998), and her AFLA team always create a great opportunity for building friendships, deepening understanding, and envisioning the future. While AFLA has affiliates in nearly 18 countries, their home base is in Zambia (Kitwe).
3. What was planned for this trip?
It was my privilege to get to connect with African leaders from many countries. Particularly new to me were the many key leaders from French-speaking countries in Africa, such as the Congo, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast. I was also able to support the AFLA conference line-up with a workshop and two keynotes.
4. Did anything surprise you?
My biggest surprise for this trip was an unexpected, and extended, stay in Nairobi, Kenya. After the long flight from New York City (JFK) to Nairobi, Kenya (NBO) I missed my connection by just a few minutes. Unfortunately, the next flight was scheduled for the following morning so that meant an overnight in Nairobi was in order. This included applying for a visa at the airport. When the next day’s flight was canceled as well, the long trek became even longer. In all, it took 73 hours to get from my home to the conference in Zambia. Not only did that scramble the schedule a little bit for my presentations, but it meant lost time with our good friends gathered there.
A fun surprise was speaking (with interpretation) in French. While I have worked with interpreters for Spanish, Russian, and other languages, this was my first time hearing my words in what is often called “the language of love,” French. I’m grateful our French-speaking friends in Africa were able to hear the conference content in the language of their hearts!
5. Who did you get to connect with—either for the first time or to foster an existing relationship?
Meeting with Pastor Edward and Barbra Mwansa is always a joy. This couple is, in some ways, the patriarch and matriarch of the pregnancy help movement across much of Africa. In addition, I was able to visit with some familiar friends who have been able to join us for past Heartbeat International conferences in the U.S. But it was the many new leaders in AFLA, who lead pregnancy help outreach and pro-life churches, who I was able to meet with for the first time and hope to see in the future.
6. Why is it important for those in the pregnancy help movement to connect with others internationally?
Community is a cornerstone of the biblical imperative. God created us for community because He existed in community, the Godhead, before creation. That’s why it is important for all of us to seek, affirm, and cultivate our community. The pregnancy help community has a specific, even unique, calling to champion life where we find ourselves. In the United States pregnancy help can look different in, say, Texas, than it does in California. This is also true internationally where the variations in culture, economy, government, and spiritual foundation can be challenging. Building community across the country and around the globe helps us to encourage one another and stimulate each other “toward love and good deeds.” (See Hebrews 10:24-25.)
Heartbeat Goes to Australia
In February, International Program Specialist, Ellen Foell and Sara Dominguez, Affiliate Services Specialist, visited Australia! Below are some questions Ellen answered about her experience:
Have you been to Australia before?
Yes, about 30 years ago, when I was much younger and all 12 apostles were still extant. The 12 apostles are a limestone rock formation off the coast of Australia, and now there are only 7.5—not sure which apostles got voted out of the ocean.
How did this trip begin?
It began when a generous donor desired to launch a center internationally. The Life Launch program, under the purview of Sara Dominguez, has helped launch about 37 centers, helping centers in the U.S. to go farther, faster. Sara and I had been vetting candidates for an international launch when we met Dr. Mouawad in Sydney through Lara Wynyard, the Director of Pregnancy Help Australia (PHA). PHA is one of Heartbeat's nine international partner organizations. After talking to Dr. Mouawad and hearing her vision, we realized she was the candidate we were looking for. Her center is called Pregnancy and Life.
It was obvious that we should travel to Australia since I was also asked to speak at the PHA Conference, "Arise & Go," which was being held a little earlier in February in Adelaide, Australia. The two events coming together seemed like a great opportunity.
How long were you and Sara in Australia?
I was there for 2.5 weeks with the PHA Conference as one bookend of the stay, and the Life Launch training bookending the back end of my trip. Sara was there mostly for the Life Launch training itself in Sydney.
What PHOs did you visit during your time in Australia?
I visited Genesis, directed beautifully by Juli Sharpe. They do wonderful work, reaching out in various ways to the Adelaide community. Also, in Sydney I visited with Jenny Gurry, director of Diamond Women. Both centers are robust and effectively reaching women and families in their areas. I wish that I could have visited all 34 affiliated centers that are part of PHA.
What did your visit cover (curriculum, training, visits/meetings, etc.)?
At the PHA Conference, I was honored to keynote on the conference theme, which was based on the narrative of Deborah, found in the book of Judges.
I presented a workshop on "Raising the Standard," Heartbeat's training on the Commitment of Care and Competence, an agreement required by all affiliates.
Next, I presented a workshop, "Crowned with Dignity," which addresses the role of according God-given dignity to people around us and how restorative that is; based on the narrative of the interaction between Jesus and the woman at the well.
Then, at the Life Launch training, I was scheduled to train on the L.O.V.E. Approach to two groups of volunteers of about ten each group. Unfortunately for me— but perhaps fortunately for them—I lost my voice for three days and Sara stepped in to do what she does so often and so beautifully. However, I was able to do the second training.
Also, Sara and I also had a chance to meet with two of the board members and were blown away by their commitment to help the center.
Finally, I had a chance to sit in with Sara as she led the executive director through New Director training one-on-one (while I pretended to be invisible). It was trainings that were all pregnancy help center-related, much like we do at Pregnancy Help Institute, but one-on-one which was a great opportunity for Marie Rose (Dr. Mouawad) to ask any questions, take notes, etc.
How will the training/curriculum you (and Sara) provided improve their PHO in the future?
Training is training. They can be very static. But what takes training to the next level is the relationship that can form as a result of the training. Sara specifically, and Heartbeat generally, excels at relationship-building and keeping the bridge open for more help, questions, and encouragement. No center director should feel alone on the journey, from turning the key to opening the door on the first day.
How has Heartbeat (and their affiliation with us) made an impact on their organization(s)?
With regard to PHA, let me allow Lara, Director of PHA, to speak on behalf of PHA. PHA and Heartbeat have been partnering in this work for over 40 years. PHA is celebrating their 45th birthday this year (2024), so give them a shout-out and sing Happy Birthday! They are doing a great work. We hosted Lara in 2019 at our conference in Dallas, Texas. Last year, we hosted Anthony Moore (Genesis board chair) at our conference in Louisville, Kentucky.
What was the biggest thing you learned from or about the organizations you visited?
PHA is very healthy and very robust. Despite being stretched in all ways, the PHA leadership is coming up with very innovative and significant means to reach more centers so they can reach more women and families. Pregnancy and Life is being launched under the umbrella of Maronite Care which encompasses several outreaches of the Maronite Church. It is wonderful to see the church being so supportive and engaged with a new center.
What was the biggest takeaway from your visit to Australia?
Honestly, it sounds silly, but standing at the coast at some point, and realizing the next big land mass is Antarctica. Australia is really far away. On a less geographic note, what struck me was the incredible effort that PHA is putting forth to move west to east and north to south so that women in Australia are able to be reached with real alternatives to abortion. As to Dr. Mouawad, my takeaway was the amazing commitment she has to rescuing babies and women. She was inspired by our own Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat International, who was in Australia in early 2023. Dr. Mouawad felt such a conviction in her heart that she determined that establishing a center was the call for her.
Why is it important for us to connect internationally and between organizations?
If we really believe that we are better together, then we need to acknowledge that together only happens with intentionality and commitment. The global pregnancy help work probably exists in many more than the 94 countries in which Heartbeat is currently privileged to serve. The best way we connect with new centers and new countries is someone tells someone, who then tells someone else. I believe that God commands a blessing where the brothers and sisters dwell together in unity. One of our values at Heartbeat is unity, and we believe that we all work better together when we know we are not alone.
The thing I hear most often from international attendees at our pregnancy help conference for the first time is, "I could not believe so many others are doing the same work!" Let no one in this work feel they are alone. God has His armies everywhere.
Is there anything else that stood out to you or affected you during your time there? Anything that surprised you?
Yes, the thing that surprised me was a sad surprise mainly because it was a reflection of the state of the culture in Australia and the ongoing need for the work of the pregnancy help centers. A young woman at the LO.V.E. Approach training shared that she had a ten-month-old. When she went to her doctor to confirm pregnancy, the first words out of her doctor's mouth were not "Congratulations!" or, "I am so happy for you." Their first words were, "Do you intend to abort?" I was shocked. How sad that such great news could be and would be met with such a negative response. It confirmed again that our work is not just to save the babies, but also their moms, dads, community, and culture.