Andrea Trudden

Dr. Brent Boles joins Heartbeat International as Medical Director

HB logo verticalThursday | May 20, 2021
Contact: Andrea Trudden, Sr. Director of Communications and Marketing
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Heartbeat is excited to announce that Dr. Brent Boles, a practicing, board-certified OB/GYN for nearly three decades, has joined the Heartbeat International team as Medical Director. 

“Dr. Boles is a skilled physician in his practice and a bold champion for life in the public arena,” said Jor-El Godsey, Heartbeat International president. “He has been an integral part of Heartbeat's Abortion Pill Rescue® Network Medical Advisory team since its inception and we are blessed to have him serve as our Medical Director.”

“Abortion Pill Rescue Network has grown tremendously in the last three years. The addition of Dr. Brent Boles to our team as Medical Director provides the guidance and expertise needed to grow the network even further,” said Christa Brown, director of Medical Impact for Heartbeat International. “Dr. Boles has a servant’s heart and desire to walk alongside others who are dedicated to making abortion unwanted today, and unthinkable for future generations.”

A longtime supporter of the work of Heartbeat International, Dr. Boles will also work closely with Heartbeat's leadership to implement Medical Impact strategies that serve the pregnancy help movement in even greater ways. We are excited about his involvement and wholeheartedly welcome him to the Heartbeat team.

"The abortion industry says that reversal doesn't work, and is 'experimental.' The truth is this: progesterone has been used in high-risk pregnancies for decades —in fact, it has been used in high-risk pregnancies since before Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973." Dr. Boles said.

“I am also pleased to announce that today I have accepted the position of Medical Director for the Abortion Pill Rescue Network. Exciting things are coming!”


To schedule an interview, contact Andrea Trudden at 614-885-7577. For more details click here.

For more information on Heartbeat International go to and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.

About Abortion Pill Rescue Network: Abortion pill reversal is a cutting-edge application of a time-tested, FDA-approved treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth. It involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill. From the moment a woman takes the abortion pill, she has about 72 hours to change her mind and save her baby. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network answers more than 300 mission-critical calls a month from women who regret their abortion decision. Statistics show that more than 2,000 lives have been saved (and counting) through the abortion pill reversal protocol.

If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network provides free and confidential care 24/7. Call 877.558.0333 or go to now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy.

About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with nearly 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 70 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.

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Abortion Pill Rescue Network targeted by big abortion allies

HB logo verticalWednesday | March 24, 2021
Contact: Andrea Trudden, Sr. Director of Communications and Marketing
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An irregular increase in international calls to the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) recently signaled another orchestrated offensive by the abortion lobby targeting pregnancy help. But Heartbeat International’s network of APR providers did not miss a beat, nor deviate from the mission of serving women who regret starting a chemical abortion.

The APRN hotline nurses immediately noticed an uncharacteristic pattern, but despite the red flag, the committed professionals at both the APRN and Option Line continued to provide the usual compassionate service and care intended for women in genuine need.

The suspicion was confirmed Monday as openDemocracy contacted Heartbeat for response to the “findings” of its "investigative report" on the APRN.

Anticipating the ruse the week before, Heartbeat International President Jor-El Godsey said that if pro-abortion forces such as the website behind previous unfounded criticism of Heartbeat’s life-saving work sought to convict Heartbeat of performing its Christ-centered mission of serving women facing unplanned pregnancy - then the verdict is guilty as charged.

“We know that our team only supplied evidence that we love and care for women as they seek to make the choice to rescue their baby from a chemical abortion,” he said. “The good news?” Godsey said, “Our team performed excellently.”

“We hear from women every single day who regret taking mifepristone to end a pregnancy and desire a way to continue their pregnancies and rescue their babies,” said Christa Brown, director of Medical Impact at Heartbeat International. “Abortion Pill Rescue Network listens to their requests and offers women real choices even after starting a chemical abortion.”

“We are called to serve and the APRN/OL team did,” said Godsey, “even with their suspicions. The nurse managers jumped in and took the sudden overflow of international calls, handling them with grace and good intent. Well done APRN and Option Line team!”

The APRN and staff at Option Line spent multiple hours with the duplicitous contacts, in some cases the conversations were spread out over two to three days. This was time taken from serving women who truly needed their services.

“The Big Abortion allies at openDemocracy may have grist for their hit piece, but what they really did was distract our good people from the life-saving work APR actually is,” Godsey said. “It will certainly be lost on openDemocracy that their efforts fail women.”


To schedule an interview, contact Andrea Trudden at 614-885-7577. For more details click here.

For more information on Heartbeat International go to and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.

About Abortion Pill Rescue Network: Abortion pill reversal is a cutting-edge application of a time-tested, FDA-approved treatment used for decades to prevent miscarriage and preterm birth. It involves emergency, ongoing doses of progesterone to counteract the effects of the first abortion pill. From the moment a woman takes the abortion pill, she has about 72 hours to change her mind and save her baby. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network answers more than 150 mission-critical calls a month from women who regret their abortion decision. Statistics show that more than 2,000 lives have been saved (and counting) through the abortion pill reversal protocol.

If you or someone you know took the abortion pill and regret it, there may still be time. The Abortion Pill Rescue Network provides free and confidential care 24/7. Call us at 877.558.0333 or go to now. There may still be time to save your pregnancy.

About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with nearly 3,000 affiliated locations in more than 70 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.

Life Trends Report

Life Trends2024Heartbeat International and its network of more than 3,500 pregnancy help service providers worldwide work tirelessly to offer hope and help to women and families experiencing unexpected pregnancies. From this network of care, we can discover and evaluate trends within the movement as a whole and use them to inform and encourage others on the work accomplished.

The Life Trends Report exists to provide a snapshot of life-affirming pregnancy help. Having an awareness of the trends within the pregnancy help movement creates a better understanding as the culture changes and shifts over time.

The information within the 2024 Life Trends Report pulls in 2023 data and should be used to better understand the services our clients seek, while providing key information to share publicly about the good work and positive impact of pregnancy help.

•   •   •   Download the Life Trends 2024 Report   •   •   •

Findings from the Report:
  • 1,949,457 total client visits to affiliated pregnancy help organizations in 2023
  • 93% of Option Line contacts are mission-critical
  • 22% of women report receiving the abortion pill from the internet or friends rather than a healthcare professional, an increase of 18% since 2021

Our affiliate pregnancy help centers (PHCs) offer a broad range of services from abstinence education and STD testing/treatment, to Abortion Pill Rescue and parenting classes.

  • 73% provide Abortion Recovery services.
  • 31% are part of the Abortion Pill Rescue Network.
  • 76% provide ultrasound.
  • 56% provide incentive programs for clients.
  • 34% provide STD Testing.
  • 80% of women considering an abortion choose life when they see an ultrasound.

Abortion Trend: Increased Access with Little Oversight

In the wake of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the landscape of abortion has undergone a profound transformation. The shifting landscape of abortion, characterized by increased accessibility, reduced medical oversight, and alarming risks to women’s health, underscores the urgent need for compassionate care and practical support for women facing unplanned pregnancies as provided by the pregnancy help movement. 

  • Chemical abortion accounts for over 80% of all abortions in the U.S.
  • Data shows a 38% drop since 2017 of women receiving ultrasound screenings before abortion initiation has been observed, depriving women of vital information about their pregnancies
  • 22% of women report obtaining abortion pills online or from acquaintances in the last three years

Life Trend: Expanded Services

Expanded Services: Pregnancy help organizations often expand their reach by providing additional outreach to women in need, with little to no federal taxpayer dollars.

  • 256 have Mobile Units
  • 100 have on-site Doctors
  • 46 have Telehealth

Life Trend: Abortion Pill Reversal

Heartbeat's Abortion Pill Rescue® Network (APRN) connects women who regret taking the first dose of the abortion pill regimen to a network of medical professionals trained to administer the reversal protocol.

  • 5,000+ lives have been saved since 2012, according to statistics
  • 1,200 lives were saved in 2023 through APR
  • 150 women on average start the abortion pill reversal process each month
  • Women in all 50 states and 93 countries contacted APRN in 2023
  • 77% of women who seek reversal do so within 24 hours of taking the abortion pill
  • 43% increase in reversal starts since 2020

Life Trend: Option Line

Option Line's 24/7 pregnancy helpline serves as a vital resource, especially when pregnancy centers are closed. It ensures that assistance is available round the clock, offering support to women in need, particularly in times when alternative options like abortion pills by mail are being considered.

  • 58% of contact via phone
  • 9% of contact via chat
  • 23% use a self-service locator
  • Option Line connects someone to life-saving help every 76 seconds
  • More than 7 million women and men have contacted Option Line since 2003 


• • • Download the Life Trends 2024 Report • • • 

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The more who know about the many ways the pregnancy help movement serves women and communities, the better. 

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In-Person Conference Schedule

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Whether you will be attending the Heartbeat International Conference in person or virtually, there are plenty of learning options available to you.

Those enjoying the In-Person Experience will have the opportunity to select from the various sessions held each day. To download and print a paper schedule, click here!

Note:Tuesday, April 23 is our In-Depth Training Day and is available by purchasing the Conference Bundle.

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A big thank you to our Sponsors for helping keep Conference costs low for those working in pregnancy help.

Brace for impact

The forward momentum of the pro-life movement over the last four years is about to run head-on into an empowered pro-abortion offensive bent on recovering all lost ground and establishing its own forward momentum.

By any objective analysis of actions specifically related to abortion, the Trump administration has been the “most pro-life” administration since the issue began to dominate our politics in the sixties. President Trump’s desire to be seen as doing more and doing it better actually translated in solid gains across the pro-life spectrum. From the Supreme Court to the policy wonks at Health & Human Services, from defunding Planned Parenthood (as best he could in the face of an unsupportive Congress) to refusing to allow taxpayer funding support abortion in other countries (the “Mexico City policy”), this administration has been proactive in advancing the sanctity of life in a variety of ways.

Most, if not nearly all, of that is about to stop.

Or at least become severely impeded.

Federally, abortion is a political football. On day one of his presidency, Obama reversed the Bush (43) ban on funding international abortion entities. Trump reversed it back when he took office. He even made the constraints stronger and broader reaching. The incoming administration has clearly signaled that they will reverse the “Mexico City policy” and others that we have celebrated.

Biden and his impending administration have already tipped their hand in support of Big Abortion. More than rhetoric from the campaign trail, including “eliminating the Hyde Amendment” (which bans the use of federal funds for almost all abortions), is the slate of pro-abortion activists being proposed for cabinet-level positions. Chief among them is California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who we know as the defendant from NIFLA v. Becerra, being tapped to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

If you’re new to the pregnancy help movement, this was California’s effort to actively force pregnancy help centers to promote California’s abortion services. It was only one of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s last votes that swung in favor of pregnancy help that secured the slim 5-4 decision to keep governments from forcing pregnancy centers to speak what is reprehensible—a message favoring abortion.

If Becerra is confirmed to head HHS, he’ll certainly restore Planned Parenthood’s previous funding and move to again box out life-affirming pregnancy help from the gains made under the Trump administration.

Chemical abortion is rapidly becoming Big Abortion’s preferred method. A Biden administration will likely release the distribution of these abortions completely from all FDA constraints. Fewer constraints coupled with more funding can only lead to an increased number of abortions nationally.

The final blow is the failure—culminating in the Georgia run-off—to hold a solid pro-life majority in the Senate. As the votes are still being counted (and re-counted), there is only the slimmest chance to thwart sweeping changes to fundamentally tip the scales in favor of Big Abortion. Even a win will see the Senate numerically the same as the first two years of the Trump administration that failed miserably to secure key legislative gains proposed by the decidedly pro-life House during their term.

Only the supposed majority of conservative justices at the Supreme Court can serve as a backstop to the most radical of abortion agendas now (nearly) empowered in DC.

The immediate future looks bleak.

And that is just how she’s imagining her life if she says yes to that unplanned pregnancy.

And the very same thing we tell her is what we need to tell ourselves.

God’s got this.

While we can’t, with absolute certainty, tell her just exactly how God’s going to work in her specific situation, we can boldly proclaim with confidence that the Lord's plans for her involve a “hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11).

And that’s where we need to draw confidence as well. Even in the face of our opposition, Psalm 23 reminds us that God will meet our needs, secure our provision, and strengthen us by His own hand. Just like we know He will be faithful to meet hers.

We’ve seen drastic political twists and turns like this before. With trust in the name of the Lord our God and His anointing upon us, we can face this with a tenacious optimism that has been the hallmark of the pregnancy help movement.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7)

She’s not looking to Washington for help. She’s looking for someone close by. Someone who can tell her, “Don’t let your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1a) Someone who will love her in the moment and help her see beyond the immediate obstacles. That someone is us.

The propensities of politics cannot compare to the Promise of Providence. His Glory is not diminished by a vote count, but instead is exalted in the faithfulness of His people. His calling to champion the Gift of Life will only need more of Him at work in us, for us, and through us.

God’s got this!

Jor-El Godsey

President, Heartbeat International

What does it really mean to save a life?

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What does it really mean to save a life? 

Chemical abortions are on the rise – so are the pleas we receive to reverse them. Help us support mothers and save babies right now.

Fill out my online form.

Ashley Bratcher Surprises Mom with Unplanned Movie Scholarship in Time for the Holiday Season

HB logo verticalTuesday | November, 24 2020
: Andrea Trudden, Director of Communications and Marketing
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Ashley Bratcher Surprises Mom with Unplanned Movie Scholarship in Time for the Holiday Season

Columbus, OH: Inspired by her starring role in the movie Unplanned, Ashley Bratcher partnered with Heartbeat International to award a brave woman who chose life when facing an unplanned pregnancy with an $11,700 scholarship to put toward her education.

The Unplanned Movie Scholarship provides Heartbeat International's network of pregnancy help organizations the opportunity to honor clients with financial support toward their education. Scholarship recipients may receive up to $20,000 in four years beginning from the time of their acceptance for the purpose of schooling or schooling related costs (i.e. childcare, transportation, books, etc.).

“Abortion does not empower women,” Bratcher said. “What empowers women is when they choose life for their children and they can still pursue their dreams. Because they can, sometimes it just takes a little help.”

The latest recipient, Sarah, received pregnancy support and on-going care at InnerVisions Healthcare, a pregnancy help medical clinic with locations in Des Moines and West Des Moines, IA. InnerVisions HealthCare provides women and men facing unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases with compassion and truthful information to educate, empower, and encourage them to live their best life.

Sarah recently finished school for massage therapy and took out student loans for the program and licensing. The Unplanned Movie Scholarship will now help cover her costs related to school.

"Tucked into Unplanned is a vivid reminder that education can present an obstacle to accepting the new life within,” said Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International. “The Unplanned Movie Scholarship will be a lifeline to a young mom's future as she makes the brave choice to embrace motherhood.”

When asked about the partnership with Heartbeat, Bratcher said, “Not only will the scholarship financially support the decision of mothers to continue their education, but it will also connect them to an organization that will support them throughout their pregnancy and beyond.”

The Unplanned Movie Scholarship fund is accepting donations at


To learn more about Ashley Bratcher, go to and follow her on Twitter.

For more information on Heartbeat International go to and find Heartbeat on Facebook and Twitter.

About Heartbeat International: Heartbeat International is the largest network of pro-life pregnancy help in the world, with over 2,800 affiliated locations in more than 60 countries. Heartbeat's mission is to Reach and Rescue as many lives as possible, around the world, through an effective network of life-affirming pregnancy help, to Renew communities for LIFE in order to achieve their vision of making abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.


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Today the Charlotte Lozier Institute released a report highlighting the findings of a robust study of approximately 2,700 U.S. pregnancy centers. The new report, “Pregnancy Centers Stand the Test of Time,” is based on national survey data provided by the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates and other pregnancy center networks, including Care Net and Heartbeat International. The data in this report quantifies the tremendous impact of pregnancy centers in America.

“Pregnancy centers and medical clinics exist to empower mothers to choose life. They provide invaluable education as well as physical, medical, emotional and financial support,” said Anne O’Connor, NIFLA Vice President of Legal Affairs. “This report quantifies the impact of their work on a national scale. Pregnancy centers provide these services at no cost, saving communities across the nation millions in tax dollars annually. All Americans, regardless of political orientation, can agree that pregnancy centers provide welcome essential resources during times of uncertainty.”


Key findings in the report include:

2,700 pro-life pregnancy centers nationwide served almost two million people in 2019, at an estimated value of nearly $270 million.
These are some of the vital services typically provided at virtually no charge:
Almost 732,000 pregnancy tests
More than 486,000 free ultrasounds
160,200 STI/STD tests
More than 291,000 clients attended parenting and prenatal education programs
More than 21,000 clients received after-abortion support
Nearly 1.3 million packs of diapers
More than two million baby outfits
Personnel facts:
68,832 workers serve pregnancy centers, including nearly 3,800 licensed medical staff (25% of paid staff)
Eight in 10 (53,855) of these workers are volunteers, including more than 6,400 licensed medical volunteers (12% of total volunteers)
Over 10,000 licensed medical workers provide care, as staff and volunteers

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