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Jinja – Uganda

Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM): Caring for Unborn Children and their Mothers.

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Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM) was established in 2012 as a Community Based Organization (CBO) starting its services at the church premises but in 2013 we got a single room to operate from. The establishment was based on Ministry of Health (MOH) Maternal and Perinatal Death Review (MPDR) 2012/2013 which indicated gabs in service provision and therefore the gabs needed to be addressed in order to reduce on the deaths and injuries on mothers and children especially on the unborn. In the report there were 724,806 deliveries at the health facilities and 1157 died in child births. The causes of death were due to bleeding, pregnancy complication associated with high blood pressure, infections, abortions and pregnancy related sepsis among others.  

To end the avoidable causes Pregnancy Care Ministry has devised on addressing on the root causes of abortions and unplanned pregnancies with preventive and curative interventions to address the shortage of blood at the heath facilities, lack of skilled birth attendants, lack of critical resources, lack of transport for mothers to be taken to health facilities from their homes, lack of partner support, dependence on herbal use and refusal to be taken for medical treatments. 

In 2018 Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM) got a permission to operate the medical health center which included a maternity home to provide life affirming reproductive health care services, alternative to abortion, new parents educations, and rescue services in a caring and conducive environment.


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Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM) helps to serve as a safety-net for men, women and children in Jinja City.  Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM) aims at being a place where women, men, and children who need hope, restorations, rescue, healing of heart and peoples life’s touched in most compassionate way and in love. The services will include parents education, free pregnancy diagnosis, low cost STD testing and treatment, laboratory Tests, counseling and Guidance, prenatal vitamins, post abortion healing, sexual risk avoidance education, natural family planning, baby shower, safe health delivery (Maama Kits), ultrasound scan, livelihood skills, material & education support.

The medical and psychosocial support Services will be provided under the direction and supervision of qualified medical and psychosocial professionals who are recognized locally and internationally.

Since inception 2012 we have impacted over 50,000 young and old women and men through medical provisions, life skills trainings and sensitization, provision safety space, spiritual nourishments, counseling, education support and care.


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In the words of Luciano de Crescenzo “We are all like one-winged angels, it is only when we help each other that we can fly.”  Pregnancy Care Ministry appeals for donations to build a medical center which will be center to extend Gods healing hand and providence to those in dare need, your generosity and support will create lasting impact to those we serve.

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Artistic Impression for Pregnancy Care Ministry (PCM) Medical Center:

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Some of the stories obtained from hospital records showing avoidable causes of death and injuries to mothers and unborn children, and need for a pro-life / family medical center.  

  •  A 32-year-old mother gravida 9 para 1 aborted at 5 months and developed severe anemia. She got renal failure and sepsis and passed away.
  • A mother was admitted from a traditional mother attendant (TBA) with a big baby and obstructed labor and a history of having taken native medicine. She had a cesarean section but died on the operation table. A live baby boy was delivered.
  • A 35-year-old pregnant mother was admitted to obesity. Injury Severity Score (ISS) and pregnancy-induced hypertension. She was treated and discharged only to be re-admitted within 7 hours after collapsing suddenly with difficulty in breathing, severe headache, palpitation ad dizziness. She shortly died after admission.
  • A 24-year-old mother diagnosed with pregnancy-induced hypertension who had refused referral from the lower Health Center unit was admitted with eclampsia. She was delivered by cesarean section and began to convulse after c/s. she died soon after.
  • A 37-year mother gravida 4 para 3 was admitted with a history of transverse lie and Arm prolapse. A cesarean section was done. She got post-partum hemorrhage and was given 1 unit of blood before she died of anemia.
  • A 36-year-old mother was admitted with obstructed labor and maternal distress having been reoffered from traditional birth attendant (TBA). History showed she had not attended antenatal care. She was delivered by cesarean section and died of the shock of no obvious cause.
  • A 30-year-old mother gravida 6 para 5 was referred from Health Center II where she had stayed for 2 days. She came in with both maternal exhaustion and fetal distress. A cesarean section was done but she died suddenly after the operation.
  • A 14 year admitted to RRH 2 weeks before and was transfused. She was re-admitted here through the antenatal clinic critically ill with severe anemia and pregnant 20 wk. she was transfused 3 times but each time she became more jaundiced ++. She died 2 days later.
  • A gravid 3 and para 2 HIV+ mother not ART with baseline CD4 of 540 cells who had collapsed suddenly for one day had been referred but refused. She had an abortion after 2 days and died.
  • A 17-year-old mother was admitted after delivery in a clinic and got retained placenta. There was a delay in reaching the hospital. Manual removal of the placenta was done in the labor ward. Blood transfusion had just started when she gasped and died.        

All financial gifts received designated for our approved “alliance” affiliates will be forwarded to them in a reasonable timeframe (usually upon exceeding $250US). Heartbeat International deducts $30 plus 3% from the transfer, to help defray internal cost for money transfers, currency conversion, clerical costs, bank fees and any processing fees that might be charged. Should any funds be unable to be forwarded – primarily related to the recipient - they may be re-allocated for similar international work.


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