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Pregnancy Care Center: A Place for Me

The mission of our Pregnancy Care Center is to affirm LIFE by providing confidential and non-judgmental assistance in a caring and supportive environment to all who are facing unexpected pregnancies.

To prevent abortions, child abandonment, and separation of children from their families in 2015 through our program The NEST we started to offer accommodation for pregnant women and moms with babies who do not have the needed support of their families or partner.

The NEST Maternity Home's mission is to minister Christ’s love and grace and provide different opportunities for pregnant women and their children in a safe and stable home environment, to empower them and educate them in many areas to help eliminate generational cycles of broken relationships, unplanned pregnancies, poverty and the need for community social services.

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The NEST Maternity Home Building Project

Help us build a home for vulnerable moms and babies

The cost of the building project will be USD 450,000.00.r7

Thanks to our partners – individuals, and churches – USD 290,000.00 has been already raised!

We appreciate every donation!

Please join our adventure by donating now or by helping us in fundraising for the NEST Maternity Home building project in your church, organization, or company. We can send a more detailed building proposal at your request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Give Today Button


All financial gifts received designated for our approved “alliance” affiliates will be forwarded to them in a reasonable timeframe (usually upon exceeding $250US). Heartbeat International deducts $30 plus 3% from the transfer, to help defray internal cost for money transfers, currency conversion, clerical costs, bank fees and any processing fees that might be charged. Should any funds be unable to be forwarded – primarily related to the recipient - they may be re-allocated for similar international work.

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