No life left behind – Pregnancy help community at the forefront of serving human trafficking victims

HB logo verticalFriday | October 16, 2020
: Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications and Marketing
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Pregnancy help community at the forefront of serving human trafficking victims
How pregnancy help centers are meeting this crucial need

Columbus, OH: Do you think you know the full range of assistance provided by your local pregnancy help center? The fact is, in the course of their day-to-day work of serving women facing unplanned pregnancy these centers have been assisting the victims of human trafficking as well.

Human trafficking is another violation of the sanctity of human life, and the awareness of this scourge is starting to catch up with its prevalence.

Pregnancy help centers are in a unique position to make a difference through the services they provide and partnerships they already have established in their communities.

Experts say traffickers often bring their victims to pregnancy centers for free pregnancy ultrasounds and to avoid hospital emergency rooms.

One study found of human trafficking survivors that: 21.2 percent got pregnant 5 times or more; 55.2 percent reported at least one abortion; and 29.9 percent reported multiple abortions.

The study further found that 87 percent of trafficked victims have had contact with a health care provider while being trafficked. Those providers can include pregnancy centers.

This makes pregnancy centers a ‘first responder’ on the front lines of this crisis.

How are they responding?

“Pregnancy help centers are vital first responders to this modern slavery,” said Heartbeat International’s Director of Ministry Services Betty McDowell, who has testified before Congress on this issue.

Heartbeat International launched the first anti-human trafficking course for pregnancy help centers two years ago and continues to assist centers in preparing to serve these individuals.

In addition to its course for pregnancy centers, Heartbeat has included human trafficking presentations at its annual pregnancy help conference, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of experts in this area.

As awareness grows, so will the need to serve them, and pregnancy help organizations stand ready to meet the need.

You can find out through Heartbeat International how pregnancy centers have the unique opportunity to serve as a key ally in helping break the cycle of human trafficking.


To schedule an interview with Betty McDowell about the life-affirming services provided to human trafficking victims by pregnancy centers and Heartbeat International’s resources that support them, call 614-885-7577.

For more information on Heartbeat International go to and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.

About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 2,800 affiliated locations in more than 60 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.


No life left behind– Pregnancy help community at the forefront of serving human trafficking victims