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The Abortion Pill: Is it Really Safer Than Tylenol?

This webinar will cover the complications of the abortion pill and the added
risks of obtaining the pills through the mail. Find out how you can then take this information and effectively share it with clients who are considering a chemical abortion.

Presented by Dawn Darby


The Effects of Oral Contraceptives on Women

This training offers one (1) contact hour for nurses who meet all requirements. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for one contact hours.


The Latest Updates on Abortion Pill Reversal

Dr. Matt Harrison shares updates on abortion pill reversal. Recorded Nov. 2023

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1.00 contact hour.


The Love Approach Method to Scanning Limited Obstetrical Diagnostic Medical Ultrasounds

Recorded Webinar. Presented by Tammy Stearns, MS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), FSDMS, FAIUM, LAS

This training offers 1.0 contact hours for nurses who meet all requirements. Heartbeat International is an approved provider through the California Board of Nursing, Provider Number 16061.


The Sonographer in the PHMC


This course is designed to be a refresher in limited obstetrical skills while also designed to be an introduction to scanning within the pro-life movement.  As a participant you may feel extremely confident in the technical aspect of the scan, however the pro-life movement may be new.  
The didactic portion of the training is composed of nine modules appropriate for sonographers on important topics like ultrasound physics, first-trimester scanning, legal and ethical questions, and more. Available in a convenient and easily accessible on-demand format, the didactic portions of the training can be completed on your own schedule over a six-month period.


This course is designed for RDMS only. No CMEs or CEUs are offered for this training.


This course is intended for the RDMS offering limited obstetrical diagnostic scans in a Pregnancy Help Medical Clinic. Please contact us before enrolling in the course if you are not one of the professionals listed below:



Treating Infertility: A Pro-Life Medical Approach

To inform about the effect of artificial reproductive techniques (ART), in terms of human embryos produced and destroyed and health problems for the mother and the babies (if born). To present a step-by-step medical flow-chart for diagnosis and treatment of couple infertility.

Presented by Dr. Giuseppe Grande, MD


Ultrasound Image Review Bundle 1

Join Heartbeat International's Tammy Stearns and Christa Brown for 6 pre-recorded image review case study sessions.

Heartbeat International has championed our LOVE Approach Ultrasound training. Introduced in 2021,the LOVE Approach method to scanning is a new form of training that connects the technical needs and the spiritual needs for those working in pregnancy help to provide ultrasound training. We strongly encourage students unfamiliar with this approach to complete Heartbeat's refresher training to avoid confusion over variations in approach and terminology. Additionally please note that Heartbeat recognizes that, under the authority of their medical director, pregnancy medical clinics can implement policies and procedures unique to the communities that they serve. Contact if you have any questions.

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 6.00 contact hours.


Unexpected Pregnancy Outcomes

Recorded webinar presented by Dr. Christina Francis, Board Chair of AAPLOG
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for 1 contact hour.


Women's Mental Health After Abortion

This online training from Heartbeat Academy offers 1.25 contact hours for nurses.
