Exciting News about Heartbeat's Online Ultrasound Training!


Our completely updated training will be available in early March for medical professionals offering Limited Obstetric Diagnostic Ultrasound in Pregnancy Help Clinics. We are thrilled to offer ten new modules on topics such as ultrasound physics, first trimester scanning, legal and ethical questions, knobology, and more.

We invite imagers around the world that perform limited obstetric diagnostic ultrasounds to our updated Online Ultrasound Training. The purpose of scanning in the Pregnancy Help Clinics is to shed His Light on the reality of life by showing a mom the first image of her baby. Designed with the medical professional in Pregnancy Help Clinics in mind, this training is rooted in the LOVE Approach for all who serve and all who are served in Pregnancy Help Clinics.

Available to you:

  • Preparation for the imager for the front lines  
  • Image review by sonographer trainers for one full year
  • Community calls with sonographer trainers and other students
  • Handouts for all training modules
  • Self-paced training for the busy nurse
  • Video training and demonstration
  • Clinical component completed in your own center
  • Access to the didactic training for six full months
  • Nursing and ARDMS CEUs
    (SDMS does not require continuing education credits)

Training topics includes:

  • Legal and Ethical issues of Limited Obstetric Diagnostic Ultrasound
  • Nursing Professional Practice Guidelines
  • Patient Assessment and Education
  • Ultrasound Instrumentation & Imaging Techniques
  • Typical and Atypical Findings
  • Doppler and the Fetal Heart
  • Policies, Procedures, and Protocol
  • Ultrasound and the Abortion Pill Reversal Client
  • Obstetrics and Prenatal Health
  • Ergodynamics
  • The Physics of Ultrasound
  • Fetal biometry in Limited Obstetric Ultrasound
  • And more!

Who are the instructors of this course?

You will not walk the journey alone but rather will be guided by those of us who have walked the journey before you. Each member of the Medical Impact team has been a part of creating this training and providing support for you as you learn.  

Gathered from around the world, we are dedicated to assisting and encouraging while you learn not only the technique of performing a Limited Obstetric Ultrasound Diagnostic Exam but also as you forge through the spiritual warfare that will accompany it.  

Our team is composed of sonographers that are multicredentialed to include RDMS(OB/GYN) and recognized nationally for their accomplishments and Registered Nurses that have performed ultrasounds in Pregnancy Help Clinics throughout the nation. You will also hear from Heartbeat International General Counsel, HBI President Jor-El Godsey, Vice-President of Ministry Services Betty McDowell, and Vice-President of Development Cindi Boston-Bilotta and others from the HBI team. Each member of this team brings with them experiences that will enhance your learning experience. 

Who is this course designed for?

This course was created for medical professionals who are called to perform ultrasound in Pregnancy Help Clinics. It is not essential for you to obtain the RDMS credential to effectively perform Limited Obstetric Diagnostic Ultrasound.  It is essential that you become competent.  This course is designed with you in mind.  We fully believe that God equips who He calls!  

What is the pace of the course?

This training is self-paced and can fit in any schedule. Participants complete modules when convenient to their them. There are no required log-in times but we would expect the course to completed within six months from start date. Recognizing that each person will progress at his or her own time frame, the clinical section of this course can be completed while one is completing the didactic portion of the program or may be completed following the completion of the program.

What topics are included?

Module I The Power of Seeing
This module explores a basic overview of the history of Ultrasound and its unique utilization in Pregnancy Care Centers.

Module II: Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound for the Registered Nurse
These presentations provide guidance on patient assessment & education, documentation, and nursing professional practical guidelines for those that scan in Pregnancy Help Clinics. 

Module III: The Physics of Ultrasound
These presentations will help you become more familiar with you machine along with teaching basic physics principles that will enhance your scanning effectiveness. 

Module IV: Pelvic and Obstetrical Anatomy
This module will briefly review basic embryology along with the female reproductive system and basic first trimeter obstetrical anatomy in order to prepare the participant for First Trimester Obstetrical Ultrasound.  

Module V: Obstetrical Ultrasound
These presentations focus on the basics of scanning in the first trimester starting from basic transducer manipulation to basic measurements along with presentation techniques. 

Module VI: Normal Variants and Atypical Findings
These presentations focus on scanning beyond the typical first trimester scan concentrating on the second and third trimester basic measurements, presentation techniques, commonly encountered first trimester abnormalities and scanning multiple gestations. 

Module VII: Abortion Pill Reversal and Ultrasound
These presentations will help you to care for the abortion pill reversal client in your clinic.

Module VIII: Legal and Ethical Issues
This module concentrates on quality analysis of exams along with legal and ethical issues.

Module IX: Self-Care and the Imager
This presentation explores the personal role of the imager and the care that is involved in those who serve on the front lines.

Module X: Clinical Competencies
The clinical component of your training includes two elements, an experience log and competency evaluation. Clinical portion of training is completed in your clinic under the supervision of a qualified RDMS OB/GYN Sonographer, qualified RN who has completed ultrasound training, or a Physician of your choice.

What is included in these modules?

Each module of this course consists of presentations, discussion questions, and assignments. This course is designed to be completed in its entirety with each section developed to specifically prepare students for the task ahead. After each section, a small quiz assesses understanding of the topic. Questions are encouraged in the discussion forum or in email to our ultrasound instructors.

What is the cost?

Cost is $495 for non-affiliates/$395 with HBI affiliate discount.

Assistance is available to centers who qualify through the Option Ultrasound Program (OUP) which provides grants to qualifying pregnancy medical clinics for 80% of the cost of an ultrasound machine or sonography training for medical personnel.

We are excited for those that will join us on this endeavor to image life. We can assure you, this will be a life changing experiencing for you and those for who you scan!  

For more information:

Contact our Medical Impact Team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are thankful to all that heed the call of obedience and using your medical background for the unborn child. 

Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 16061 for eight contact hours.