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What is Faith?
Servants of Excellence![FaithHebrews](/images/FaithHebrews.jpg)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1
Let’s be honest and admit, working in a pregnancy help ministry doesn’t simply ask for faith, it demands faith. We see broken, wounded and hurting people every day. Many times, we never get to see the results of our interaction with a client. Instead, she walks out the door and we have no idea whether she saw our concern for her, our desire to help her and our willingness to walk with her through her journey.
And we don’t hear from her again.
Faith. We’ve got to have faith.
As the writer of Hebrews says, faith is real when we believe, even when we can’t see.
Faith is watching her walk out the door with no hint of her decision and saying, “God is at work. I know He is.”
Faith is when she tells us her baby is no more and we comfort her, believing God will use even this moment to draw her to Himself.
Faith is watching her go back to an abusive situation and remembering, her story is still being written.
Faith is seeing a baby born into a desperate and dysfunctional home and saying, “She has a chance, and with God, all things are possible.
Each day, we walk in the door with faith. Without apology, we believe there is never a situation where God is shaken from His throne, there is never a time when He cannot move in someone’s life, there is never a situation too desperate for his intervention.
We know this. When one of us stumbles, we encourage. When one of us struggles to believe, we build up. We grab each other by the hand and press on, because . . . faith.
The “Hall of Faith” in Hebrews 11 honors those whose faith led to incredible victories. But it also honors those who lost everything because when faith was needed, they would not be moved.
So it is with each of us. We stand strong. Our faith is immovable—just like those in the Hall of Faith-- because regardless of what we see, we choose to believe.
by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist