Ruth and Victor's Story

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In 2013, Ruth was referred for an abortion by one of her specialty doctors. As he talked with her, he assured Ruth it was the best option. Ruth visited “yet one more specialist” who referred her to the Pregnancy Care Center (PCC) of Wooster, Ohio.

When Ruth arrived at the pregnancy center she was scared, unsure of what would take place during an abortion and very confused.

Her main question was, “why would my doctor tell me to have an abortion if it isn’t the best thing to do?”

The pregnancy center staff and client advocates worked together to supply Ruth with the information she needed to make an informed decision. She chose life for her baby boy and named him “Victor.”

Victor was also the first baby PCC viewed through its ultrasound services in January 2014!

Ruth has been a strong advocate for the Center in the last eight years since Victor was born. Through banquet testimonies, newsletter articles and sharing her testimony with other women, Ruth has saved and changed lives for eternity.

Even as she was pregnant with Victor, Ruth brought in a friend who was also planning to have an abortion. Ruth’s friend left her appointment and the pregnancy center with a changed decision to also carry her baby!

Today Victor is 8 years old.Victor OH

It is not uncommon for him and his mom to visit the Center, always ready to hug everyone and tell us he loves us.

At our 2020 annual banquet, Victor through a personal appearance, shared that his mom had a scary time when he was in her tummy, but she came to the pregnancy center and the people there helped her.

During PCC's 2021 banquet, Victor served as a greeter and talked with people as they arrived. He is one special guy! We, at the PCC, are excited to see what the Lord has in store for him!

Victor spoke at our 2020 Friends for Life Banquet by welcoming guests and keynote speaker, Jor-El Godsey of Heartbeat International.

Meet the other moms joining us at Babies Go to Congress.