by Kirk Walden

“And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25
When someone decides not to attend church, Hebrews 10:25 is often quoted to remind someone not to “forsake” a time when we should be gathering together. And yet, there’s more.
The question is, “Why do we assemble?” The writer of Hebrews gives a powerful reason; when we gather together we should be stimulating each other to love and good deeds, and encouraging each other to keep fighting the good fight.
“Assembling” is not just a church word to get us in the pew; it is an opportunity to help each other along in the journey of faith.
And, without taking away from the power of gathering to worship, the writer of Hebrews does not limit assembling, either. In our Pregnancy Help Ministries, we can make it a habit to “assemble together” and stimulate others to good deeds.
We may already be gathering for prayer, or for a devotional time. We should keep it up!
But in addition, let’s not forget that “assembling” can be a time to exhort each other toward good works within (and outside of) our ministry. This can involve telling encouraging stories, brainstorming ways to better reach those who come in our door and sometimes transparently sharing our struggles so another can pray for us and commit to standing alongside us when times are tough.
The Hebrews writer saw “assembling” as a practical time to strengthen fellow followers and urge each other on to even greater heights.
As we look at our staff devotionals, prayer times and other opportunities to gather together, let’s keep things fresh and creative, always asking, “What are new ways to exhort each other toward greater works? What is a fresh look at how we encourage?”
The letter to the Hebrews is one of great depth, but also one of great practicality. The writer wanted to keep readers’ faith fresh and alive, and “gathering together” is one way to accomplish this mission.
Are our “assemblies” fresh and alive? If we’ve gotten into a bit of “same old, same old,” let’s consider changing things up a bit. The writer of Hebrews didn’t have a formula, but he did have a goal of keeping faith alive and strong. We can do the same.
Kirk and Jennifer Walden will be presenting a workshop called Flip Your Ministry, Win Your Community at the 2023 Heartbeat Conference!