Heaven is for Real

Heaven is for Real

by Todd Burpo, Sonja Burpo, Lynn Vincent, and Colton Burpo

Heaven is for RealDo we not all have a deep yearning to know the realities that lie beyond death’s door and to experience Heaven where we anticipate spending Eternity? I just finished reading Heaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back, at the recommendation of a good friend. She was correct in saying, “You will not put down this until you have finished it!”

This is the true story of little Colton Burpo, not quite four years old, as narrated by his father. Colton recounts to his parents his experiences in Heaven during his close encounter with death. Colton tells, in his own words, of angels who sang to him, of biblically accurate descriptions of the throne room, of meeting and talking with relatives in heaven who died before he was born, of meeting his sister who had been lost through a miscarriage of which he had no knowledge. Colton’s accounts are extremely compelling.

This son of a small-town Nebraska pastor describes looking down during surgery, seeing the doctor operating, and watching his dad praying in the waiting room. He tells of being in Heaven and Jesus teaching him, describes the horse Jesus rides, exclaims how really big God is, and how much He loves children. Colton shares information that accurately lines up with scripture about which he had no way of knowing at his young age. In simple, childlike terms he describes angelic warfare, tells of the Holy Spirit who "shoots down power" to help in times of need, and of the coming last-days battle. 

This book will encourage those who may have lost a child; it will impart faith to those who may be unbelievers or who question the reality of God and Heaven; and it will strengthen the faith of those who yearn to know Him more. I highly recommend taking a few hours to read this book. It may change your life forever!

Book review by Susan Dammann, R.N., Heartbeat International Medical Specialist