Being Still and Knowing He is God

by Lori DeVillez, Founder and CEO of Trotter House, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When I think of “Be[ing] Still and Know[ing] He is God” – my first thought is FREEDOM. When we truly know who God is and who we are in Him, there is great freedom. The question is: How do we completely know Him and truly understand who we are in Him? 

Let’s look at the 5 points of the cross:

1. Be comfortable letting God gaze upon you and hear Him. Think of a happy memory place – that deep inner peace.  First, knowing Him and speaking His many different names invites Him into our hearts. Here are a few that have begun to stand out to me: 

  • Elohim:  Mighty Creator – Genesis 1:1
  • Jehovah Jireh:  God My Provider – Genesis 22:13-14
  • Elohim Shama:  The God Who Hears – Exodus 2:24
  • El Sela:  God My Rock – Psalm 31:3
  • El Roi:  God Who Sees Me – Genesis 16:13
  • El Shaddai:  The All Sufficient One, God Almighty – Genesis 17:1
  • Jehovah Ezrah:  My Helper – Psalm 27:9
  • El HaNeeman:  The God Who Is Faithful – Deuteronomy 7:9
  • Elah Yerushalem:  God of Jerusalem – Ezra 7:19
  • Elohay Selichot:  The God Who Is Ready to Forgive – Nehemiah 9:17
  • Elohim Ahavah:  The God Who Loves – Jeremiah 31:3
  • Georgos:  The Gardener – John 15:1
  • Akal Esh:  Consuming Fire – Deuteronomy 4:24
  • Jehovah Uzzi:  The Lord My Strength – Psalm 28:7
  • Immanuel:  God With Us – Isaiah 7:14
  • Basilei ton Aionon:  King Eternal – I Timothy 1:17
  • Migdal Oz:  Strong Tower – Psalm 67:3
  • Shaphat:  Judge – Genesis 18:25
  • Uah:  Self Existence – “I Am” – Exodus 15:2
  • Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah:  Mighty in Battle – Psalm 24:8
  • Jehovah Geol:  Redeeming God – Isaiah 49:26
  • Sar Shalom:  Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6
  • Jehovah Nissi:  The Lord My Banner – Exodus 17:15
  • Jehovah Raah:  The Lord Is My Shepherd – Psalm 23:1-3
  • Jehovah Rapha:  The Lord Who Heals – Exodus 15:26
  • Jehovah Shammah:  The Lord Is There – Ezekiel 48:35
  • Jehovah Sabaoth:  The Lord of Hosts – Isaiah 1:24
  • Hode:  Majesty – Job 37:22-23
  • Maron:  Dwelling Place – Psalm 90:1

2. What is God’s grace? Understanding the grace of God is very valuable too. God’s grace. Amazing grace. Matchless grace upon our lives brings us freedom.

3. Put yourself into Scripture. I think of the woman at the well and meeting someone so amazing who knows all about me and still loves me, David and Goliath and the mighty battles we fight for LIFE, and Daniel in the lion's den and trusting God confidently and full of trust in no matter what we may face.

4. Learn to talk with Jesus as our best friend. Listen and be totally honest. I must know who I am in Christ!  When a negative thought comes to my mind, I must line it up with the Word of God (taking every thought captive). If it does not line up, then I cast that thought out and replace it with who I know I am in Christ.  Here are a few examples:

5. Always journal your experience. He speaks to us and it is always encouraging to look back and realize He is right here with us.

In Being Still and Knowing that He is God. . . we must truly take these examples above and put them into practice in our everyday lives. 

I have a powerful video I want to share with you here: This is powerful… life and love are beautiful...

Be still and know. . . Listen for the Father’s voice and open your eyes . . . He is here and He loves you more than we could ever know. . . Blessings be upon you on this day!