CEO Commentary: Check your mailbox . . . It's coming

Writing1The following is a commentary for the CEO or Director of Advancement to include in an E-Blast, Newsletter or other communication. Use as you wish—no credit is due to LifeTrends or Heartbeat International. This is for you to spark ideas, or use “as is.”

It is the time of year when charities and ministries all over send us letters, asking us for year-end gifts. And why not? This is the giving season and it only makes sense that non-profit organizations would see this as the perfect time for much-needed gifts.

And, no surprise; you will receive a letter from us as well.

But why? Are we simply wanting to be a part of the giving season? Is this just a time to pad our giving as we move toward 2015? Is this letter just another portion of a fundraising plan? No. Not at all.

While Year-End is a time when we normally ask friends to consider a gift, this is not a normal time in the life of this ministry.

In truth, this is a watershed moment for this ministry, which includes all of us: Prayer Partners, Volunteer Staff, Board Members, Compensated Staff, Financial Partners . . . All of us. This ministry has always been about all of us, working together to create a massive cultural shift in our area—toward life.

Let me share something with you: We are closer now than we have ever been to this cultural shift.

This year’s “Year End Letter” then, is not just another letter for any of us who consider ourselves a part of the First Choice Family. Not at all.

In this letter we will outline where we are going, show us just how close we are to making an incredible new impact on our community, and what it will take in order for this change to take place.

So when you open your mail a few days after Thanksgiving, amidst many other letters you will find one from me.

I trust you will open it. We have a lot to share, and a lot of dreams ready to come true. Give this letter a first look, and a second.

Big things are about to take place—and we are going to be a part of all of them . . . Together.

 By Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist

Click here for more of this month's Advancement TLC.

Click here to download this CEO Commentary as a word document.