Andrea Trudden

2023 Conference Theme BREAKTHROUGH

We pray over our Conference Theme each year. We come together as a team to discuss what word or phrase captures the moment and then what scripture will complement it well to communicate the message we want to convey. It is a fun process!

As you may have seen, this year our conference theme is "BREAKTHROUGH." We chose this word because it allows us to both celebrate the "Breakthrough" we had with the Dobbs case while understanding there are still more barriers we must "Break Through" in order to truly live in a culture that embraces life.


Let's unpack this a bit.

We definitely have so much to be thankful for as a movement recently. In September 2021, Texas put the Heartbeat Law into effect which received a lot of criticism from the media and pro-abortion activists. The law was challenged very aggressively and with a lot of money. This moment was a "Breakthrough" for our country as the law was continuously upheld and other states began crafting language to mimic it in order to protect lives in, what we refer to now as, Life States. Since that bill was signed into law last September, it is estimated that more than 53,000 lives have been saved.

That moment reignited the excitement for the pro-life movement and carried us to the Dobbs decision which overturned Roe v. Wade, taking the abortion issue back to the states. Another "Breakthrough!"

Since June 24, 2022, we have seen various groups in a variety of states work to pass more laws to protect the most vulnerable. We've witnessed pro-life politicians speak more boldly than ever before about the sanctity of human life and how necessary it is to stand up for the most basic of all rights - the Right to Life. 

We have also seen pregnancy centers in the news more today than ever before. People are learning about this amazing network of care that exists nationwide to serve women and provide families with the compassionate care and practical support they need to help them through tough times. News outlets are sharing these encouraging stories of the life-affirming hope received at pregnancy help organizations. (See here, here, here, and here for a few, and feel free to share them!) Being on the Communications side of the pregnancy help movement, I can tell you THAT is a "Breakthrough!"

And yet... 

In spite of these great many positives, there is still so much to do! There are many barriers that we still must "Break Through."

Big Tech has censored and suppressed pregnancy centers, limiting a woman to find abortion as her only option on sites like Google and Facebook. Abortion States are enshrining abortion into states' constitutions. And more than 70 life-affirming pregnancy help organizations were vandalized and attacked this summer by extremists angry at the world with no condemnation by pro-abortion politicians, who have taken the opportunity to push their agenda against pro-life work. The abortion industry is fighting against any and all abortion regulations or restrictions while making egregious claims against the work of pregnancy help. 

We knew all along that if Roe v. Wade was overturned, the work of the pregnancy help movement would expand. Thankfully, we already span the nation (and world!) and are ready to serve. We continue to look onward (wait, that was last year's Conference theme...) as the battlefield is shifting. 

Throughout the Bible, God continues to give us reminders of His provision and constant hope. Our Conference scripture this year conveys this beautifully, it is from Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

With His guidance, we will continue to "Break Through" the barriers that come up while remembering to celebrate the many "Breakthroughs" we have witnessed this year. 

We are grateful to work with you in this mighty mission for life! And we look forward to seeing y'all in Louisville, Kentucky at the Heartbeat Conference.

I will leave you with this song that encourages me and makes me think of our Conference each time I listen. Do you hear the "Breakthrough"?

Katelynn's Abortion Pill Reversal Story

Watch as Katelynn shares her reversal success story.


We found out we were pregnant on Christmas day. At first we were really excited! It was the most amazing Christmas gift we could ever have. At the same time, it was really scary because we have other kids we needed to care for. I had lost my job and my husband was struggling with his business. I just couldn’t see how we could possibly feed and care for another child.

My husband said he would support me whatever my decision and my decision was that I needed to abort this baby. I talked to Planned Parenthood - they seemed so knowledgeable and I thought I just needed to push through and get it done quickly; that would be the easiest way. That was a big mistake.

I took the first pill. All that night, I was awake. I knew in my heart that what I had done was just wrong. “Is it too late? Can I do something else?” I Googled what to do if you want to reverse an abortion and that is when Heartbeat International came up.

While I waited for my appointment the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network helped schedule for me, I was just praying that there was still a Heartbeat... and there was!

Aubrey Lynn was born August 24 weighing 8 pounds and one ounce that included 10 sweet fingers and 10 cute little toes! We know she is going to have a great future. She has parents who love her. God sent her to us and I think she is going to do amazing things!

Interested in helping more women like Katelynn? Visit to give today.

Digital Marketing Feedback


Heartbeat International Open House and Ribbon Cutting

Join us for a tour of our new office, talk with Heartbeat Staff and Board members, and enjoy refreshments.

Date: Thursday, November 3, 2022
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m. ET
Address: 8405 Pulsar Place, Columbus, OH 43240

RSVP using the form below:

Pregnancy Help Organizations = Reproductive Health Care Providers

by Andrea Trudden, Vice President of Communications & Marketing
Heartbeat InternationalPositiveTest

Have you heard the term "Reproductive Health Care Provider" before? If you are like me, the phrase brings to mind "Reproductive Rights" and therefore I automatically think of Abortion Facilities. But I would be wrong.

As a pregnancy help organization, you provide reproductive health care through a variety of means for women: abstinence education, pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, and in some cases, STI/STD testing and prenatal care. We are blessed to have healthcare professionals on staff or volunteering at pregnancy centers across the nation, using their God-given gifts to help the mission and care for women at one of the most delicate times in their lives. 

This nuance of language is important as we navigate new waters that are sometimes putting pregnancy centers in harm's way through abortion-related violent extremism. 

Leveraging the label "Reproductive Health Care Provider" properly appropriates language that actually applies more to us, who discuss all options, than those who only favor abortion. In fact, the Department of Justice (DOJ) identifies pregnancy help centers as "Reproductive Health Care Providers"  which empowers them (the DOJ) to do more to protect you from threats of violence under the FACE Act.To pull from our Protect Your PHO page: 


The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (“FACE Act”) likely applies to your center and could be a very powerful tool in dealing with protestors. The FACE Act prohibits violent, threatening, damaging and obstructive behavior toward anyone obtaining or providing reproductive health services. Violators of the FACE Act could be fined or even imprisoned. The Act also provides civil remedies to the victims, including compensatory and punitive damages, as well as injunctive relief. The FACE Act provides for statutory damages, making it even easier to recover money from protesters who violate it. If protesters outside your clinic attempt to block or impede access to the clinic, to intimidate your clients, or cause property damage, please contact Heartbeat to discuss your options. We have been informed that from the FBI's perspective, pregnancy help organizations are covered under the FACE Act.

It is important for us to be aware of what laws exist that we can use to help protect our organizations and push back against violent extremists. While we are glad that the physical attacks against pregnancy help organizations have lessened, it is important that we remain vigilant and have a clear understanding of our rights.

The work we do is good. Our clients know it, our supporters know it, and we know it. Keep up the life-changing work you do!

Practical Tip #1: Review Protect Your PHO with your staff and Board. 

Practical Tip #2: Sign up for tomorrow's webinar - The "8Ds" of Risk Management (October 12, 2022 at 12pm EST), presented by Darin J Goodwiler MBA, CCEP, Samaritan's Purse VP of Compliance and Risk/CCRO. In this webinar, you'll learn the methodology of a risk management assessment that measures and evaluates risks to people, facilities, infrastructure, internal controls, and reputations. This thorough assessment has been taught for 30 years and will provide you with an effective framework to help you ensure that you have all your bases covered to keep your organization protected!

register now


On November 9, 1998, the Department of Justice established the Task Force on Violence Against Health Care Providers. The Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice chairs the Task Force, and the Task Force Director is an attorney with the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division. The Task Force is staffed by attorneys and other staff from the Civil Rights, Criminal and National Security Divisions of the Department of Justice, and by investigators and other representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), and the United States Marshals Service (USMS).

2024 Conference Sponsorship and Exhibit Registration Form

Heartbeat International Welcomes Tracie Shellhouse

Beginning her pregnancy center work as a volunteer in Alabama, Tracie has led teams in Texas and Tennessee, allowing her a unique perspective in comprehending the issues pregnancy centers of all shapes and sizes face. Her willingness to follow God’s calling on her life has taken her around the country and now back to Ohio where she will relocate to join Heartbeat headquarters.

“Tracie is a familiar face around Heartbeat as she has tapped into our leadership trainings for years,” said Jor-El Godsey, president of Heartbeat International. “When the search began for such a critical role, Tracie was on our radar immediately.”

“I’ve known Tracie for over 10 years. I have watched her grow, wearing many different hats and growing in her leadership. I had the privilege of being part of her first New Director’s training here at Heartbeat International and we developed a friendship,” said Betty McDowell, who is retiring from the role after nearly 19 years. “She is well respected, and she cares deeply about people, which for me was really key as I was thinking about somebody taking the place where I have been. That care for people is a hallmark of what Heartbeat is and how we care for our people on our teams -- and Tracie has that.”

“I am excited to start a new season of service in the pregnancy help movement. I am committed to the mission of Heartbeat International and its legacy of saving lives. Learning from the unique experiences and diverse perspectives of people all over the world who share the goal of making abortion undesirable today and unthinkable tomorrow is humbling and exciting,” said Tracie Shellhouse, Vice President of Ministry Services. “It is an incredible blessing to join such a passionate and dedicated team in this vitally important work. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of it.”

Google's Impact on Pregnancy Help

From the experts at Extend Web Services

By now you've heard the news of Google changing its policies (again) in an effort to appease politicians and suppress the great work of pregnancy help.

While this may cause uncertainty in many of our hearts and minds, we know this is not the first time Google and Big Tech have come after us. We continue to pivot and seek out new and innovative ways to reach women searching for help.

In this most recent case, some of the Google changes are minor and will not impact your marketing efforts while others will require more strategic thinking. 

What changes do I need to know about? 

Change 1: One of the main changes Google has implemented is the disclaimer that accompanies ads for organizations that do not provide abortion. Since 2019, this disclaimer has shown up at the bottom of ads and it will now appear at the top (see picture below). 

How will this impact my center: While this may seem like a major change, we do not anticipate it affecting your marketing efforts and results. In fact, when this disclaimer was first implemented three years ago, we did not see a negative impact on our ad campaigns and we have not seen an impact on ad results in the past couple of weeks.

Change 2: Another change from Google will have a greater impact on your marketing efforts is Local Search. Google has changed the default for local search results for abortion services to only show those verified to provide abortion procedures. Women will be able to see more results if they choose to, including from organizations that don't provide abortions, such as pregnancy help centers.

How will this impact my center: When a woman searches abortion-related terms pregnancy centers will most likely not show up on Google Maps unless the user expands their search. It could be very difficult for a pregnancy help center to be found through local search relying solely on organic SEO.

How can Extend help my center? 

Google Ads: We know that one of the primary ways women learn about pregnancy centers is through a Google search, so it is vitally important invest in Google Ads. Our Google Ads experts work to create strategic ad campaigns utilizing keywords that will help to offset the impact of these most recent changes. 

Local Search: Trying to combat Google on your own can be overwhelming. EWS professionals have your back when it comes to reaching women and protecting your online reputation.

NEW! Advanced SEO: Extend is pleased to now offer our customers an advanced SEO product. Your EWS website is equipped with basic SEO and now is the time to consider a more sophisticated option to increase your reach and overcome the pitfalls that Big Tech often places in our way. If you're interested in learning more about our Advanced SEO product, please click the button below. 


Remember, at times like these it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose heart but please do not give up! The Extend team is here for you and will work to give you the best web presence possible at an affordable price.

We know that no matter what politicians, Google and Big Tech do to try to suppress us, women will continue to be reached, lives will continue to be saved and the great work of pregnancy help will continue to advance.

It's an honor to partner with you! God bless.

Check Out More Innovative Products from Extend Web Services!

Google Review Survey

This summer, we have noticed various suspicious activities implemented by Google. The latest has been the inability for some pregnancy help organizations to have people write reviews on their Google Business Page. We know the value of clients sharing their pregnancy help experiences to help combat the negative claims put forth by abortion advocates. 

As this has been a bit inconsistent from state to state, we thought it best to go straight to the source - the pregnancy help network. 

Please take 2 minutes to complete the survey below and help us have a better understanding of how broad Google's review ban is. 

Life Launch

LL Ribbon Cutting

The Life Launch Grant was designed to intentionally inspire a new season of growth for pregnancy help centers in underserved communities in need of more life-saving outreach as an alternative to Big Abortion, and to help start-ups open their doors and advance pregnancy help to new communities in the U.S.

“Each of these stories is a snapshot of the life-affirming work that is being done in pregnancy help centers across the globe… These are the stories that remind us that every life is precious.”
Sara Littlefield, Grant Program Specialist

Give to Life Launch

Click on the presentation below to see the impact Life Launch has had on communities nationwide!

Heartbeat's Life Launch Program helps pregnancy centers through consultation, resources, and training opportunities, as well as financial and operational support to those centers qualifying for the Life Launch Grant.

75% of our Life Launch recipients and approved awardees are located in counties that had gone without pregnancy help – primed for more life-saving outreach. Using the 2019 census for numbers, 1,977,509 individuals now have access to pregnancy help through Life Launch!

Pregnancy help centers bring hope to moms and give life to their babies. Heartbeat International would truly appreciate your generous support to help build one of these centers and continue spreading our life-affirming message of Reach, Rescue, and Renewal. 

Will you partner with us today? Click here to give.

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