2015: Start Now on Long-Term Success

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist2015

A successful, effective advancement plan is not an overwhelming task; nor is it one that requires extraordinary fundraising skill.

Frankly, a winning plan for raising funds and advancing the ministry to a new tier is all about consistency and . . . Smart planning that is based on incremental improvement.

Here is what I mean:

Often we look at our finances and declare, "We need another event" or, "We must make major improvements in this area or that one in order to raise these funds!" On the idea of another event, in this issue we will blow that myth out of the water. If your ministry has two events, you have plenty. A third can actually be a detriment to a winning plan.

And when it comes to "major" gains in fundraising, most of the time we will find that it is step-by-step, small improvements that make the biggest difference to our overall success. This month, let's take a look at seemingly slight changes that can bring us powerful results, over time.

If we look long-term, we will find three avenues for success:

Time spent evaluating our current fundraising plan is always time well spent. Give our events a second, and third, look. Let's make sure each event is a wise use of our time.

Space events, appeal letters and in-person asks so that we are not constantly in an overwhelmed rush. Back-to-back events burn out all of us. And running an event (such as a baby bottle campaign) nearly year-round never gives us a chance to breathe.

Focus on the long term
Implement long term funding streams such as building monthly support and regularly meeting with those who can give major gifts, setting up your ministry for success long into the future.

For instance, did you know that adding just two $40/month donors each month will result in more than $55,000 in yearly funding over five years? That's success. Check out other articles in this month's issue that show us the way to a winning development plan, in good time.

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.