Meet the Medical Impact Team: Maria Beigel

MariaFamilyThis month we are highlighting Maria Beigel, one of our Medical Impact Office Assistants. Maria brings joy and encouragement as she provides organization and assistance to our team in many ways. She is a blessing to us all as she serves with a smile and a servant’s heart in all she does. We are so thankful for Maria and all she brings to our team!

Where did you grow up and go to school?

I grew up in a very small farming community called Coldwater, Ohio and attended Wright State Lake Campus for my associates degree in Business Administration. I graduated with that degree in 2015.

Share with us about your family.

I’ve been so blessed by my family and I’m so thankful to have the relationship that I do with my parents and my siblings. I am the fifth of six children and all of my older siblings are married with children now, so I have a lot of nieces and nephews to love on! 14 to be exact. I’ve been married to my husband, Austin, for four years this past December and we have two children - a 2-year-old daughter named Vera and a 5-month-old son named Graham. We also have a very spoiled ragdoll cat named Shapiro (Ro for short).

Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.

When I moved to Columbus and I was looking for a job, my former pastor at my parent’s church, Michael Spencer (who now works for Project LifeVoice), recommended I look into Heartbeat International. As I was growing up, Michael played a big role in developing my passion for the unborn and I was eager to take his advice and I’m so glad I did!

Tell us about your experience sharing APR with others.

It’s always very interesting to tell people what I do for work, because most of them previously had no idea that it is even possible to reverse the effects of a chemical abortion. I love spreading the word about Abortion Pill Reversal!

What do you enjoy most about your work?

Hands down, the best part of my job is reaching out to former APRN clients to see how their experience with Abortion Pill Reversal was and how they’re doing now. The responses that I’ve gotten have brought me to tears. I get to see photos of ultrasounds and born children who wouldn’t have had a chance at life without the APRN, and I get to hear the testimonies of their moms, who are so thankful and moved that there was someone who could help them, even when there were others pressuring them to continue their abortions.

Tell us about working on the Medical Impact Team.

I couldn’t have asked for a better group of women to work with. From the day that I started working with the Medical Impact Team, I’ve felt welcomed and loved and appreciated. This team has faced many spiritual battles and continues to overcome and manages to stay positive in spite of everything. We are a unique team, in that only one of us is actually in office in Columbus. The rest are remote and working all over the country (and one in Canada), which presents a unique dynamic. Because of this, it’s extremely special when I do get to see others on the Medical Impact Team in person and I look forward to our weekly Tuesday meetings where we get to see a glimpse into each other’s lives.

What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

I really enjoy visiting my hometown and my parents and taking my kids to the places I went as I was growing up. I stay at home with my children and love being a mom to them and getting to watch them grow up. I also enjoy reading, doing puzzles, playing tennis, playing board games, listening to podcasts, and going on date nights with my husband.

What else would you like to share?

I’m very thankful to be part of the Medical Impact team! I can see that we are making a difference and I’m so excited to see how God uses us in 2022.