God's Provision in Motion

by Jor-El Godsey, President of Heartbeat InternationalPause and Reflect

We love watching God work! 

Sometimes, we feel the burden of this work and, I admit, at times it can feel that our effort is not enough. The truth is, we know it isn’t. Without God in this mission, we would accomplish nothing. That is why it is so important that we pause and reflect on the ways that He has orchestrated our work for such a time as this.

I want to share with you one of those miracle moments.

God's Provision

In 2016, the FDA relaxed the guidelines for the abortion pill. The effect was an increase in the number of chemical abortions. If you were in the movement at the time, you know those guidelines resulted in more women experiencing immediate regret and seeking out a way to reverse their abortion, including through the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network. At the time, the Network was founded and led by Dr. George Delgado, and a team of healthcare professionals at the ready to do all they could to serve women when they called. However, they were volunteer-run and heavily focused on the West Coast where they were housed.

Women all over the United States sought out their services, and Dr. Delgado knew he needed to find a few key groups to partner with to keep up with the demand. The job was too important!

Of course, from the pregnancy help perspective, we had been following the abortion trends and championing Abortion Pill Reversal, sharing stories of the lives we knew it had been saving. In fact, Dr. Delgado had been a guest at our Annual Conferences to educate pregnancy help organizations on this innovative way to reverse an abortion and provide a woman with a second chance to choose life. So when I received a call from Dr. Delgado in the summer of 2017, I was overtaken by the plans God had in store.

As mentioned before, Dr. Delgado was looking for a few partners to help enhance and expand Abortion Pill Reversal. While we talked, he started listing his needs. 

  • He needed a 24/7 call center that had bilingual consultants. We opened Option Line in 2003.
  • He needed a mature network of pregnancy centers to provide ongoing care and support to women. We have the largest network of life-affirming pregnancy help in the world, started in 1971.
  • He needed digital web services that could maintain an online presence. We started Extend Web Services to provide websites for pregnancy centers in 2008.
  • He needed a way to provide continuing education to volunteers and providers. We launched our online learning management system, Heartbeat Academy, in 2010.
  • He needed a Client Management System to store client information safely and securely. We had just launched our Next Level Center Management Solution in the spring of 2017.

One by one we checked things off his list. One by one, God had prepared us for this moment. We both felt it: God’s provision was over us.

We started working with our Board of Directors to make sure everything stayed in line with our mission. And, at our Conference in 2018, we announced that Heartbeat International would take over the management of Abortion Pill Reversal

Since then, we have had the opportunity to share these miraculous stories with legislators, reporters, and other pregnancy help organizations! Most importantly, we work to ensure that women know it exists and is an option available to them. 

Battles and Blessings

That certainly has not gone without its battles. With Big Tech companies like Google and TikTok banning Abortion Pill Reversal advertising completely, it is on us to push back where we can and get creative, so that no woman ever feels she must complete an abortion she no longer wants. 

By being equipped by God and ready to trust Him, we were able to receive what is now the Abortion Pill Rescue® Network and expand it. Today, we’ve been able to grow the Network of providers to more than 1,400 doctors, hospitals, and pregnancy help organizations worldwide. We have been able to help women reverse their chemical abortion choices in more than 80 countries around the globe. And statistics show us that more than 5,000 lives have been saved thanks to this life-saving protocol.

We are proud that so many pregnancy help organizations around the world, like yours, are part of this powerful mission.

In 2017, we did not know we were going to play a part in this story. Today, we are honored to share the stories of Sara, Krystle, Ashley, Rebekah, Emily, Katelynn, and so many more women.

Each one of their precious little babies (and in some cases, 10-year-old children!) is a testament to the strength and courage these women had. 

While we wish that abortion did not exist, it is prevalent in our culture today. Fear can overwhelm a woman, and they are being sold the lie that everything will be fixed with a pill. Thankfully, these women accepted the truth and value of the life inside them before it was too late. Each one experienced immediate regret and reached out to us, seeking a way to make things right! And we were there to answer the call and provide them with the life-saving progesterone needed to save their babies’ lives.

While we were busy working, God had a great plan in action. This is just one example of how we have witnessed His miracles over the last 50+ years.

Pause and Reflect

Take time to pause and reflect on all that God has accomplished through your organization: the lives impacted by your work, the babies saved, and the women who received hope. As we take this time to pause and reflect on all that God is doing and the many miracles He has accomplished, we are reminded how thankful we are for your partnership. We are thankful to share this mission with you and all who serve alongside you. And we look forward to seeing what else He has in store!


To learn more ways your organization can share Abortion Pill Reversal with your community, click here!