Heartbeat International has developed a professional designation for those working in Life-Affirming Ministries. Having the Life-Affirming Specialist (LAS) designation will provide you with credibility when working with clients. Its purpose is to show that you have studied and are aware of the latest research and findings surrounding life affirming information and training.
A Life Affirming Specialist (LAS) has up-to-date training on information surrounding pregnancy, abortion, abortion recovery, client programs, sexual integrity and other related life affirming issues.
You can receive and maintain your LAS designation through the application process, signing the LAS agreement, and fulfilling the on-going continuing education requirements.
What is a Life-Affirming Specialist?
LAS is a professional designation developed specifically for those serving faithfully in the pregnancy help movement. The LAS designation indicates that the holder has participated in on-going training on the latest information surrounding pregnancy, abortion, abortion recovery, client programs, sexual integrity and related, life-affirming issues.
Why should I want the LAS designation?
The LAS designation behind your name provides you with professional credibility when working with clients. The designation shows that you have studied and are aware of the latest research and findings surrounding life-affirming information and training. Example: Sarah Smith, LAS
Professional Designation
Heartbeat International has developed this professional designation for people working in life-affirming ministries.
Those eligible must have completed the requirements as stated by Heartbeat International.
Life-Affirming Specialist Requirements:
- Person has received HB training: L.O.V.E. Approach, all chapters or attended the New Directors track at Pregnancy Help Institute –OR–If person has not had L.O.V.E. Approach training or attended the New Directors track but can provide proof of training from a ministry that abides by the Commitment of Care and Competence the first requirement has been met.
- Person has two years of consistent experience in a Life-Affirming Ministry: Pregnancy Resource Center, Medical Clinic, Maternity Home, Abortion Recovery, and/or Adoption Agency.
- Person attended the Annual Heartbeat International Conference (14 hours minimum) or future qualified Heartbeat International conference or training. 14 conference hours may come from: Seven hours of key notes, seven hours of workshops and/or seven hours of an in-depth day training. Person has received Heartbeat training: L.O.V.E. Approach training and all chapters completed or completed the New Directors track at Pregnancy Help Institute.
- Must receive a minimum of 14 hours qualified Heartbeat International training every two years to maintain LAS Designation available online .
Designation Fee
The initial $99.00 fee is paid upon application. A Designation Certificate of Completion is mailed to those who meet the qualifications. The bi-annual membership remains in effect for two years from the original date of earned designation. The bi-annual renewal fee is $99.00.
Apply to become a Life Affirming Specialist today or renew your Life Affirming Specialist designation now!
For more information, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.