In this training bundle, you'll receive access to five core trainings that will provide your organization with a strong understanding of the Abortion Pill Reversal protocol.
Recorded webinar hosted by Beth Diemert with Karen Ellison and Georgette Forney
An online course through Heartbeat Academy offering 1.25 nursing contact hours.
The dismissal of in-person dispensing requirements has resulted in increased use of telemedicine and website orders for chemical abortion pills. This has virtually eliminated assessment prior to abortion and made assessment following an abortion even more critical. Many abortion providers are now labeling any sort of routine follow-up care for their patients as “not required” or unnecessary.
This course offers information about what services are needed prior, during and following an abortion and explain how Pregnancy Help Medical Clinics can fill these gaps in medical care and ensure the safety of women following a chemical abortion.
CA BON provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 3 contact hours.
Helps your center prepare volunteers to respond to callers' and clients' questions in a high-stress, emotionally charged situation.
This online training from Heartbeat Academy offers 1.25 contact hours for nurses.