Pro Femina Taiwan

profemina taiwan

The vision of ​Pro Femina Taiwan is to respectfully assist pregnant women who are in distress make well-informed decisions that they will not regret to enjoy a bright and happy future. Pro Femina Taiwan hopes to achieve this vision through the following measures:

  1.  To provide support and counseling to women with unplanned pregnancies and to offer resources and services to them, their partners, and families. To date, Pro Femina Taiwan has assisted more than 30 ladies and 1 young man.
  2. To encourage and participate, as appropriate, to change the law and regulations so that women with an unplanned pregnancy have the right to receive free consultations, support, etc. before a decision is made whether or not to keep the baby.
  3. To launch a fund-raising campaign, called Unplanned Pregnancy Sponsorship Program, to help raise funds to provide financial support to those women who decide to keep their babies.
  4. To create a national unplanned pregnancy support network. To date, 7 pregnancy support centers, 10 hospitals, and 13 clinics have agreed to cooperate with Pro Femina Taiwan to create this national pro-life network.
  5. To promote adoption, in particular, to families who find it difficult to conceive but who still desire to have and raise children.

 Pro Femina Taiwan desires the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals, clinics, hospitals, companies, and organizations who are willing to help women with unplanned pregnancies. We believe that together our combined efforts will not only increase the fertility rate in Taiwan, but will also produce a positive contribution to both women with unplanned pregnancies and to their children, not only today but for generations of Taiwanese in the years to come!  Thank you for your support!

profemina founderFounder and Honorary Chairman Ambassador Martin Eberts and his team 

Unplanned Pregnancy Support Network Initiated by Pro Femina Taiwan:

profemina network

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