A New Concept for a 50 Year Old Conference

by Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications & MarketingCelebrating50Years
Heartbeat International

One of our founding goals at Heartbeat International is to provide an annual training conference to properly equip the pregnancy help movement with the tools and concepts needed to empower women to choose life for their little ones.

Unfortunately, last year the pandemic caused us to dramatically shift from an in person conference to a virtual one and we missed the opportunity to be with you in-person. But God is so good! That conference ultimately resulted in us being able to train pregnancy help leaders in more than 30 nations worldwide and host the largest pregnancy help conference ever!

Little did we know at the time that our virtual conference would equip us with the technology and experience needed to continue providing key pregnancy help to centers worldwide when travel would remain restricted in many areas indefinitely.

Throughout this entire pandemic, pregnancy help organizations have continued to stay engaged in communities and in this network. We do this through our online trainings, our physical resources, and by staying connected by phone or Zoom. If this time reinforced anything, it is that relationships are vital!

Pregnancy help has remained an essential need through this past year and so as we plan ahead, we are committed to hosting an in-person conference in the spring. It is our 50th birthday celebration, and we want to share that time with you!

Understanding that there still will be some travel and health restrictions, we are creating a new path of learning so that anyone who wants to hear from experts in their field while receiving inspirational messages of hope has the ability to do so.

Therefore, we are preparing to host both an in-person conference and a virtual conference in tandem with one another.

This means, if you are in Columbus, Ohio with us this April 27-30, 2021, you will receive in-person training with more than 80 workshops from which to choose in addition to networking opportunities, keynote addresses, and in-depth training options. You will also have access to our virtual conference which will include an additional 50 workshops and more keynote addresses. You can then choose to binge watch the virtual conference at night or save it until you are back home.

We are working with the state and local government agencies as well as the hotel directly to ensure that all event safety guidelines are accounted for as your protection is of our utmost importance.

For those who choose to stay home for any reason, we understand, and we’ve got you covered.

Our Virtual Conference, April 28-30 will include nine different workshop tracks and six keynote addresses. Speakers will be available for Live Q&A at the end of their virtual workshop. Additionally, you will still have access to our amazing sponsors which provide products and services designed to advance the pregnancy help movement. You’ll also have the ability to network with other attendees and connect through our community board. 

We know that this period in time will make the history books and we plan to make the most of it! Professional development is key in any profession and it is our goal to lead the way by creating a new tandem conference so that any and all who seek to provide pregnancy help have the ability to do so either in-person, virtually, or both!

Registration will be opening in the next few weeks with additional information. Keep an eye on your inbox or check our conference webpage for the latest information.

See (or “See”) you in April at our 50th Annual Conference!