Andrea Trudden

Staying Connected with Clients in These Uncertain Times

We are called into a movement where relationships are so important. How do you maintain these relationships, though, when your doors are closed?

First and foremost, look at your organization's policies and procedures. What does it say about confidentiality? In all that we do, we must maintain the confidence from our clients that their private information stays that way. Before implementing any of the references below, ensure that you are mindful of the most appropriate means to maintain confidentiality. 

2020 Annual Conference Reimagined

Dear friend for life,

The Heartbeat International Annual Conference is such an important event each year for the pregnancy help community. Here, you have the ability to be trained by experts in a variety of fields to strengthen your organization and ultimately save more lives. 

While we were disappointed at first that we are not able to be together in person this year, God has continuously come through to show us that He is in control and He has bigger plans! This mission is so critical and we are incredibly appreciative of all you do for LIFE! 

To continue bringing strategic insights, exceptional training, and timely encouragement to those on the frontlines, Heartbeat has adapted our training from an in-person Conference to an Online Global Conference! This Virtual Conference will be held April 14-16 and incorporate much of the originally planned program. 

Our schedule includes more than 90 workshops, PEG Talks, live Keynote addresses, prayer, live Q&A, and even a virtual exhibit hall. We are excited to see how God uses this moment in history to advance our movement even further!

Your registration provides you with access to all the conference has to offer! The price for this Virtual Conference experience is $299, and you'll save $100 if you register by midnight April 7! That means you can get the full conference experience, for just $199!

The original cost for our training was $569+travel and lodging. This online avenue provides a savings of hundreds of dollars and allows you to view it all from the comfort of your own home or at your pregnancy help organization. Don't miss this unique opportunity.

Register Now for the Virtual Conference

We hope you can join us this April 14-16 at our Virtual Conference!
Together for life,

Jor-El Godsey
Heartbeat International President

(03/17/2020) Dear friend for life,

Thank you all for your patience as we all adjust to this unprecedented time in our country.

We at Heartbeat are in the process of reimagining the 2020 Heartbeat International Annual Conference so please keep the conference dates on your calendar. We're excited for the possibilities!

As we move forward, we ask for your grace and promise to be in touch soon regarding your options for a conference refund to the same credit card used to register (less any transaction feels imposed by the credit card company) or registration for the new 2020 Annual Conference or, possibly, a different future event.

Please remember it is your responsibility to contact and cancel your hotel reservation directly with the Hyatt Regency.

We look forward to sharing more specific details in the upcoming days so watch your email! Again, thank you for your patience as we navigate this unique situation. For the most up-to-date information, please click here.

Please feel free to contact us should you need anything further. It would be our pleasure to assist you. Join us in continued prayers for our nation and our friends across the globe.

Yours for LIFE,


(03/14/2020) Dear friend for life,

Each of us have been called into a life-saving movement of hope. Through this great work, lives are changed and families are strengthened through the services provided by the pregnancy help network. As you care for each client who enters your doorway, so we care about each and every minister who volunteers or works within a pregnancy help organization. 

On Thursday, I wrote to you that we were moving ahead with the Annual Conference. Since that time, King County issued new guidelines recommending that large events and gatherings not be held, Seattle's Mayor suspended school until at least April 24, more than 30 states within the U.S. are in states of emergency, new international travel restrictions have been implemented, and the President of the United States declared a National Emergency as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. 

We have made the decision to suspend the in-person Annual Conference planned for Seattle next month.

This is not a decision we came to lightly; however, we are reimagining our annual gathering. While we are disappointed about the delay, we are excited about the doors God is opening that will allow us to still provide exceptional training to you. 

Please connect with your airline (if applicable) and the hotel to amend your travel arrangements. 

Stay tuned... We will be reaching out in the coming days with more specific details. We thank you for your patience as we navigate this unique situation.

For the most up-to-date information, please click here. 

As we live in interesting times, remember Psalm 91 and feel the presence of the Lord. We pray His protection over you, your team, your organization, and your family. 

Coronavirus Action Plan

(03/14/2020) The 2020 Annual Conference is POSTPONED.

We have made the decision to suspend the in-person Annual Conference planned for Seattle next month. (Click here to read Heartbeat's full statement.)

While we are disappointed about the delay, we are excited about the doors God is opening that will allow us to still provide exceptional training to you.

Stay tuned... We will be reaching out in the coming days with more specific details.

(03/11/2020) Like you, we are watching the global resources we have available through the government, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (, and the World Health Organization ( With the Governor of Washington's event restrictions through March and the presidential address, we understand the concern and are monitoring the situation very carefully.

Heartbeat International will move forward as scheduled with the 2020 Annual Conference. We are currently implementing health precautions with the venue, onsite event staff and all event participants that include:

Hand sanitizer stations available when you enter and exit session rooms as well as at the registration desk
Wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds when going to the restroom
Limit handshaking and other bodily contact
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. With the proper precautions, it should not have an impact on this year's event.

If we are forced to cancel, all registration monies will be refunded in full (less our transaction fees). Should circumstances change, we will notify attendees immediately.

We continue praying for our friends worldwide affected by the Coronavirus. This is an interesting time in our world, and a time to join together in prayer for peace, healing and provision.


Dear friend for life,

The Heartbeat International Annual Conference is such an important event each year for the pregnancy help community. Here, you have the ability to be trained by experts in a variety of fields to strengthen your organization and ultimately save more lives.

While we were disappointed at first that we are not able to be together in person this year, God has continuously come through to show us that He is in control and He has bigger plans! This mission is so critical and we are incredibly appreciative of all you do for LIFE!

To continue bringing strategic insights, exceptional training, and timely encouragement to those on the frontlines, Heartbeat has adapted our training from an in-person Conference to an Online Global Conference! This Virtual Conference will be held April 14-16 and incorporate much of the originally planned program.

Our schedule includes more than 90 workshops, PEG Talks, live Keynote addresses, prayer, live Q&A, and even a virtual exhibit hall. We are excited to see how God uses this moment in history to advance our movement even further!

Your registration provides you with access to all the conference has to offer! The price for this Virtual Conference experience is $299, and you'll save $100 if you register by midnight April 7! That means you can get the full conference experience, for just $199!

The original cost for our training was $569+travel and lodging. This online avenue provides a savings of hundreds of dollars and allows you to view it all from the comfort of your own home or at your pregnancy help organization. Don't miss this unique opportunity.

2020 Virtual Conference | April 14-16

Register Now for the Virtual Conference
We hope you can join us this April 14-16 at our Virtual Conference!

Together for life,


Jor-El Godsey
Heartbeat International President

Pro-Life Writer's Row Application

If you are registered for the Heartbeat Conference and are a published author interested in the Pro-Life Writer's Row event, please complete the application below. Preference will be given to Heartbeat affiliates.

Applications Due: February 15 | Decisions Expected: March 3

Submit a Job Posting

Pregnancy Help Organizations may submit notices of job openings to the Heartbeat International office by filling out this form.

What if there had been no vision?

silhouette photography of boat on water during sunsetby Andy Merritt

The theme for this year’s Heartbeat Conference is “VISION.”

In Proverbs 29:18 we read, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

The pregnancy center movement was born out of the vision God gave His people to establish arks of refuge to save those perishing by the inhumanity of abortion. This God-given vision brought to our hearts brokenness over abortion as the slaughter of the most innocent, but also the faith & courage in God to take action in saving pre-born lives from abortion by establishing a network of pregnancy centers.

Pregnancy centers have saved innumerable pre-born children from the slaughter of abortion and brought God’s love and ministry to their mothers and fathers.

Can you imagine where we would be if there had been no vision?

The reason we come together in Seattle for the Heartbeat Conference is to share God’s vision for pregnancy centers and realize we need encouragement and equipping to fulfill God’s vision. This is why I believe the Heartbeat Conference is so important, and I encourage you to attend.

One of the areas that has deeply concerned me is increasing hostility toward pregnancy centers, along with the personal adversity we encounter every day which often causes weariness, discouragement, and fear.

As I prayed about this, God gave me a series of lessons entitled, “Advancing Through the Storm.” The thought being, we do not want to just weather the storm, but advance our lives, ministries, and the cause of Christ through the storm!

The series focuses on what Biblical heroes of faith teach us about dealing with persecution and adversity, so we can learn how to be heroes of faith today in the battle for life.

I am thankful for the opportunity to lead one of the Roundtable Interactive Sessions on Tuesday to address the challenge of overcoming opposition and adversity, and I am especially thankful the Conference is on the west coast where our pregnancy centers have encountered great opposition and need this encouragement.

I cordially invite you to attend my session at the conference in addition to the various learning opportunities throughout the week. Also, I pray you will experience a time of spiritual renewal and refreshing that will empower you and your ministry to continue “Advancing Through the Storm” to fulfill God’s vision.

Exhibitor To-Do List

button conference home 1 button exhibitor home button sponsorship button terms and conditions

As we near Conference time, there are several things that you can do today to prepare for a successful conference!

1 - Note Key Deadlines

  • Register Exhibit Staff - March 10, 2025
  • Program Book Ad - March 12, 2025
  • Commercial Link - March 31, 2025
  • Literature Packet Insert - Details Pending

2 - Make Your Travel Arrangements

Conference Location

Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC)
2101 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N,
Birmingham, AL 35203

Hotel Information (Group code coming soon)

3 - Download the Conference App and Set up Your Virtual Exhibit

We will use our event app Whova again this year to allow you to collect attendee contact information incredibly swiftly! Using the app allows you to scan the QR code on an attendee's name badge and increase your leads with ease! In addition, the Conference Passport will be done via the Whova App. Access to the app will be provided via a link to your email in mid-March.

Exhibitors will have access to all Virtual Conference workshops which will be hosted within the event app.

For the best Virtual Exhibit experience to maximize your reach to both in-person AND virtual attendees, make sure to utilize all the Lead Generating tools made for exhibitors within the app. Click here to learn how.

4 - Send Us Your Program Book Ad

If you ordered a program ad, make sure you send it to us!  This will be noted in your exhibitor registration confirmation email.

Full-color image files may be sent in PDF or compressed JPG, PNG, TIF, or EPS file.

  • Quarter Page Ad: 4.25" w x 5.5" h
  • Half Page Ad: 8.5" w  x 5.5" h
  • Full Page Ad: 8.5" w  x 11" h

Please email artwork by March 12, 2025 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We cannot guarantee placement in the program if they are not received by that time. Failure to submit ads by March 12, 2025, may result in omission from the program book.

5 - Prepare Your Literature Packet Insert

If you purchased the literature pack insert, be prepared to send 1,250 copies of one piece of literature to be included in the packets for attendees. 

Literature may include ONE brochure, a handout, or a small catalog no larger than 8½” x 14”.

Shipping details pending.

6 - Send Your Commercial Link

If your sponsorship includes a commercial or you purchased one, please send your commercial file or link by March 31, 2025, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

7 - Plan Your Schedule

It is essential for all Exhibitors to check in at the Exhibitor Registration Desk to receive name badges and your exhibitor packet for your organization. We request that you make every effort to have your exhibit booth set up by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 29; (if you cannot come until later, you must make arrangements ahead of time with Heartbeat International).

The Exhibit Hall will be open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, and 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on Friday. Please note that exhibits must close during Keynote sessions. Exhibitors are welcome to join us for the Keynote speakers after the meals.

If you would like to view the full conference schedule, you can find that here!

Tuesday, April 29

  • 1:00-5:00 p.m. - Exhibitor Check-In and Set-Up

Wednesday, April 30

  • 8:00 a.m. - Registration and Exhibit Hall Opens (peak traffic time!)
  • 11:30 a.m. - Opening Lunch & Keynote
  • 2:00-3:15 p.m. - Workshop Session A
  • 3:45-5:00 p.m. - Workshop Session B
  • 5:00 p.m. - Dinner & Keynote

Thursday, May 1

  • 8:00 a.m. - Exhibit Hall Opens
  • 9:00 a.m. - Morning Keynote
  • 10:30-11:45 a.m. - Workshop Session C
  • 11:30 a.m. - Lunch & Keynote
  • 2:00 p.m. - Afternoon Free Time

Friday, May 2

  • 8:00 a.m. - Exhibit Hall Opens
  • 9:00 a.m. - Morning Keynote
  • 10:30-11:45 a.m. - Workshop Session D
  • 11:30 a.m. - Lunch & Keynote
  • 1:00-4:00 p.m. - Exhibit Hall Closes | Tear Down
  • 2:00-3:15 p.m. - Workshop Session E
  • 3:45-5:00 p.m. - Workshop Session F
  • 5:00 p.m. - Closing Banquet

Conference meals are available to those who purchased Meal Packages. There are many places in the hotel and within walking distance for meals.

The Conference attendee registration will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30, 2025. The Conference opens at 11:30 a.m. and runs through the closing banquet on Friday, May 2, 2025. Heartbeat encourages you to be present at your exhibit booth to take advantage of this exciting peak time and during all exhibit hall hours. Failure to occupy the exhibition space does not release exhibitors from the obligation to pay the full exhibitor fee.

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before arriving if special arrangements for late arrival are needed.

8 - Plan Your Exhibit

Shipping: Heartbeat International will be using a drayage company for all shipping and exhibit setups. All exhibitors will receive an email directly from the company closer to Conference. All orders placed through the drayage company are the sole responsibility of the exhibitor. Please be certain to read all materials contained within the Kit which will include shipping instructions. Keep in mind that if you choose not to use the drayage company for your shipping needs, all packages sent to the hotel may be charged additional fees. Special arrangements must be made with the hotel for receiving any equipment, goods, displays, or other materials, which will be sent, delivered, or brought into the hotel. Failure to do this may result in deliveries being refused or materials being unavailable when required. All shipments must include the name of the organization exhibiting, with "c/o Heartbeat International Conference" below it.

All booth locations will be made by Heartbeat International.

Each Standard in-person exhibit space will have the following included:

  • 10' x 10' draped exhibit booth (Heartbeat will determine the location)
  • 8' high background and 3' high side-rail divider 
  • One 6’ covered and skirted table
  • Two chairs
  • One wastebasket
  • 7" x 44" booth identification sign

Every exhibitor also has access to their virtual exhibit on our Conference App, Whova. This space allows you to:

  • Host videos, brochures, and giveaways
  • Access to both In-Person and Virtual attendees

9 - Register Your Exhibit Staff

Fill out the form here with each of your exhibit staff names and email addresses. Please note that each organization is limited to no more than 4 exhibit staff, if you wish to add more you can add that to your registration for $199 per person. The deadline for staff registration is March 31, 2025.

Make sure to provide unique emails for each staff member. These emails will allow the staff to access the virtual platform where they can update your virtual exhibit or view the virtual workshops.

At the conference, we will be providing name tags for each staff member registered. These name tags will be required to enter any workshops or keynotes.

10 - Gain Extra Exposure

There are additional ways your company can gain exposure to attendees through branding. Consider donating 1,250 of the following:

  • Lanyards - CLAIMED
  • Plastic Literature Bags
  • Tote Bags
  • Books to Give Away at General Sessions
  • Other Items You Might Suggest

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if interested.

 *All items subject to approval by Heartbeat International

11 - Review the Terms and Conditions

CANCELLATION: If written notification of cancellation is received by March 29, 2025, all exhibitor monies, less a $75 processing fee, will be refunded. No refunds will be given after midnight ET March 29, 2025. All refund requests must be made in writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

USE OF SPACE: Exhibitor shall not assign, sublet, or share the space allotted without the knowledge and written consent of Heartbeat International.

HEARTBEAT GUIDELINES: All exhibitors must abide by the Heartbeat Principles. Heartbeat International reserves the right to accept or deny, at its sole discretion, sponsors and exhibit space to organizations that it deems inconsistent with or contrary to Heartbeat’s Principles

For more information, visit the Annual Conference web page.

We are happy you have chosen to be a part of our Annual Conference. If you have questions at any time, please feel free to contact Andrea Trudden at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Location
Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC)
2101 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N,
Birmingham, AL 35203

Hotel Information (Group code will be in your Conference Registration Confirmation)
Sheraton Birmingham Hotel
Westin Birmingham

In-Depth Training Day Information

We are very excited about the conference format this year. We are changing things up a bit!

On Tuesday, you will have an opportunity to choose from one of the 7 PEG Talk Deeper Dives and 11 Roundtable Discussions for a hands-on interactive session on a very focused topic, led by experts in their field.

On Wednesday and Thursday, you have the option to choose either to attend a variety of workshops offered both on Wednesday and Thursday (3 each day) OR you can register to attend In-Depth Trainings. This allows for a wide variety of both topics and experiences to be allotted for within the 2020 Annual Conference. 

To best prepare, we ask that those who are interested in attending an In-Depth Training to register ⁠— Wednesday, Thursday, or both! ⁠— so we can ensure that we will have the necessary materials on hand for you. Space is limited! (Attendees planning to attend the workshop tracks do not need to register ahead of time.) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) will be available throughout the conference.

Wednesday's In-Depth Trainings:

  1. Implementing STD/STI Testing In Your Center - Karolyn Schrage
  2. The Importance of Abortion Recovery for Women, Men, and Families - ARC
  3. How to Effectively Reach the Abortion-Minded Caller - Brad Imler
  4. Teaching Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) to Empower the Next Generation - Mary Anne Mosack
    This workshop will increase an understanding of the developing adolescent in the context of sexual risk avoidance (SRA) education. Participants will be able to identify the crucial psychosocial needs of the developing adolescent and will be able to recognize research-based theories that support the needs of adolescent development in the context of SRA education.
  5. Ultrasound (Basic): Beyond What the Eye Can See - Tammy & Bryan
    We are given a short moment in time in order to help our client garner the information she needs to make such an important decision. In order to make the most of the time that we have been given, we must be able to image and explain the images in such a way that she and her support system in the room, if present, will be able to clearly see and identify with the images that we are gathering. They are
    not just different shades of gray but rather the first photograph of her baby.
  6. Producing Effective Consultants through the LOVE Approach - Sara Littlefield
  7. Maternity Homes: Fixing Staffing Issues - National Maternity Housing Coalition
  8. The ABCs of APRN - Christa Brown

Thursday's In-Depth Trainings:

  1. The Case for Life: Pro-Life Apologetics 101 - Mike Spencer
    Come and learn how to speak intelligently and graciously to the issue of abortion and to answer tough objections from opponents without the use of vitriol. Become a pro-life ambassador and engage the conversation of abortion with confidence and skill. 
  2. Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking in Your Centers - Cindy Collins & Dr. Laura
  3. Giving God your Worst - Dinah Monahan 
  4. ???Trauma Informed???"
  5. Ultrasound: Beyond the Basics - Tammy & Bryan
  6. Legal Essentials/HR: What You Need to Know to Run a Pregnancy Center - Danielle White & Betsy Wetherby
  7. Getting the best ROI from Your Fundraising Efforts - Kirk Walden
  8. Your Online Presence for Clients - Bri Laycock

International Conference Scholarship

2020 Annual Conference

Heartbeat International’s Annual Conference is swiftly approaching!

Heartbeat International strives to assist individuals in other countries that seek to serve in pregnancy help ministry. Our annual conferences provide the greatest opportunity for diverse training, broad networking, and inspirational encouragement to our international affiliates.

We offer a limited number of financial scholarships for international conference participants who apply and are accepted. Scholarships vary due to demand, and scholarships may cover as much as:

  • event registration fee(s),
  • conference meals and
  • hotel accommodations related to the conference.

We invite individuals such as the key leader/executive director, staff member, volunteer, counselor, and/or board member that is currently serving in an international pregnancy help organization to apply.

Eligible pregnancy help organizations are life-affirming non-governmental organizations (e.g. pregnancy resource center, medical help clinics, maternity housing, non-profit adoption agencies) that hold values consistent with Heartbeat International.

We also invite individuals demonstrating a strong and verifiable desire to open a new pregnancy help effort in their country/region and learn more about pregnancy help ministry. All scholarship applicants must be affiliated with Heartbeat International, either directly or through a joint affiliation partner.

Preference is given to those who:

  1. are affiliated with our international partners (Africa Cares for Life, Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services, Pregnancy Help Australia, Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer Latinomerican, Association for Life of Africa, Movimento per la Vita, ProVida, Be’Ad Chaim, and Pregnancy Support Services Asia) and
  2. access available local/regional training, especially those provided by our joint affiliation partners. We will verify affiliation, good standing, and attendance at trainings with these organizations, and
  3. are direct affiliates in good standing with Heartbeat International. 

Each scholarship is granted with the idea that the recipient will use the conference experience to strengthen their ministry or to lay the groundwork for a new ministry. Scholarship recipients are therefore expected to attend all keynote sessions, workshops, and in-depth day, if available. International scholarship applicants should be somewhat fluent in English. Heartbeat conferences are presented in English and translation is generally not available.

It will be a hard close on January 30, 2020. That means that no applications will be accepted after January 30, 2020. Do not delay if you want your application to be considered. Late applications will not be considered.

Please refer to the FAQs here | Click here to access the scholarship application

button apply for scholarship

Most questions should be answered immediately on our FAQ page, but please feel free to direct additional questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

FAQs: Provision of Contraceptives by PHOs

Q: Isn’t it better to put a person on the pill rather than risk that her sexual activity will eventually lead to an abortion?

A: By putting a woman on the pill or providing contraceptives, we are likely, in fact, to be exposing her to a future abortion, since we know that more than half (51%) of abortion patients in the United States reported that they had used a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant. 

Many researchers conclude that the pill often acts as an abortifacient. “Breakthrough” ovulation can occur when a woman is on the pill, she may conceive, but the pill has thinned the lining of the uterus so that the tiny embryo cannot implant and so is aborted (clearly, the pill does not always contra-cept). So-called contraceptives such as the “the morning after pill” Plan B can also act as abortifacients depending on when they are taken during a woman’s cycle, and the Ella brand does act as an abortifacient.

Since the pill has a large failure rate – the CDC reports 7-13% – those on the pill will be encouraged by medical providers to switch to implants that have additional health risks, and even to IUDs which act as abortifacients.

With the pill’s high failure rate, it often leads to an abortion. The choice to use contraception is to prevent what the woman sees as the worst possible outcome of her sexual behavior – a pregnancy and a baby. Therefore, they may rationalize that they were being “responsible” by using the pill, and, since it failed, abortion is now the responsible choice to make.

Q: If a woman or girl is intending to go on the pill, and we care about her, isn’t it better for us to provide it to her rather than have her go to Planned Parenthood?

A: If we truly care about her, it is best to present her with only the healthiest life-affirming options for her physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Putting an unmarried woman or girl on the pill says to her that we are doubtful that she can or will make the healthiest choice for her body, mind, and spirit – abstinence before marriage. She deserves positive, life-giving truth from you, messages that honor her value and affirm her whole person – emotional, social, intellectual, spiritual – not just sexual. It is only when she can express her personhood appropriately, in light of all these areas of her life, that she can become a whole, healthy, empowered woman. Sexual pleasure outside of a life-time commitment of faithful love can rob her of that and ultimately be unfulfilling, hurtful, and wounding.

Of course, the pill will not prevent her from getting an STI, or additional STIs if she already is infected. It does not prevent broken relationships and broken hearts. It will not prevent her from being emotionally or physically abused by her sexual partner(s) or predators. Artificial hormones in the pill have their own health risks and side effects (the pill is listed as a carcinogen by the World Health Organization).

Providing the pill to a woman or girl is no guarantee that she will stay away from Planned Parenthood. After she becomes “committed” to birth control, she may be more likely to end up at Planned Parenthood for an implant or IUD because they are longer-lasting, or even an abortion if and when her contraceptive does NOT contra-cept.

Q: If we are a medical clinic, shouldn’t we provide the widest possible range of medical services for women’s health and aim for the highest medical credibility and accreditation so we gain respect, have broader community support, and gain referrals from other medical providers?

A: The AMA and ACOG, the dominant medical associations in the USA that relate to our work do not support the work of PHOs. In fact, they have published articles and editorials in their medical journals that criticize PHO’s and call our protocols “junk science.” If we try to gain the respect of secular medical providers by modeling some of their programs, such as providing contraceptives, what will they expect us to do as a “next step” to remain in their fold? The medical community at large has an abortion bias. If we try to imitate them, we may ultimately compromise our most foundational principles.

Q: Aren’t we trying to compete with Planned Parenthood for the hearts and minds of women and the culture?

A: We can compete for the hearts, minds, and souls of women, and we must. But providing contraceptives in our centers is totally counterproductive to that noble goal.

To compete with Planned Parenthood does not mean that we provide some or all of the same services but without abortion. We compete, but not like McDonalds and Burger King (that provide very similar products). We are to Planned Parenthood like day is to night. Like the culture of life is to the culture of death. Like flowing water is to the desert. We transcend PP by providing a radically different, a wholistically healthy, a consistently life-affirming – a truly God-inspired – approach to each precious person and to women’s true reproductive health.

button official statement



Additional Resources

Heartbeat International's Statement on Provision of Contraceptives by Pregnancy Help Organizations

The Leadership Alliance of Pregnancy Care Organizations (LAPCO) created and upholds the national standard of ethical practices known as the “Commitment of Care and Competence.”* This commitment to ethical practices is the core national standard for all major life-affirming pregnancy help affiliate groups in the U.S.

One of the tenets of that agreed standard of affiliation for pregnancy help organizations (PHOs) is “We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions, abortifacients or contraceptives. We are committed to offering accurate information about related risks and procedures.” [Emphasis added.]

The leaders of the pregnancy care organizations in the USA agree to uphold this standard—that links and rejects abortions, abortifacients, and contraceptives as appropriate services in PHOs because of the sanctity of every human life which begins at the moment of conception.

In fact, 96% of biologists confirm that life begins at conception, the moment of fertilization.

The grandeur of this moment is described as a marvel even by secular scientists: “Human life begins in bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film.  An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception.” 

Science confirms the ancient wisdom of the Bible that describes the wonder of the human person, formed in the womb by the hand of God (Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5).

And the eternal truth of the sanctity of human life is consistently reaffirmed and remains the foundational value of all pro-life ministries and organizations. 

Modern medical associations may persistently twist traditional definitions to accommodate the abortion culture and its attending individualistic ideologies. For example, some organizations, like Planned Parenthood, define a pregnancy as not occurring until the tiny embryo implants in the uterus (several days after conception). This false definition turns actual abortifacients like the morning-after pill—that works between fertilization and implantation—into so-called contraceptives (i.e. something that prevents a pregnancy or prevents conception).  

Practically, PHOs should also be mindful that studies show contraceptives can actually contribute to an increase of abortions/abortion rate

Adding to that, the “typical” use of contraceptives demonstrates a 7-13% failure rate. This means that providing contraceptives will contribute to producing unplanned, unintended pregnancy amongst the very population—women at-risk for abortion—that we serve. This is confirmed by the Guttmacher Institute shows that more than half (51%) of abortion patients in the United States reported that they had used a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant. 

How many pregnancies, resulting from failed contraceptives provided by a “pro-life organization,” would then end in abortion?  

A dictionary synonym for contraceptives is birth control. A commitment to a policy of birth control, controlling who should be allowed to reproduce or who should be allowed to be born, has led in recent history to the eugenics movement and to tragedies such as the Holocaust and China’s restrictive birth policy.  

In the United Nations, population planners, led by Planned Parenthood and mainstream medical providers in the USA who, under the guise of “women’s reproductive health”, insist that all the nations of the world adopt their policies and agenda: universal distribution of contraceptives, along with the legalization of abortion. Prescribing contraceptives in pro-life organizations could, unintentionally, be fulfilling such evil agendas.

These realities make the provision of contraceptives anathema to pro-life missional outreach. No perceived gain from marketing or opportunity for government funding is worth compromising a PHOs biblical commission to champion the Gift of Life and the Giver of Life. 

button frequently asked questions

*CCC - Originating in the early 1990s, the “Commitment of Care” was formally adopted by major U.S. pregnancy help affiliation organizations in January 2001. Focusing primarily on positive client care, these ethical codes of practice dispel the abortion activists’ false accusations and form the basis for our consistently strong client services approval ratings. In 2009 long practiced organizational competencies were officially included and the statement was re-titled “Commitment of Care and Competence.” The most recent update occurred in 2019. 


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