I am accessing this resource in connection with my role within a life affirming (pro-life) Pregnancy Help Organization. I understand that this resource is intended for a pro-life audience and is considered off the record. Additionally, I understand that my registration may be subject to cancellation (with a full refund of any fees paid) by Heartbeat International at any time and for any reason. I understand that all media inquiries should be directed to: media@
The Newsletter Book is perfect for those who tire of writing new articles for next month’s newsletter. Whether you are promoting your walk, wanting to inspire readers or needing something extra to spice up your publication, this resource is for you.
This manual also comes with many well known advertisements, designed by Kirk Walden to catch the attention of your newsletter readers.
Downloads included, so you can easily cut and paste articles into your newsletter.
What’s inside:
About The Newsletter Book
Using The Newsletter Book
For your next banquet
Development: Fundraising
Development: Stock Gifts
Wills & Estate Planning
Executive Director Commentaries
Walk for Life Promotion
Reminders to Pray
Mother’s Day
Father’s Day
Public Relations & Development
Volunteers & Financial
Volunteer Recruitment
50 Newsletter Tips
Introduction to Newsletter templates
In the last section we direct you to your downloads/CD, where there are five newsletter templates. With a template, you can simply fill in your information and cut and paste from there. The templates are in two forms: Microsoft Pub-lisher and PDF files. If you have the Publisher software program, you can load these templates. If not, use the PDF files to guide you as you create your newsletter.