Cover Letter for Our Case For Support

Reaching our monthly supporters

Your Case for Support can be sent to your monthly supporters as a way to keep them informed and invested in the ministry. The following is a cover letter to introduce this document to your monthly supporters. This letter is geared toward a 2015 Annual Plan:

Dear Joe and Jane,

Each month you invest in (name of ministry), making you a vital part of our team and a catalyst in our bright future.

Inside this packet is our 2015 Vision, a look at where we have been, where we are and where we are headed in the coming you. We wanted you to have this report so you could see that your investment continues to change the lives of those who come in our door.

Thank you for your belief in the mission of (name of center) and your commitment.

Together we are saving lives, and changing lives every day. It is an honor to serve alongside you in this mighty work!


CEO                      Board Chair

by Kirk Walden, Advancement Specialist

Click here for more of this month's Advancement Trends in the Life Community.

Click here to download this cover letter as a word document.