2023 Client Care 2

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A Biblical Call to Care

This workshop will take a look into the biblical basis for and theology behind adoption and care of the vulnerable. It will also present practical ways your center can encourage women to explore all of the life giving options available. Presented by Herbie Newell


Reaching the Abortion-Minded in a Post-Roe Era

In this workshop, you will learn to effectively lead your medical clinic in strategically and effectively reaching the abortion minded. Presented by Vicky Mathews


Understanding Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is a painful and confusing experience for clients, many live with secrets about their pain. With tools from this session, attendees will be able to show compassion and help educate clients on how to speak about their experiences as well as to find help and support that move them toward healthier outcomes for themselves and their children. Presented by Tammy Daughtry, MMFT and Jay Daughtry, MMFT


Women Need You: Failed Abortion’s Impact

Failed abortions and even successful abortion pill reversals don't just impact a surviving child, they impact the woman and the family unit. The Abortion Survivors Network serves women parenting their surviving child, extended families, and our goal is to educate and equip you in your work. Presented by Melissa Ohden MSW and Denisha Workizer
