Andrea Trudden

United for Life


The past few years have shown how resilient the pregnancy help movement is. 

In 2020, we dramatically shifted our efforts to serve pregnant women and families during a worldwide pandemic. Our VISION never changed, though our processes did.

In 2021, we celebrated the frontline workers of pregnancy help, recognizing the perseverance and passion that kept our doors open while many closed because pregnancy help is ESSENTIAL

In 2022, we saw how states pushed more aggressive abortion laws, and we understood that our work was even more important. In response, we pressed ONWARD, adapting our services to meet the new needs of women.

In 2023, we celebrated the BREAKTHROUGH we had with the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. With the issue of regulating abortion returned to each state, we knew there were new barriers we must BREAK THROUGH. 

April 24 26 2024 Social Media Images verse

As we worked through these years of dramatic change, it has become more and more evident that to truly become a culture that values life as a movement, we must be intentionally UNITED FOR LIFE.

We were each called into the pregnancy help movement to save lives from the horrors of abortion. While our methods may differ, our mission is the same! We embrace this as our 2024 Annual Conference theme, remembering we are all UNITED FOR LIFE. This movement is bigger than any one of us. We must work together and stand strong against those who work so hard to break us apart. Divided, we fall, but united, we stand! 

"...then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose." Philippians 2:2

Learn more about the 2024 Annual Conference.

International Information Form

 Please complete the form below using 2022 metrics:

New Option Line Campaign - Help Reach Her

We understand the challenges of marketing pro-life pregnancy help in today's world.

When facing an unexpected pregnancy, abortion is marketed as a quick and easy solution that allows women to stay in complete control of their lives. It is found in magazines, television shows, and music. The reality is that many women often feel rushed or coerced into making a quick decision that often leads to a lifetime of regret.

We know that every woman deserves time and support when facing an unexpected pregnancy so that no woman feels abortion is her only option. 

That's why we developed a new Option Line campaign to meet these women where they are and help combat Big Abortion's monopoly on the issue. Our goal is to reach her and connect her to pregnancy help! 

To do this, Heartbeat International has developed a Gen Y & Z-focused TV and Media campaign to connect with women so that when a woman faces an unexpected pregnancy, we can connect her to her local pregnancy help organization where she will receive the life-affirming care and resources she needs. 

You'll notice in the videos below that we developed three different personas to connect with a variety of women who call Option Line seeking pregnancy help. This allows us to provide an empowering message to women no matter where they are in their journey. We will follow the analytics and adapt the marketing efforts accordingly based on the results we see.

We have three commercials running in select cities—Dallas, Chicago, and Atlanta. Our hope is to expand markets and mediums over the coming months and connect more and more women to pregnancy centers throughout the nation. 

We wanted to extend an opportunity for you to join in this effort to bring hopeful messages about options, resources, and the value of a child to key influencers. Our hope is to expand into new markets and new mediums, because we know:

  • The average woman is uninformed about life-affirming pregnancy options when abortion shopping
  • We can help prepare her influencers with critical language that supports her and encourages life decisions
  • We need to combat the increased selling of abortion by Big Media
  • Potential Reach = Nearly 100M for each Cable-TV commercial and digital campaign

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Parents Facing Prenatal Diagnosis Have a New Support Resource

HeartbeatFor Immediate Release

August 28, 2023
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New way to connect parents to those who can help them navigate their unique circumstance

COLUMBUS, OH - Prenatal Diagnosis Initiative (PDI), a working group of pregnancy support organizations, has launched its website. This resource serves parents facing a prenatal diagnosis and gives them access to accurate information on prenatal genetic screening and diagnostic testing, support resources, various prenatal diagnoses, and pregnancy options. Contributors to the website include Heartbeat International and Option Line, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Her PLAN, Be Not Afraid, and String of Pearls. 

The website also links users to Heartbeat International’s 24/7 pregnancy-related helpline, Option Line, that connects parents facing a diagnosis to a Parent Care Coordinator (PCC) in their region. PCCs are trained to provide trauma-informed care to parents throughout the rest of their pregnancy and for one year following birth. This care includes help navigating medical options, advocating for their baby, developing a plan for birth and newborn care, offering grief support, and more.

PDI recognizes that parents who have received a prenatal diagnosis are facing unexpected challenges and they deserve care and support as they contemplate the next steps for themselves, their baby, and the rest of their family. The website was born out of a desire to provide medically accurate, trauma-informed information to parents or family members who may be searching after receiving a positive screening or diagnostic test result. Option Line and its connection to a PCC will help meet the needs of those parents with compassionate care and support.

 “After fourteen years of supporting parents carrying to term following a prenatal diagnosis, our organization recognized the need to develop a professional training program that was trauma-informed, research-based, parent-centered, and life affirming.  We feel blessed to support other organizations in the development of services which address the crisis of a prenatal diagnosis with comprehensive support, and we are very happy with the feedback we are getting from those who have completed the Be Not Afraid Parent Care Coordinator Training,” said Tracy Winsor, Be Not Afraid Co-Founder and Parent Program Director.

 “Upon receiving a positive prenatal test result, parents deserve to receive the best information available regarding carrying their child to term and an offer of support in walking the journey. I've seen firsthand the positive impact for children, families, and communities.” - Gary Thome, Heartbeat International board member and PDI founding member


 Prenatal Diagnosis Initiative is a collaboration of Heartbeat InternationalOption Line, Charlotte Lozier Institute, Her PLAN, Be Not Afraid, and String of Pearls. Learn more at


Help Reach Her Campaign

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Her Problem:

  • She feels alone
  • She encounters relentless marketing promoting abortion
  • She feels forced to make a quick decision
  • She knows few options beyond abortion
  • She has medical questions and concerns

Her Solution: 
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The Option Line contact center answers cries for help 24/7/365, provides bilingual service every hour, and connects with 1,100 abortion shoppers each day providing them with immediate care and connecting them to life-affirming pregnancy help. Since 2003, more than 5 Million women have contacted Option Line for help.

You have an opportunity to bring hopeful messages about options, resources, and the value of a child to key influencers.

  • The average woman is uninformed about life-affirming pregnancy options when abortion shopping
  • Help prepare her influencers with critical language that supports her and encourages life decisions
  • We need to combat the increased selling of abortion by Big Media
  • Potential Reach = Nearly 100M for each Cable-TV commercial and digital campaign

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Knights of Columbus Raffle


Donation Drive Details

(If you need help setting up your Amazon Baby Registry, click here for a how-to guide.) 

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, the champion of Dobbs, has rallied other pro-life Attorneys General who are eager to celebrate you and your life-affirming work. And your state's AG said yes! So, together, we are collecting Amazon Baby Registries from pregnancy help organizations in your state and eight others for a virtual baby shower.

if you live in Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, or Utah, your Attorney General has said "yes!" to supporting this event! If your state's Attorney General is not listed in the form below, that means that they have not committed to participate in this year's donation drive event and therefore, you will not be listed on the main page with Her PLAN. We encourage you, still, to take this idea and create your own Amazon baby registry to share with your community. This is a great way to connect with your community and provide a tangible way for them to show support for your great work!

Simply complete the form below sending us a link to your Amazon Baby Registry by June 12, 2023. That's it! We want you to capitalize on this unique, multi-state opportunity!

Complete the form below by: June 12, 2023 
Event dates: June 19-24, 2023
Location: Online
​​​​​​​Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are happy to help! 

Being Still and Knowing He is God

by Lori DeVillez, Founder and CEO of Trotter House, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When I think of “Be[ing] Still and Know[ing] He is God” – my first thought is FREEDOM. When we truly know who God is and who we are in Him, there is great freedom. The question is: How do we completely know Him and truly understand who we are in Him? 

Let’s look at the 5 points of the cross:

1. Be comfortable letting God gaze upon you and hear Him. Think of a happy memory place – that deep inner peace.  First, knowing Him and speaking His many different names invites Him into our hearts. Here are a few that have begun to stand out to me: 

  • Elohim:  Mighty Creator – Genesis 1:1
  • Jehovah Jireh:  God My Provider – Genesis 22:13-14
  • Elohim Shama:  The God Who Hears – Exodus 2:24
  • El Sela:  God My Rock – Psalm 31:3
  • El Roi:  God Who Sees Me – Genesis 16:13
  • El Shaddai:  The All Sufficient One, God Almighty – Genesis 17:1
  • Jehovah Ezrah:  My Helper – Psalm 27:9
  • El HaNeeman:  The God Who Is Faithful – Deuteronomy 7:9
  • Elah Yerushalem:  God of Jerusalem – Ezra 7:19
  • Elohay Selichot:  The God Who Is Ready to Forgive – Nehemiah 9:17
  • Elohim Ahavah:  The God Who Loves – Jeremiah 31:3
  • Georgos:  The Gardener – John 15:1
  • Akal Esh:  Consuming Fire – Deuteronomy 4:24
  • Jehovah Uzzi:  The Lord My Strength – Psalm 28:7
  • Immanuel:  God With Us – Isaiah 7:14
  • Basilei ton Aionon:  King Eternal – I Timothy 1:17
  • Migdal Oz:  Strong Tower – Psalm 67:3
  • Shaphat:  Judge – Genesis 18:25
  • Uah:  Self Existence – “I Am” – Exodus 15:2
  • Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah:  Mighty in Battle – Psalm 24:8
  • Jehovah Geol:  Redeeming God – Isaiah 49:26
  • Sar Shalom:  Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6
  • Jehovah Nissi:  The Lord My Banner – Exodus 17:15
  • Jehovah Raah:  The Lord Is My Shepherd – Psalm 23:1-3
  • Jehovah Rapha:  The Lord Who Heals – Exodus 15:26
  • Jehovah Shammah:  The Lord Is There – Ezekiel 48:35
  • Jehovah Sabaoth:  The Lord of Hosts – Isaiah 1:24
  • Hode:  Majesty – Job 37:22-23
  • Maron:  Dwelling Place – Psalm 90:1

2. What is God’s grace? Understanding the grace of God is very valuable too. God’s grace. Amazing grace. Matchless grace upon our lives brings us freedom.

3. Put yourself into Scripture. I think of the woman at the well and meeting someone so amazing who knows all about me and still loves me, David and Goliath and the mighty battles we fight for LIFE, and Daniel in the lion's den and trusting God confidently and full of trust in no matter what we may face.

4. Learn to talk with Jesus as our best friend. Listen and be totally honest. I must know who I am in Christ!  When a negative thought comes to my mind, I must line it up with the Word of God (taking every thought captive). If it does not line up, then I cast that thought out and replace it with who I know I am in Christ.  Here are a few examples:

5. Always journal your experience. He speaks to us and it is always encouraging to look back and realize He is right here with us.

In Being Still and Knowing that He is God. . . we must truly take these examples above and put them into practice in our everyday lives. 

I have a powerful video I want to share with you here: This is powerful… life and love are beautiful...

Be still and know. . . Listen for the Father’s voice and open your eyes . . . He is here and He loves you more than we could ever know. . . Blessings be upon you on this day!

Apply to be an International Sister Center (U.S.)

What It Means to Be a Sister Center

Being a Sister Center will allow you the opportunity to participate in monthly calls with an international counterpart. These calls can be used to:

  • pray for one another
  • garner a fuller understanding of pregnancy help throughout the world
  • share ideas as to how to connect with clients and potential clients

The Sister Center program is not intended as a fundraiser.

But where is He?

by Ashley Vance, RN, BSN, LAS, Heartbeat International Healthcare Team Manager

The saints will throw their crowns at His feet. The angels cry out “Holy, Holy, Holy!” Every knee will bow and tongue will confess.

He sits on the most glorious throne reigning over a kingdom so magnificent the streets are gold, and our human mind can’t even begin to comprehend it.

He is the ultimate power, love, truth, and righteousness.

But where is He?

He is everywhere, and He is with every single woman regretting her abortion. Imagine seeing all of them. From the beginning of time until the very last. Every single life lost from around this fallen world—He knows them by name.

He brought them into existence, lovingly knit them together, and cares so much for every single one.

He is with the woman in the bathroom desperately trying to throw up the pill, the one searching the internet from the parking lot of the abortion clinic, and the one who can’t sleep at night heartbroken over what she’s done.

He leads them, He guides them, He gives them eyes to see and ears to hear. He shows them love, mercy, and He guides them to APRN. The rescue, the hope, the second chance, and the network that loves them too!

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