Meet the Medical Impact Team: Tammy Stearns MS, RDMS, RVT, RT(R), FSDMS, LAS


This month we are highlighting Tammy Stearns, one of our Ultrasound Consultants. Tammy brings love and encouragement to our team, as well as to the many pregnancy help medical professionals she teaches the skill of ultrasound. Tammy and her family have a heart for the world and for all to come to know and love Jesus! It is a blessing to us all to witness the many ways God uses Tammy to bring light to the darkness.

Where did you grow up and go to school?

I grew up in a tiny town called Pontiac, Missouri located on Bull Shoals Lake. I went to college, Radiology and Ultrasound School in Columbia, MO and Springfield, MO. I have a Master’s in Administrative Studies with an emphasis in Communication, along with being credentialed in Radiologic Technology, and Abdominal, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vascular Technology, Pediatrics and Neurosonography.

Share with us about your family.

I married my high school sweetheart 32 years ago. We have four children. A son who is 30. He and his wife live in Houston TX. Our daughter, Taellor, passed away in 2014 at the age of 19 in the mission field with us. Our two younger boys are Antonio (14) and Slaton (13) who both serve on the mission field with us in Nicaragua. 

Tell us about what brought you to Heartbeat International.

I had the privilege to work with Cindi Boston at her Pregnancy Center in Springfield, MO launching her medical mobile unit. While there, I also helped train some of the nurses given that my background is a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Educator. When Cindi came to work for HBI, the opportunity presented itself for me to join the team to develop a Limited Obstetrical Educational Program for nurses.

What ministries are you involved in?

My family and I serve as full-time missionaries in Nicaragua. We moved there in 2012 to serve with Project HOPE. I am the Director of Women’s Ministries with a feeding center in the city dump called Center of Hope, UnShackled. This is a place that offers restoration and redemption to ladies coming out of prostitution along with serving women in the jails and hospitals. I also perform ultrasound exams with our ministry’s physician. 

What do you enjoy most about your role as Ultrasound Consultant for Heartbeat International?

I love being part of something so much bigger than myself! God has put together an incredible team whose focus is to share life through imagery. I love being able to come alongside those trying to learn ultrasound to image life and getting to be an encourager in their journey. 

What do you love most about ultrasound?

I love when mom sees her baby for the very first time. Each and every time there is a sense of wonder when we see what God is knitting in the mother’s womb. I never get tired of that! 

Tell us about sharing your love of ultrasound with new nurses in the Pregnancy Help setting.

I love when it begins to make sense. You can tell when someone is worried or concerned about not understanding it. We then find a different way to explain and teach the method or technique and watch the moment of awareness that every teacher teaches for. For some, it clicks faster than others and that is okay as we each have our own journey and our own process. God always equips who He calls. 

What are your favorite things to do?

I love to serve. I love to play with the kids at the city dump or hang out with the ladies from our outreaches. I love spending time with my family exploring the world. In my quiet time, I love to read and write.

What else would you like to share?

It is such a privilege to be able to do ultrasounds. I’m thankful for the technology and the resources that allow us to image life literally bringing Light to the darkness.