Fundraising 101 & 102

Fundraising is the fuel that keeps the ministry moving toward it's mission. While it's true that fundraising experiences have been wide and varied among life-affirming organizations, all leverage the same basics of charitable activities.

Join Heartbeat Vice President Jor-El Godsey for this two-part series on fundraising essentials!


Fundraising 101
May 15, 2013
1:00-2:00 EDT

In Fundraising 101, participants will learn the following:

  • The core aspects of fundraising
  • Simple segmentation of your current mailing list and donor base.





Fundraising 102
May 29, 2013
1:00-2:00 EDT

In Fundraising 102, participants will learn the following:

  • Tried and true fundraisers used in life-affirming organizations.
  • How to plan an annual development calendar.
  • Identify key points of evaluation for fundraising efforts.
Register for Fundraising 101!                         Register for Fundraising 102!

Register for either session using the links above, or, click here to register for both and get a $10.00 discount!