Right now there is a woman seeing a million messages about abortion, the abortion pill, how to keep it legal and to fight for her rights. Is she seeing your clinic? Using data to drive your digital footprint & overall marketing strategy, you can connect with her and strongly impact her next decision. Understand how to use data to create strategic and smart marketing campaigns to create a level playing field and bring women into your clinic. Presented By: Liliana Grace
This workshop equips staff and counselors to utilize for their clients the most scientifically advanced and detailed photos and videos of the child in the womb. The Education Resource Fund (www.ERF.Science), familiar to the presenters, has produced these stunning resources. Presented By: Fr. Frank Pavone; Janet Morana
The goal of this workshop is to acknowledge that each of us have an inherent worth and dignity from the moment of conception to natural death. Presented By: Cynthia Wood
Recent litigation and actions by the FDA are exposing more women, and even young girls, to the impact of abortion pills on their mental and physical well-being. These steps are reshaping the landscape of abortion provision and posing new challenges in pursuing a culture of life and tracking the harms uniquely traceable to chemical abortion distribution with virtually no safeguards. We will discuss the evolution of the fight over abortion pills and describe how CLI pursued original research on the Medicaid population to determine the real impact of Mifeprex on the next generation of American women. Presented By: Genevieve Plaster; Tessa Longbons
Do you know great pro-life legislation and regulation is happening around you? Is the intent of this legislation doing what it is supposed to do? Come learn about the opportunities being created for you! Presented By: Jeanneane Maxon; Missy Stone; Beth Diemert
Building on themes from her recent book, Wholistic Feminism, Leah helps participants see the goals of Second Wave Feminism to separate a woman's procreative functions and fertility from her career and educational aspirations. When we understand the lies and major assumptions of feminism, we can counteract their approach and reintegrate women's identities back into life-giving and nurturing beings. Presented By: Leah Jacobson