International Scholarship Frequently Asked Questions

2024 Annual Conference

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1. When is the Heartbeat International conference?

This year, Heartbeat is offering two conferences: a live, in-person conference on April 24-26, 2024 in Salt Lake City, UT, and a simultaneous Virtual Conference. Details about the Virtual Conference are below. Internationals are invited to both!

2. Live Conference:

If you receive a scholarship to the live conference, we expect that you participate from the beginning of the conference through the close of the conference. There is an additional in-depth day on the 23rd which you are required to attend if you receive a scholarship.

3. How many scholarships for the live conference does Heartbeat make available?

Heartbeat typically provides 15-20 scholarships at some level to its annual conference. Demand for scholarships is generally greater than what we can provide, but Heartbeat provides as many as we possibly can, based on what the budget will allow in that conference year. Furthermore, typically, we award only one scholarship per organization. You must apply so that you can be considered for a scholarship.

4. What does the scholarship cover?

Scholarships do not cover visa application expenses, accommodations, or transportation. Most scholarships will cover registration for the conference only. Registration includes all hotel-provided, conference-related meals. There may be one or two meals you will have to pay for independently.

5. I can’t wait to attend! What is next?

Check to see if you are currently affiliated with Heartbeat directly, or with one of our Joint Affiliation Network partners (JAN). Our JANs are Pregnancy Help Network, Association for Life of Africa, Be’Ad Chaim, Pregnancy Care Canada, Centros de Ayuda para la Mujer, Movimento per la Vita, Pregnancy Help Australia, Pregnancy Support Services of Asia, and ProVida. You can check your affiliation status by asking your JAN leader, and if you are affiliated with Heartbeat directly you can log in to your account. If you find that your status is in grace or expired, you will need to reaffiliate. In that case, contact the JAN or click here to reaffiliate.

6. I checked and my affiliation is current, now what?

Click here to access the online application. If you cannot access it online, you will need to fill out the hard copy application and scan the completely filled out application to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can download the hard copy application here. The application must be completely filled out, the information must be accurate, and the application must be received by January 15, 2024. If your application is not complete or you have not checked the correct status of your affiliation, the application will be rejected.

7. What about attending the Virtual Conference?

The dates of the virtual conference are April 24-26. We are not offering a 2-for-1 this year. We are offering something even better. This year, you can register up to 5 persons on your team at the low cost of $479.00. That includes the virtual conference, extended access, and select in-person conference workshops. More details about our virtual conference coming soon!

8. Does calling and emailing help the selection process?

No. In fact, calling and emailing several times slows down the entire process. You will receive acknowledgment of receipt of your application. After that, the International Program Specialist will review and check the information submitted for each application. With few exceptions, applications are considered on a first come first serve basis.

9. When is the application process closed?

It will be a hard close on January 15, 2024. That means that no more applications will be accepted. Do not delay if you want your application to be considered. Late applications will not be considered.

10. When will decisions be made?

Decisions will be made and emails will be sent out on February 15, 2024, to individuals who have received scholarships. If you do not receive an email saying you have received a scholarship, assume you have NOT received a scholarship.

11. Once selected, what is required of scholarship recipients?

Scholarship recipients are expected to:

  • Understand English at a level sufficient for keynotes and workshops
  • Accept the scholarship offer as communicated by March 1, 2024. If we do not hear from you, we will give the scholarship to another applicant. You must provide evidence of your itinerary by March 15, 2024 as well
  • Attend conference workshops and keynote sessions
  • Grant permission for the use of your pictures and stories to be used by Heartbeat
  • Following the conference, give feedback to Heartbeat’s International Program Specialist regarding their experience
  • Be able to communicate regularly via e-mail with Heartbeat’s International Program Specialist in the months and weeks before the conference to answer questions

12. Who is the contact person for scholarship requests and questions?

The International Program Specialist, Ellen Foell. She can be reached at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please do NOT contact others at Heartbeat International. It will only slow down the processing of your application.

online scholarship applicationTo download a hard copy of the application, click here.