United for Life


The past few years have shown how resilient the pregnancy help movement is. 

In 2020, we dramatically shifted our efforts to serve pregnant women and families during a worldwide pandemic. Our VISION never changed, though our processes did.

In 2021, we celebrated the frontline workers of pregnancy help, recognizing the perseverance and passion that kept our doors open while many closed because pregnancy help is ESSENTIAL

In 2022, we saw how states pushed more aggressive abortion laws, and we understood that our work was even more important. In response, we pressed ONWARD, adapting our services to meet the new needs of women.

In 2023, we celebrated the BREAKTHROUGH we had with the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. With the issue of regulating abortion returned to each state, we knew there were new barriers we must BREAK THROUGH. 

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As we worked through these years of dramatic change, it has become more and more evident that to truly become a culture that values life as a movement, we must be intentionally UNITED FOR LIFE.

We were each called into the pregnancy help movement to save lives from the horrors of abortion. While our methods may differ, our mission is the same! We embrace this as our 2024 Annual Conference theme, remembering we are all UNITED FOR LIFE. This movement is bigger than any one of us. We must work together and stand strong against those who work so hard to break us apart. Divided, we fall, but united, we stand! 

"...then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being united in spirit and purpose." Philippians 2:2

Learn more about the 2024 Annual Conference.