With Every Woman, For Every Child

Heartbeat International has teamed up with the March for Life Education and Defense Fund to organize a nationwide donation drive for pregnancy centers and maternity homes! You are the backbone of what it means to build a culture of Life. We are better together in this movement, so when they proposed we partner to bless pregnancy help organizations with donations, we eagerly agreed. We are, and have always been, "with every woman, for every child." 

As our thanks to you, the March for Life called on marchers and the entire pro-life community to contribute to a pregnancy help organization like yours. Watch their March for Life featured commercial below where they tout the good work of pregnancy help!

We were able to fill the March for Life website with more than 500 pregnancy centers and maternity homes nationwide so people can provide practical support in their local communities.

Feel free to share this video and the Donation Drive with your supporters and highlight the partnerships within the movement to amplify the message of hope offered through your efforts. 

March for Life Nationwide Donation Drive: https://marchforlife.org/pregnancyhelp/