Meet Mary


IMG 0593Prior to coming to HOPE, I felt scared and confused about my pregnancy. 

[My] baby’s father was abusive and had taken me to an abortion clinic, but when I got there, I was unable to go through with it. 

I had no clue what HOPE was or did, but I came across HOPE as I looked for someplace or someone who would help me during my pregnancy. 

This was my first pregnancy, and I was desperate for guidance and support. 

When I first arrived at HOPE, I met with one of the volunteers — or angels as I like to call them — and my initial sit-down with her literally changed my life. 

I was reassured that MY decision to keep my baby was one I could do and that I wouldn’t be alone. She made me feel brave and strong. As cliché as it might sound, I left the house full of “hope.”

I walked out with material items, but even better, HOPE paid for my first doctor’s visit. I was twenty weeks pregnant and had not been to the doctor once, because my job didn’t offer insurance, and I didn’t qualify for Medicaid. I don’t know how I will ever repay them for that. 

I was and still am in shock and disbelief that complete strangers would help me the way that they did. I cried the entire way home and told all of my loved ones about my visit. 

What HOPE does for struggling mothers and children in the community must be the work of the Lord. Even more than material support, HOPE has given me strength. I am reminded of how strong I am, and that my situation would be tough for anyone. But I can do it. I am a single mom who left her abuser, but I’m not alone. 

My son is now one year old and the support from HOPE continues. 

I participate in the Friends in HOPE mentoring program and am matched with a beautiful single mom who has a son my age and has been with me every step of the way. 

A donor to HOPE provided a free photoshoot and I was able to get professional pictures of my son and me. 

My job had to cut my salary, and HOPE prayed for me and helped with extra baby items. Now I have a new job with benefits, praise God. 

Because of HOPE, there is a place for people like me to turn to when they have nowhere else to turn. A place where I gained a whole new family. A place where they do the work of the Lord and share His hope.