2023 Client Care 1

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Apologetics - Making The Case for Life

Come and learn how to speak intelligently and graciously to the issue of abortion and to answer tough objections from opponents without the use of vitriol. Become a pro-life ambassador and engage the conversation of abortion with confidence and skill. Presented by Mike Spencer


Informed Consent Following a Prenatal Diagnosis

Parents are increasingly offered prenatal tests to screen for various prenatal conditions and subsequently offered abortion following a positive result. Ethicists broadly agree Informed Consent is critical in making medical decisions, yet parents often are not presented with the information they need to make an informed decision following a positive test result, which all too often leads to abortion. Presented by Gary Thome


Outcomes Beyond Adoption, Abortion, and Parenting

As the LOVE Approach dictates, “opening options” is a vital part of helping women continue a pregnancy, and, besides adoption or parenting, can also include safe haven, voluntary short-term care, and voluntary kinship care. In these, as well as the unchosen outcomes of foster-care or pregnancy loss, providers can accompany a pregnant woman no matter what happens. Presented by Chaney Gooley


When You're In Over Your Head

This is a presentation for “people helpers” - those who minister to the public. The goal is to help these helpers recognize symptoms that indicate they are in over their heads. It covers the disorders and entanglements they might face in this capacity and what to do if they are faced with this. It is not to diagnose or to teach clinical research but rather for them to see the warning signs and extricate themselves if necessary. Presented by Dinah Monahan
