Displaying items by tag: Best of Heartbeat Fall/Winter 2021

Promoting “Optimal Health” Inside the Center and Beyond

by Lori Kuykendall, MPH, President of Beacon Health Education ServicesOptimal Health Model

Optimal Health was originally defined in 2009 as "a dynamic balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health." Like-minded leaders in the previous presidential administration succeeded in having The Optimal Health Model published on the government’s website, and it is used widely in the Sexual Risk Avoidance field. Optimal Health concepts help serve clients with community education and prevention programs.

The definition of "optimal health" includes key concepts for helping people achieve the best outcomes in all five dimensions: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. Read each of the three statements below carefully and see how applicable they are to serving clients.

1. "Health promotion is the art and science of helping people discover the synergies between their core passions and optimal health, enhancing their motivation to strive for optimal health, and supporting them in changing their lifestyle to move toward a state of optimal health."

What pregnancy help organizations (PHOs) do every day is both an “art and science” of prayerfully guiding clients toward optimal health, enhancing each person’s motivation, and providing positive support. We can help clients better understand their core needs and passions shaping their behavior (both helpful and harmful) and begin to take small steps toward choices that promote and protect their physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health.

2. "Lifestyle change can be facilitated through a combination of learning experiences that enhance awareness, increase motivation, build skills, and most importantly, through the creation of opportunities that open access to environments that make positive health practices the easiest choice."

We have an incredible opportunity to provide personalized learning experiences that are both practical and inspirational, with the hopes of fostering a better environment for making better choices.

3. One other Optimal Health concept that gives direction and helps to set reasonable expectations for serving those coming to us in high-risk environments: Optimal Health "measures success by the degree of movement away from risk."

OH Model

The target image with "high risk", "low risk" and "no risk" helps give perspective for where our clients are, and where we can hope to support them. It guides us in working together with them to set reasonable goals moving toward lower levels of risk, and ideally on to no risk. Some examples of this are questions like "Is not having sex an option for you?" or "What steps could you take to move away from this unhealthy relationship?" Depending on the client’s unique situation and your center’s services, you may be able to discuss STD testing or other services you offer. These "risk reduction" measures require wisdom and discernment but can help facilitate an ongoing relationship with the client with the continued goal of moving them to a no-risk environment.

Concerning community education and prevention programs, the Optimal Health Model allows an emphasis on “primary prevention” in sexual health education. We want to help those at no risk (as are most young people who haven’t been involved with sexual activity yet) to have the awareness and motivation that this is the best choice for their whole-person well-being. We give clear, positive messages that normalize avoiding sexual risk by avoiding sexual activity. Students who are engaged in at-risk behaviors are encouraged that a no-risk status is an achievable option that brings both short and long-term flourishment. The Optimal Health Model emphasizes all aspects of nonmarital sexual activity and its associated physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual risks while promoting the whole-person benefits to be realized in preserving all sexual activity for marriage.

The Optimal Health model is a strong tool for use both inside and outside the pregnancy center. It is future-facing and provides guidance and hope by encouraging all toward well-being and flourishment.

Addressing Fatigue and Isolation in the Soul of the Maternity Housing Leader

by Valerie Harkins, Director of Maternity Housing Coalition for Heartbeat Internationalpexels tima miroshnichenko 5717261

As leaders in maternity housing, we often find ourselves giving so much of our time, energy, and love to our residents along with their own tiny residents (their children) in need. While this is a worthy and fulfilling calling, it can also take a toll on our well-being. Fatigue and feelings of isolation creep into our souls without our noticing while we are fast at work with our hands to the plow.

Take this note in your heart and tuck it away for a later date: God is faithful to provide His strength and His comfort in our time of need, but not necessarily an end to the difficulties or even the opposition pressing upon us. He is the miraculous God who does far beyond what our imaginations can even think to ask. While our souls may cry out for deliverance from the lion’s den, He is the wise God who instead gives peace that surpasses understanding while inside the den. How glorious and perfect, a solution that gently silences the powers of darkness at work around us that boast of their own strength while also creating a demonstration of His own nature before unbelievers. This creates an “altar moment” for all surrounding the den and watching you in the midst of a trial. It is an opportunity for all to be awed by Jesus, the One whom even the lions obey.

The life raft for your soul, is the deep remembrance that you are not alone. Never. God is always by your side, ready to provide strength and comfort. In Psalm 46:1 it says, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Lean on Him and seek His guidance in moments of weariness. He’s proven Himself over and over throughout the Bible, throughout global history, and throughout your very own life. 

A little practical support for you while you’re in the den:

  • Avoiding burnout is essential for us to continue serving effectively. Make sure to carve out time for rest, relaxation, and movement.
  • Prioritize tasks and delegate when possible.
  • Set healthy boundaries: Remember that saying "no" to some things allows you to say "yes" to what truly matters.

It is crucial to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Connect with other leaders in similar roles for support and advice.

Heartbeat Affiliates: If you haven’t already joined be sure to submit a request to join our private facebook group Maternity Housing Coalition - Affiliates Group. Remember, it's okay to ask for help when needed, or even just when it’s wanted. Every housing affiliate has access to a cost-free maternity housing consultation per month. Hop on the schedule here.

May you find renewed strength and encouragement in your journey as a maternity housing leader. Remember, you are making a difference in the lives of many. Keep shining your light bright!

Fostering Year-Round Engagement

by Tracie Shellhouse, Vice President of Ministry ServicesFostering Year-Round Engagement

Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) Month, marks a pivotal time for your pregnancy help organization (PHO) to engage your local churches and community. While this month serves as a poignant reminder of the intrinsic value of all human life, it also presents a unique opportunity to increase community awareness, develop new relationships, and strengthen established partnerships through ongoing support and advocacy.

Strategies to facilitate year-round engagement:

Relationship Building:

Use this month as a platform to initiate and fortify relationships. Offer to speak about the sanctity of human life and the power of pregnancy help in January and throughout the year. Engage local church leaders, congregations, and community groups through church services, events, and forums discussing the sanctity of human life. Be ready to meet new people—potential volunteers, donors, and even clients—and build rapport, exchange ideas, and showcase the life-transforming work of your organization. Consider creating a short, up-to-date video about the mission and impact of your PHO and offer it to churches that can’t accommodate a speaker but are willing to include it in their services.

Education and Resources:

During Sanctity of Human Life (SOHL) Month, in January, presentations make it clear that honoring and protecting life is a year-round ministry. Share your plans and hopes for the year ahead. Mention your upcoming events and share the types of educational opportunities your PHO can provide for interested groups: pro-life apologetics seminars, topical workshops (adoption, trauma-informed care, sex trafficking intervention), abortion-recovery support, and sexual integrity presentations. Encourage continuous education through your training and workshop events, point them to your online presence for more resources, and offer them practical tools they can use throughout the year.

Collaborative Initiatives:

Partner with local churches to empower them to support pregnancy help through your center by...

  • facilitating support groups like Embrace Grace
  • encouraging Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs to do community-wide diaper drives
  • supporting mentorship programs for dads and moms at Boys and Girls Clubs and through Head Start programs
  • providing services at health fairs alongside your local health department
  • exhibit at church mission conferences

This collaborative approach fosters shared responsibility, increases awareness in your community, and invites others to join you in supporting expectant mothers and families. When scheduled throughout the year, these events will keep your PHO engaged with your community, provide ample opportunities for local media coverage, and your collaborating organizations will even help promote your brand and services.

Consistent Communication:

Regularly update churches and community partners about events, success stories, and upcoming opportunities through annual reports, newsletters, social media, and personal interactions. Attend partnered organizations' events to show that you support them, too. You can drop by a business’s open house, attend the Exchange Club’s auction, or volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce’s back-to-school bash. Connect in ways that let people know you “see” them. Acknowledging faithful donors can be as easy as penning, “God is touching and saving lives through your support!" at the bottom of their donation receipt. A phone call, a praise report via text message, or a short email can be touching and inspiring. And, lastly, don’t overlook the impact of sending an occasional handwritten thank you note or timely card (holidays, birthdays, life events). Keep it simple. Share a milestone achieved or miraculous “save” made possible through their support. Today, people rarely receive “happy mail,” and when we do it feels special.

You may already be doing some or all of the strategies presented above. If you are just getting started or trying to decide where to begin, I encourage you to lean into the process—it will be worth it.

1. First, choose one or two new strategies to implement. Take time to evaluate and adjust them to fit your ministry’s needs. These efforts will produce a harvest that will likely surprise you! As you gain momentum, you can choose other strategies to implement.

2. Second, don’t be a lone ranger. Build a team of board members, volunteers, and paid personnel to help with donor and community engagement. Share donor and partner touchpoint opportunities (phone calls, texts, emails, and thank you notes) with your team members who enjoy making connections and building relationships. Just three of you making one connection each day of the workweek could produce 60 meaningful donor connections a month. Imagine the possibilities! Train seasoned staff and board members to represent your PHO at speaking engagements, events, and exhibits. With a bench of trained representatives to call on, your ministry can be simultaneously present at multiple events and you can accept more speaking engagements than ever before. And as your PHO's opportunities and impact increase, you may be surprised to find that your workload may not. John Heywood wrote, “Many hands make light work,” almost 500 years ago. This proverb still rings true today.

By leveraging the momentum and awareness generated during Sanctity of Human Life Month, you can increase your network of dedicated supporters and advocates who—united for life—will create lasting change and affirm the sanctity of life every single day of the year.

The Third Realm of Leadership – Part 2: State Coalitions

by Beth Diemert, Director of Affiliate ServicesState Coalitions New

“I didn’t sign up for this!”

That quote may be something that a strong leader in a pregnancy help organization may be tempted to shout—out loud! That’s because Part 2 of the third Realm of Leadership we are addressing is often the most challenging: navigating the complex world of legislators and policymaking.

Many of us entered this calling into pregnancy help with just that—a calling. We knew and were committed to serving women in need with the love and truth we innately possessed, from our own relationship with the One who called us. And many of the same would say that the political side of this issue was not a high motivator.  And yet, here we are.

Legislation in the post-Roe arena has become a very real factor in our ministry, as it has a direct impact on the work we’re doing in our center, clinic, or maternity home. While it can be tempting to avoid this arena altogether, pregnancy help must be represented through engagement with legislators and policymakers. 

Why? Because it is necessary to ensure unborn children are given a chance at life and that women facing unintended pregnancies get the support and resources they need. And that is what we signed up for.

The reality is that our mission, which was once able to serve women in a somewhat quiet and private way very effectively, has now been cast warp speed into an increasingly public, hostile, environment set on eliminating it all together. And that means once again, our methods have to change. The mission remains the same, and the calling remains the same, but fully serving her to the best of our ability must include advocating for her rights and defending the integrity of our good work in a very public space.

How do we do that?

1. First, it means staying informed about the latest laws and regulations that affect your ministry. Finding a trusted advisor within your state that can be your information source is vital. Often this can be a relationship with your like-minded public policy folks who are knee-deep in this arena daily. It also means speaking out and informing others on relevant issues. Become that voice in your community representing life and advocating for your clients in as many venues and events as possible. Build relationships with elected officials. Open the doors wide, invite them in, show them the good work you do, and help them understand what an asset you are in the community. And learn how to make your voice heard at public hearings and meetings. Media training is a must-do!

2. Second, build your brand. Your community needs to know and love you when the hits come! Build your brand around your amazing resources and support. Create community engagement strategies and build strong community relationships. Don’t allow your organization to be the best-kept secret! The goal is to become a household name.

3. Lastly, learning how State Coalitions serve the pregnancy help community well in providing leaders a safe space to confide, collaborate, and create. There is no better time than now to unite and stand strong. There is strength in numbers! In post-Roe America, the pregnancy help community is more robust than ever, and the coalition model is alive and well. Heartbeat currently lists 40 coalitions and contacts on our website, most of them organized at the state level.

Starting a Coalition

Strengthening State Coalitions in this season can happen with simple steps; the most obvious is to start a coalition in states where they don’t currently exist! The great news is that there are plenty of models out there to adopt or adapt, and plenty of great leaders who would be willing to help a new state get started. It can also happen by increasing services that the coalition provides such as increased networking on current issues the state is facing post-Roe, and perhaps starting working groups that can address more specific state issues.

Coalition Classifications

The most strategic opportunity for a coalition in the uncharted waters most states are wading in today, may be the consideration of reorganization. Some coalitions currently may not be a legal entity, they operate loosely with no formal structure. Others may be organized as a 501(c)(3). But with the overturn of Roe that threw legislation back to the states, it might be time to consider a coalition by gaining 501(c)(4) or 501(c)(6) status. Both classifications offer more opportunities to lobby and influence legislation within the state. It gives the state’s pregnancy help community a legitimate and stronger voice and lifts some restrictions in place with a 501(c)(3).


There are organizational requirements that would need to be heeded in terms of membership and governance, but these are very doable and could prove well worth it. Investigating these models with an attorney and/or CPA is highly recommended. Your first step should be re-visiting your coalition’s mission and solidifying your purpose and calling as a group. Then, determine what classification will best help you reach those goals and objectives.

If you haven’t already, connect with your state coalition and join their efforts in legislative engagement and advocating for life, or create them. We are better together!

As we reminded you earlier in this series, "leading a pregnancy help ministry is not for the faint of heart. It requires skill, dedication, and a deep commitment to the Gospel of Life. By navigating the three realms of leadership, with vision, courage, and grace, you can ensure unborn children are given a chance at life and that women facing unintended pregnancies get the support and resources they need. Keep pressing forward, knowing that your work is noble and necessary..." The Lord is with you, and remember, the legislative community is one more constituency to speak life to!


To read more in this series, visit the Three Realms of Leadership That Shouldn't Be Ignored.

Wars and Rumors of Wars: Elusive Peace

by Ellen Foell, International Specialist of Heartbeat InternationalWars and Rumors of Wars

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.”  - Matthew 24:6-8

In early October 2023, Hamas attacked Israel on the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In September 2023, both Serbia and Kosovo moved troops to their borders in a standoff. In February 2022, the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine.

Wars and rumors of wars. And that is not all.

Did you know that according to the Geneva Academy1 (which classifies all situations of armed violence that amount to an armed conflict under international humanitarian law), there are currently more than 110 armed conflicts around the world? Some of these conflicts make the headlines while others do not. Some of them started recently, while others have lasted for more than 50 years. Here is a map showing the locations of current armed conflicts.2

World Map

One does not need to study the map for very long to see that the geographic locations where armed conflict is occurring far outnumber the nations where there is some semblance of peace.

Of course, as soon as any war or conflict erupts, leaders start to talk about “calm heads,” and pursuing peace; they begin to argue about who started it, but mostly, their loudest cry and call is for peace—even though hardly anyone dares to talk about what that would look like. It is the cry not only from those engaged in the war but from those who lead powerful nations, and those who have influence. Throughout history, and in the context of hundreds of previous conflicts and wars, great leaders in the world and history have spoken about world peace: Alexander the Great, Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, Helen Keller, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Men and women—black and white—of every generation has had its spokespersons for peace. Everyone wants peace.

As a “world community,” prizes are even given to those who advocate for peace as if the advocacy for peace had a magic dotted line to actual peace. It doesn’t. And even if we think it does, the prophet Jeremiah wrote: 

“From the least to the greatest,
all are greedy for gain;
prophets and priests alike,
all practice deceit.
They dress the wound of my people
as though it were not serious.
‘Peace, peace,’ they say,
when there is no peace.”

– Jeremiah 6:14

The phrase “peace, peace,” when there is no peace is found in Jeremiah 6:14 and Jeremiah 8:11. It is also found in Ezekiel 13:10 and 16. In all four places, it has the same meaning in the same historical context: a cry for peace for a nation, for a people, amid conflict and oppression.

We want peace, and we cry for peace. As we look at the nations at war, the ethnic and regional conflicts, that are occurring right now in our world, of course, we pray for peace. But let us not kid ourselves. Jesus said we would hear of "wars and rumors of wars."Not only that, but Jesus told His disciples, “In the world, you will have tribulation.” (John 16:33)

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” - Matthew 10:34

“I came to cast fire on the earth, and would that it were already kindled!” - Luke 12:49

Is this the same Jesus who said, “Peace I leave with you…” no fewer than three times to the disciples after he rose from the dead? The same Jesus who oftentimes told someone whose life he had just irreversibly and gloriously changed, “Go in peace.” Including, the woman He healed from the issue of blood (Luke 8:48), the woman who anointed His feet with her tears (Luke 7:50), and the royal official whose son was healed (John 4:50).

Jesus was called the Prince of Peace. He could make winds stop, still the waves, calm the raging Gerasene and quiet the accusations of the religious leaders. Jesus said to the disciples and to those He healed, several times, “Peace I leave with you,” “Go in peace,” “Be at peace with one another,” and “My peace I leave with you.” In the famous opening to His great sermon, known as the Beatitudes, Jesus taught, “Blessed [happy] are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9).

Well, which was it? Did Jesus come to bring peace or division, calm or conflict, serenity or a sword? What if He came to bring both?

We know that Jesus also said in John 14:27 the most enigmatic thing of all: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Christ's "peace" here refers to a hope and reassurance that goes beyond what a fallen world can offer (Philippians 4:7). It is permanent, guaranteed, and eternal (Hebrews 6:18–19). Our vice president of Ministry Services, Tracie Shellhouse, shares an encouraging word about peace for each one of us. In Christ alone, we can have peace.

The Prophet Micah at 4:3, articulated his hope for a world where nations would no longer engage in warfare; where people would live in safety and unity, sitting under their own vine and fig tree with none to make them afraid. Micah, along with Isaiah and other prominent prophets, consistently emphasized the importance of justice, righteousness, and the pursuit of peace as integral components of a harmonious society. This underlines the idea that true peace was not just the absence of conflict but the presence of justice and righteousness in the world. We strive for peace, but we also know that the day when the lion lies down with the lamb is not for this side of eternity.

We have short video updates about the war in Israel from Sandy Shoshani, National Director of Be’ad Chaim, and Nadia Gordynsky, President of Save a Life, International, with a network of centers across Ukraine. Her testimony of what is happening in the Ukraine assures us God is on the throne and His work endures and grows despite conflict and war.

Friends and allies, we grieve the death and destruction caused by ongoing wars and conflict, but not as the world does. Our fully redeemed and truest hope is not in this world, and our hope is not in this present life. Nonetheless, let us pray and work for the peace of Jerusalem, the peace in Kiev, and the peace in every area of the world where conflict and unrest continue, until the shalom of the Prince of Peace is manifest.



  1. https://geneva-academy.ch/galleries/today-s-armed-conflicts (accessed 10/31/23).
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ongoing_armed_conflicts (accessed 10/31/23).

The Power of Prevention in the Pregnancy Help Movement

by Lori Kuykendall, President of Beacon Health Education ResourcesThe Power of Prevention in the Pregnancy Help Movement

Planned Parenthood boasts itself to be the largest provider of sex education. Given their business model of providing abortions (and now the second largest provider of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones), it makes sense that they would want greater access to students through sex “education” in schools and community groups. Those students are potential clients. If they follow their “comprehensive sex education” guidance to use condoms and/or birth control, they will eventually need their contraception services, STI testing and treatment, and tragically too often, abortion.

I was hired by Women’s Pregnancy Center in 1995 as the Teen Outreach Director. The new position was created by the Board and directors who said, “We want to reach the girls before they need us.” God had given them a clear calling to go out to local schools, churches, and community groups with a prevention program. I was a new college graduate with a degree in health education and a calling to full-time missions. God answered all our prayers, and we got to work!

Developing Our Calling

Too many clients were sharing comments like “No one ever told me that…” or “We thought we wouldn’t get pregnant if we…” or “We had sex by accident.” Too many didn’t know God’s good plan for sexual integrity nor the dangers of sex outside that plan. In response, we developed a medically accurate, age-appropriate program for public schools and a faith-based version for churches and private schools.

Many centers, like Women’s Pregnancy Center, have felt a calling and the capacity to offer prevention programs to help address the abortion issue further “upstream.”  Many are now active in area schools, churches, and community groups sharing a clear message of abstinence-until-marriage, or what is called Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) or Optimal Health Education. Some centers develop their research-based programs and others use national curriculum.

About the Curriculum

Prevention/SRA programs share life-giving truths about the risks of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and the emotional risks of nonmarital sexual activity. They present the miracle of life and fetal development. They encourage positive character development, healthy relationships, and respect for the inherent value of every person. Effective programs deliver clear messages using trained, relevant presenters and help to establish a community of support for making the healthiest decisions for physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health.

The Tremendous Impact of Prevention/SRA Programs

Heartbeat’s vision is “to make abortion unwanted today and unthinkable for future generations.” When we help prevent crisis pregnancies among young people through clear guidance away from nonmarital sex, we are reducing abortion among that population. When we teach a classroom of teens about fertilization and the earliest days of development, we are making abortion less wanted and life more evident. My favorite benefit is the long-term one: when we are helping young people save sex for marriage, we are strengthening those marriages and their future families and having a strong, healthy impact on future generations.

There is great power in prevention for pregnancy help centers. If your center is already active in this space, stay trained and advocate well for SRA programs in your community. If your center is considering prevention outreach, keep an eye out on our Live Virtual Classes page in the Heartbeat Academy. Watch for an announcement of the next possible online course; "Prevention and Community Outreach for Pregnancy Help Centers” is in session now and may be offered again at a future date. And if your center is not feeling the call or capacity to do so, look for other organizations in your area who are and explore ways to partner.

Help Wanted: Men in the Movement

by Mark McDougal, Development Director of Ruth Harbor MinistriesMen Make an Impact

What would motivate a man to participate in the pregnancy help movement? What would motivate women to ask or encourage men to get involved?

Consider two key reasons and a few practical thoughts.

1. To Steward His Gifts

God uniquely designed us on purpose, male and female, to accomplish His purposes and the work we were called to complete (Genesis 1:27, 2:18-23). There are certainly circumstances, conversations, and tasks that are better suited for one gender over the other, but the work of the pregnancy help ministry is enormous! Thankfully, the body of Christ is diverse, and each individual is gifted to accomplish God’s work (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:4-6a). We can have success utilizing less than our full potential, but why not take advantage of the entire body of Christ—His original design—when it is available to us? For instance, most single moms would suggest that parenting is more manageable and generally more successful when a dad is positively participating in their child’s life.

Biblically, the Lord has given men the role and responsibility of protection and covering for the family unit (1 Peter 3:7). The impact of a male presence should not be overlooked or underestimated. The presence of men can give a sense of safety, care, or protection. Though not exclusive to males, men make great coaches, consultants, mentors, and advisors. They round out, bring diversity, and give perspective in decision-making and to leadership staff or board.

2. To Model God’s Design

When we live out our ministry, our work, or our board life utilizing God’s design, we testify or model that design. It may seem passive, but it is an effective form of discipleship and an example for others. And since we care for more than just a decision for life, clients should see mature Christian men and how they interact with women with whom they are not romantically involved.

Many women (and men) we serve have never experienced interactions with a male who honored them, set good boundaries, and honored the Lord. This is not just an introduction to a broader view of men, but an opportunity to help female and male clients see themselves the way their heavenly Father sees them: cherished, loved, accepted, and valued. On more than one occasion, new moms impacted by our ministry have said, “I want to find a husband like ______.” (Insert name of male staff member)

Male team members can have this impact, and female staff members who are married can also encourage their husbands to be around and volunteer in appropriate ways.

Over time, affirming and healthy relationships between men—individually or as a couple/family—often yield a very positive impact; even from short encounters such as helping deliver furniture, assisting in purchasing a vehicle, taking them to church, cooking a meal, job coaching, and discussing finances, maintenance, or repairs. As we “do life” and interact with clients, they observe our interactions and relationships and begin to make comments about how it is different than what they have experienced in the past. Voila! An open door to share God's redemptive story and how it can lead them to choose something different for their future!

When a woman in trauma or abuse is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, seeing a godly, Christian man walk out his faith, and show love and affection for his wife (and children), while biblically serving vulnerable pregnant women and their children, can be life-changing and healing for her. It's supernatural and beautiful!

And finally, a few practical thoughts:

  • There are certainly some client conversations/activities that should come from women. However, if we wish to reach men, we specifically need male volunteers and staff for some conversations/activities.
  • When I hear “men should rise up and participate,” most often it’s voiced by women.
  • Men need to be invited to participate in the pregnancy help movement, by women AND by other men.
  • Men can encourage and challenge other men in ways women can't, by encouraging them to step up to their responsibility as fathers, boyfriends, husbands, or leaders. Men can get other men involved in the movement by encouraging them to use their gifts or finances to make a difference.
  • To quote some female colleagues in the pregnancy help movement, “We tend to fight less with each other when men are present.”

If you are a man who serves in pregnancy help, thank you for your commitment and impact! I encourage you to invite a male friend to your center to see the invaluable work you do.

If you are a woman who serves in pregnancy help, thank you for exercising your spiritual gifts for life! I encourage you to invite a man in your life to your center to share about the impact men can (and do) make in the pro-life movement.


Mark McDougal served Ruth Harbor Ministries in Iowa as Executive Director for over 20 years as well as the leadership teams of Heartbeat’s Maternity Housing Coalition (MHC) and National Christian Housing Conference (NCHC). He has hired male staff team members, and couples as house parents, and typically has 50% or more male board members. He recently took a new role in their ministry as Development Director to make more time for family and consulting with other maternity homes and pregnancy centers. Contact Mark by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


International Update: The Invitation to Pursue Unity

by Ellen Foell, International Program Specialist, Heartbeat International

Update on Slovenia and the Balkan ConferenceSlovenia and the Balkans Conference 2023

Some of us have dream jobs. I am one of those people.

As Heartbeat’s International Program Specialist, I have the privilege to interface with our 1,200+ international affiliates over Zoom and WhatsApp, at conferences and summits, and sometimes on their home turf. As someone who has the privilege to travel to different countries, one of the attendant responsibilities is learning to watch and process what I see in the context of this question: What is God doing around the world, and is there an invitation to participate?

Recently, I had the joy of attending the fifth Balkans Network for Life conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This conference, themed Unity, was hosted by two affiliated centers located in the heart of Ljubljana: Zavod Zivim and Sara's Place, a small retreat center in the mountains. Zavod Zivim is a Catholic-based center and Sara's Place is an evangelical center. About 45 people were in attendance, representing 10 nations (Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Slovenia, Netherlands, Italy and U.S.) and 9 life-affirming centers. The Balkans include 12 nations or parts of nations: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, and Slovania. Portions of Greece and, sometimes Turkey, are also within the Balkans Peninsula. If you are at all familiar with the history of the Balkans, you will know that the region has historically been a hotbed of conflict, unity under duress, disbanding under more duress, and has been impacted by the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great, the Austro-Hungarian empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the former Soviet influence. The very term balkanization means “division of a place or country into several small political units, often unfriendly to one another. The term balkanization comes from the Balkans Peninsula, divided into several small nations in the early twentieth century.

Why the history lesson? Because the life-affirming centers in the Balkans stand together in stark defiance of the region’s moniker and history. The Balkans Network for Life stands for life and unity, and is an example of what can happen when brothers and sisters dwell together in unity. There, in this place of unity, the Lord commands a blessing.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! -Psalm 133:1

What is that blessing? More life. Even though the oldest Balkans pregnancy help organization we know of is less than twenty years old, the centers are praying for the next generation of centers and are actively seeking opportunities to birth the next generation of centers. Life begets life.

When I observe the ongoing work and the intentional efforts to unite the Balkans centers, I am overjoyed and challenged to consider God's invitation to participate as Heartbeat International. I believe it is to live out with joy and sometimes, through tears, sometimes with struggle, but always with prayer, the invitation to pursue unity across denominational lines, across ethnic and national lines. This resembles the character of Heartbeat International as an "interdenominational Christian association," who believes the Lord wants to "use Heartbeat to continue to bring about greater unity among Christians." This is to God’s glory; may we truly declare His glory among the nations as we hold onto the Word of life.





Pre-Abortion Screening in Pregnancy Help Medical Clinics

by Christa Brown, Senior Director, Medical Impact, Heartbeat InternationalPre-Abortion Screening

As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to relax safety measures for mifepristone/misoprostol abortion, the abortion industry shrugs off any responsibility for their part in creating significant hazards to women's health. Despite significant evidence of risk, the FDA continues to modify the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) safety net for mifepristone. Currently, chemical abortion may be administered without a physical exam or ultrasound to confirm the location and age of the pregnancy, Rhesus antigen (Rh) status testing, or any interaction with a medical professional. The American Association of Prolife Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) cautions that “removing all testing recommendations (previously considered standard of care) is such a new approach that studies do not exist to demonstrate the full range of adverse events” that will soon present themselves and that “…complications will undoubtedly be higher.”  Big Abortion continues to demonstrate that abortion at all costs, as well as higher profit margins, are the priority as they further distance themselves from real healthcare.

The abortion pill may be dispensed at a clinic or through a telehealth visit, which is completed by phone or video chat. Chemical abortion is also available on more than 70 websites and several funnel abortion services to areas they deem are underserved—delivering directly to the woman’s doorstep. According to the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network, the number of women obtaining the abortion pill online or from a friend has increased tenfold in the last three years.

At the Abortion Pill Rescue Network (APRN), we've sadly seen a reduction in pre-abortion exams or ultrasounds before the start of their abortions. These are the percentages of women who called the APR Hotline who received an ultrasound before starting an abortion from 2017-2022:

APRN Stats1
2017: 100% | 2018: 98.2% | 2019: 85.0% | 2020: 66.3% | 2021: 67.7% | 2022: 64.0%

Even when an ultrasound is performed, many women share with APRN nurses that they were not provided the vital information from the scan and do not know if their babies had a heartbeat, the dating of the pregnancy, or if the pregnancy was confirmed to be intrauterine. Because of the failure of the FDA to protect women, there is a gap in information, care, and resources for those considering all options in pregnancy.

Who can be assisted through Pre-Abortion Screening in a pregnancy help medical clinic?

Typically, these appointments are helpful for those who are:

  • considering all options for their pregnancies
  • scheduling an abortion appointment at an abortion facility, or
  • ordering the abortion pill by mail or telehealth

Pregnancy help medical clinics (PHMCs) are in a unique position to offer no-cost medical assessments, safety plans and personal support. Offering a pre-abortion screening is one way to empower women with information about the details of their pregnancies and the choices available to them.

What services are typically included in a pre-abortion screening?

Each center serves its unique community and tailors their services to the needs of the families they serve. Many centers are already offering pre-abortion screenings and have shared that this service is nothing new–just a combination of what they have been doing all along. These clinics offer more choices than abortion facilities and provide concrete solutions to help families overcome barriers to healthy pregnancies.

Care Without Coercion or Cost

PHMCs want families to focus on their own needs, not on how they will pay for care or support. Unlike abortion facilities, PHMCs offer all services without cost to the client. The pre-abortion assessment is an opportunity for a woman considering choices to obtain a free consultation with a licensed healthcare professional who will provide evidence-based information about all her options. Since many women are prescribed the abortion pill with little or no interaction with a healthcare professional, there is immense value in this visit. The PHMC healthcare professional will take the time to answer all the patient’s questions and ensure she makes an informed choice; patients are not pressed to decide for the sake of quick profit.

Confirmation of Pregnancy with A Medical Grade Test

Pregnancy testing is performed by medical professionals, and the results are provided to the patient during the appointment. There are two types of pregnancy tests: a urine sample, and a blood sample. Both pregnancy test types detect the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). When the preborn baby is implanted in a woman’s uterine lining, hCG hormones begin to develop and multiply. This is a presumptive sign of pregnancy and the PHMC can confirm the patient’s home test results.

Ultrasound Exam for Viability, Dating, And Placement of PregnancyPre Abortion Screening 1

AAPLOG recommends an “ultrasound and exam before medication abortion to confirm gestational age” and that “[to] evaluate for ectopic pregnancy [is] important to maternal safety.” They also confirm that informed consent is a professional obligation, and it would be impossible to tailor counseling about chemical abortion to each patient if an ultrasound were not performed.

Some states require women to have an ultrasound exam before an abortion, but these are becoming fewer and fewer. The frequency of ultrasound by abortion providers decreased during the pandemic when “no touch abortions” were advertised. Now those who sell abortion through telehealth or websites have profited from this omission. However, ultrasound is a common service of PHMCs.

The need for an ultrasound before an abortion is threefold:

  1. Viability
    Mayo Clinic estimates that about 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage but states the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy. If the baby does not have a heartbeat, there is no need for an abortion. Instead, if the pregnancy is not viable, the patient would be referred to her obstetrician for treatment.
  2. Dating
    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) points to research that shows how inaccurate LMP (last menstrual period) dating is, reporting that “in about 40% of pregnancies the LMP is not known or information is not reliable." Accurate confirmation of gestational age with ultrasound measurement reduces the potential for taking medication abortion pills outside of the recommended window. The FDA has approved mifepristone through 10 weeks of pregnancy. Higher gestational age is associated with higher failure rates of medication abortion with failure rates rising after week eight, approaching 7% at 10 weeks, and reaching 40% in the second trimester.
  3. Placement
    The FDA warns that a contraindication of mifepristone is a suspected ectopic pregnancy or undiagnosed adnexal mass. Mayo Clinic recommends a transvaginal ultrasound to reveal the exact location of the pregnancy. Women have mistakenly assumed they had an intrauterine pregnancy and attempted, unsuccessfully, to chemically abort. A PHMC can determine if the patient has an intrauterine or ectopic pregnancy.

Blood Type/Rh Factor Testing

The ACOG recommends that “Rh D immune globulin be given to Rh-negative women having any type of abortion.” Yet one-third of Americans do not know their blood type so it would be challenging to do this without testing. The AAPLOG recommends that “all pregnant women undergoing medication abortion or otherwise should be evaluated for Rh status.” PHMCs can offer this simple testing to protect women and future pregnancies from complications.

Mayo Clinic explains that risk occurs when even a small amount of the baby's blood could come in contact with the mother’s blood. This can happen if there is bleeding during pregnancy, such as during a chemical abortion, but can be prevented by Rh testing early in pregnancy.

Health problems usually do not occur during a Rh-negative woman’s first pregnancy with a Rh-positive baby. This is because her body does not have a chance to develop a lot of antibodies. The AAPLOG warns that ignoring these recommendations to test pregnant women before abortion may have significant consequences for future pregnancies.

Rh factor is typically determined with a complete panel during an early prenatal visit but can be performed with a fingerstick using a blood-typing kit in a PHMC.

Hemoglobin Testing

Chemical abortion can cause a significant amount of bleeding and sometimes even hemorrhaging. This extra blood loss increases the risk of blood transfusion for those who are anemic. The Cleveland Clinic explains that iron deficiency is common in pregnancy. The chances of needing a blood transfusion after an abortion are increased if the patient is already anemic.

Anemia during pregnancy, defined as hemoglobin (Hb) < 10.5–11 g/dL, is experienced by as many as 40% of women. Anemia following pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for blood transfusion, postpartum depression, and increased mortality.

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 27% of maternal deaths are due to obstetric hemorrhages.

Typically a simple fingertip prick can determine iron levels which can be performed in a PHMC setting.

STD Testing

The Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in five people (more than 26 million) in the United States have a sexually transmitted disease. According to the National Library of Medicine, pelvic infection is the most common complication of abortion, and the presence of an existing lower genital tract infection increases the risk of complications. According to this study, women seeking abortion “are at significant risk of harboring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)” and, when combined with an abortion, can lead to long-term pelvic pain and fertility issues. Since STDs can be asymptomatic, women can reduce their risk of complications after an abortion by testing and obtaining treatment before starting an abortion.

Many centers already offer this service and can include this as part of their pre-abortion screening.

Reversal of Mifepristone (Abortion Pill Reversal™) Information

All women considering abortion should know that their options do not end when they consume the first chemical in an abortion. The possibility exists that she can continue her pregnancy if she has regret after taking mifepristone and help is available 24 hours a day to do so. Abortion pill reversal has a nearly 70% success rate and APRN data shows that more than 4,500 lives have been saved through the APRN. No woman should be forced to complete an abortion she no longer desires, and she must be aware of this possibility before the start of the abortion so she can seek reversal treatment as soon as possible.

Safety Plan Information

Chemical abortion is always self-managed, typically in the home of the patient. Yet abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol has four times the complications of surgical abortion. Patients must determine when bleeding or pain requires urgent medical attention, and oftentimes women are alone in the process. While privacy and the comfort of home might sound appealing as she makes an abortion choice, it can be alarming when emergency care is needed. Before consuming the abortion pill, patients need to consider:

  • Who will be present during the abortion process?
  • How and where will help be sought in a medical emergency?
  • When is urgent care required?

The patient and support person should have a plan for when to obtain urgent care in the days after the abortion. She should seek medical attention right away if she has:

  • a fever of 100.4°F or higher that lasts for more than four hours
  • severe abdominal pain
  • heavy bleeding (soaking through two thick, full-size sanitary pads per hour for two hours in a row), or
  • stomach pain or discomfort including weakness, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, for more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol

APRN Stats2Having a plan in place before consuming abortion drugs is essential to ensure safety. The AAPOG states that “chemical abortion is contraindicated if there is no access to medical facilities for emergency services” under the black box warning assigned.

At the emergency department, the patient must explain what medications she has consumed and her precise symptoms. If available, the FDA advises the patient to take the Medication Guide for Mifeprex when seeking medical care so that it can be readily understood that she is undergoing a chemical abortion.

A follow-up plan should be made with a trusted healthcare provider about 7 to 14 days after taking the abortion pills to be sure that the abortion is complete and there are no complications that could lead to infection and hemorrhage. PHMCs have referrals for trusted obstetricians in their communities that can ensure the well-being of these patients following an abortion.

Why are PHMCs the place for pre-abortion screenings?

In every pregnancy, there are two patients: two lives, two heartbeats, and two sets of DNAs. Pre-abortion screening enables PHMCs to care for and protect both patients.

PHMCs advocate for women, not just before the choice is made but afterward, too. Sometimes the answers are not a “quick fix,” and the road to a pregnancy decision may require time and tangible assistance. PHMCs ensure the long-term well-being of their patients and their children and understand that the answer to an unexpected pregnancy is not a “quick fix” that the abortion industry promotes.


If your center wants assistance or has questions regarding these services, please contact our Medical Impact team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..





My Love/Hate Relationship With Instagram

by Ellen Foell, International Program Specialist of Heartbeat InternationalSocial Media to Reach Women

I have a confession to make: I am a baby boomer, born in 1957. That means I still use Facebook. I laugh at Facebook Reels and TikToks that my children send me but cannot create one. I use LinkedIn to get articles for free but usually do not respond when someone wants to connect. I text and I do not write in all caps—REALLY! Finally, being a boomer, I have an Instagram account—like 2 billion other people—but I don’t post regularly. In 2022, the typical Instagram user spent around 12 hours per month using the platform’s app, up from an average of 11.2 hours per month in 2021. I think I am maximizing my use of Instagram when I “like” or “heart” a post. End of confession.

I am aware of the power of Instagram, and that is probably why I have a love/hate relationship with the platform. I have issues with anything that has that much influence over people because I think of all the unsuspecting people who may have a regular, but uncritical, “diet” of what Instagram has to offer.

On the other hand, it is a great way to reach people; and that is why I started an Instagram account: to be where my children are. They are no longer on Facebook; they do not read my long emails detailing every aspect of daily life, and I think they only communicate on the phone because they know how Neanderthal I am. If I could carry a cave wall, I would totally send my children pictographs. So, if rule #1 of marketing is that we need to be where our clients are, then Instagram seems to be the place.

Instagram has 2 billion active users, making it one of the most popular social networks. That is a lot of people. Only TikTok, WhatsApp, and Facebook have more users.

According to a page on HubSpot dedicated to marketing on Instagram, “Instagram’s primary advantage over other social media platforms is its visual nature. If you have a business that benefits from the design of your product or if you have a service that has a visibly noticeable end result, Instagram is the best platform to showcase that content.

Video, imagery, and illustration are all great content fits for this social media platform, but your marketing strategy will ultimately determine what type of content to publish and how often to post it. Establishing a strategy before diving right into a new social media platform, no matter how well it works for everyone else’s business, will keep you focused on your goals and — most importantly — your audience.”

If the pregnancy help movement wants to reach young women, we cannot ignore the breadth and depth of reach Instagram has. If you look at Instagram's worldwide audience, you’ll find that Instagram users are almost equally split between males (51.6%) and females (48.4%). Worldwide, the largest group of females were those ages 25-34, making up 16.4%.

According to the Pew Research Center, “In the 46 states that reported data to the CDC in 2020, the majority of women who had abortions (57%) were in their 20s, while about three-in-ten (31%) were in their 30s. Teens ages 13 to 19 accounted for 8% of those who had abortions, while women in their 40s accounted for 4%.” Thus, 88% of women having abortions are in their 20’s and 30’s. And statistically, a lot of them are on Instagram.

I shop at almost the same places every week. When my children were small, I even went to the same checkout line if the cashier was friendly to my children. It wasn’t just that I liked the brand, I liked the prices, and I really liked the people. It is not that different from Instagram. According to Forbes, “Of those Instagram users who follow businesses, 26% typically visit business profiles every day. Another 27% visit business profiles every week.” Repeat customers are good customers. They come back, they remember, and they spread the word. A good Instagram account can reach loyal customers and they will spread the word for you.

Best of all, because I love a bargain, Instagram is free. It’s true: I do not like the time-vaporizer that it can be as a user, but looking at it from the other side of the screen, isn’t that what we want? To have young women consuming Instagram posts, remembering the source, and spreading the word?

Finally, Instagram can be used to let your donors, or potential donors, know what you are doing to change the world and culture to be more life-affirming, even those not looking for your organization. In 2022, Social Media Today reported that “Instagram says that many users have requested more direct ways to support charities, while it also consulted with several organizations on the project to ensure that it was taking the best approach to amplify relevant movements.” 

We have a relevant movement. What you do matters. Let people know so they can support you.

You can use Instagram to reach not only clients but donors. It is an effective way to reach women with a carefully crafted message of life and reach donors with a well-articulated appeal. In other words, Instagram helps to market not just your brand but your message, and it can serve as a powerful fundraising tool.

I urge you to engage with potential clients where they are—right now—who are on Instagram. If you agree, please “like” and share this article.


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