This is Chemical Abortion

Currently, political leaders are pressuring the FDA to make it easier to sell abortion pills via mail, politicizing "medicine" to favor the interests of Big Abortion. If successful, this will increase the number of abortions in the United States by millions.

Heartbeat and our Abortion Pill Rescue Network have been working with our friends at Students for Life to put together a powerful new tool to combat this deadly trend. 

Heartbeat President Jor-El Godsey joined Students for Life and our incredible partners to announce this on an Emergency Nationwide Pro-Life Webcast. See below:

The powerful new tool: A new Docu-Series, produced by Charlotte Pence Bond, in partnership with Students for Life of America and Heartbeat International. This series uncovers the dangers of Chemical Abortion and the push by the current administration to expand use of it. 

docu series

Watch the Docu-Series to learn more about this dangerous new frontier for the abortion industry.

As the abortion industry looks to expand, we continue to bring hope! Our Abortion Pill Rescue Network is here and ready to answer the calls from girls seeking to reverse the effects of that first abortion pill. You can help us answer these calls by supporting our efforts today. Click here to make a donation now and help a woman know that it's not too late. There is still hope to save her pregnancy.